The content of the edict can be said to be a letter, that is, two friends are talking,

And one of them made a mistake, but I saw what was written in the letter.

"When I was the crown prince that day, you and I already knew each other..."

"There was another scorching sun here. We were hunting in the mountains. Our friendship at that time was unforgettable in our life."

"You will always be the king of Wucheng in my heart!"

Huang Feihu attaches great importance to friendship. When he sees the content, he is sincere and heartfelt.

After learning that it was the two princes who were controlled by monsters that they made the fury, they felt guilty and misunderstood the prince.

Originally, Huang Feihu was still in good condition. After reading the letter, he took out his sword to commit suicide. He said that he was sorry for the emperor and did not investigate the matter clearly, so he rebelled.

Such things make him unable to face the emperor, unable to face his former friends.

Li Zhi is quick in hand and eyes. He snatches the sword from his hand.

Huang Feihu cried and fell to the ground. Li Zhihu sighed. He was also moved by Huang Feihu's performance.

But he didn't say anything else, but he said to Huang Feihu: "Your Majesty was already injured when he went to the West. I didn't expect to get such news when he came back. Now he has fallen into the barracks. Now Dashang is in danger and there are countless enemies in all directions. How can you let the emperor face it alone? Can your friends face it alone? "

But Huang Feihu shook his head and said, "I have no face to go back, but this time it's also an opportunity. I'm going to go to the north. After settling down several blood vessels, I'll follow master Wen and go on an expedition to all ethnic groups."

Hearing this, Li Zhi shook his head and said, "if you are really like this, you are really wrong. If I am not wrong, you have this in mind. If you are afraid of things, even when you follow Wen Taishi, you will take the initiative to attack, and then fight to death. Will you die on the battlefield then?"

Huang Feihu looked at the commander in shock. Unexpectedly, he guessed what he meant. He deserves to be the commander.

Huang Feihu nodded and said, "I can only use this body to serve your majesty."

But Li Zhi said to Huang Feihu, "if so, why not change the method?"

Huang Feihu takes a look at Li Zhi and doesn't know what he means.

Then the commander in front of him suddenly said in a deep voice, "if there is a stigma that you need to recite, would you like to recite it?"

Huang Feihu didn't know what kind of reputation it was, so he said to the commander, "if you are given the name of a traitor, would you like to bear it?"

Huang Feihu: "I am a rebellious person. Why does the commander say that? But it's nothing if I can help Huang en and my friends today. "

But seeing the secret way in Li Zhi's heart, Huang Feihu is really a loyal and patriotic person.

He took out another letter and handed it to Huang Feihu. Then he said, "Your Majesty knows that Huang Feihu is his good friend. He really knows him very well. Here's another letter that I want to give to you."

Huang Feihu was stunned. He didn't expect that there was a letter.

After taking it, he nodded his head and said, "I have understood the meaning of your majesty, isn't it that you carry a name of treason? Even if it is the end of life, but also to serve his majesty

Li Zhi was very satisfied with what Huang Feihu had done. Then he said to Huang Feihu, "General Huang's efforts may not be rewarded, but they can reassure his majesty. The emperor will give you an explanation."

After that, he left directly.

After Li Zhi left, Huang Feihu's four generals and his brothers surrounded him. However, Huang Feihu said, "don't say more about this matter, especially the matter of the great commander. Huang Ming, go to recover the people, and then we'll change our direction!"

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