Li Zhi secretly came to her back and was just about to prepare for a surprise. But Jin Feng said, "you have no conscience. It's half a month since you came. Where are you going?"

Li Zhicai suddenly realized, right! You should know that Jinfeng's cultivation is the subversion of Jinxian. It's only one step away from being holy.

Then Li Zhi came forward and hugged Jin Feng. He whispered in her ear, "do you know that your majesty has recently gone to the west to fight against Rouran people? Naturally, I have followed her."

Hearing Li Zhi say this, I feel a little relieved. In fact, when I think about it, Li Zhi feels that he really hasn't been with Jinfeng recently, but he has some guilt in his heart.

And Li Zhi thought in his heart that he should tell Jin Feng about it, because in addition to Jin Feng. There are Hanzhi fairy, also female fairy, and Sanxiao. After all, Sanxiao knew Li Zhi's identity early.

Now Li Zhi decided that he should also tell Jin Feng about these things. But seeing Li Zhi sighing, he suddenly said to Jin Feng, "feng'er, there's something I want to tell you."

Jin Feng turned her head and looked at Li Zhi: "what do you want from my husband? Just say it. "

Li Zhi clenched his teeth, waved his hand and showed his original appearance. Seeing that Li Zhi suddenly changed his appearance, Jin Feng frowned slightly. But she didn't misunderstand anything else.

The main reason is that there is no change in Li Zhi's breath. The cultivators don't pay much attention to the appearance, but pay attention to the feeling in their heart.

Now the sudden change of Li Zhi puzzled Jin Feng and asked, "why did you change your appearance? But Li Zhi gave a bitter smile: "feng'er, this is my original appearance."

As for the mask on Li Zhi's face, Jin Feng once asked why he didn't take it down. Li Zhi once argued how important the mask is. Moreover, people who cultivate immortals pay more attention to the cultivation of breath.

Jin Feng didn't ask Li Zhi to take off the mask.

But you can see that under the mask is a brave face. The eyes are as bright as the stars. The two sword eyebrows rush straight into the sky. They are murderous. It looks like a man of manliness.

Although she doesn't care about her appearance, it's much more comfortable to show a handsome face than wearing a mask. Jin Feng doesn't care too much and says, "I didn't expect her husband to be so handsome."

Li Zhi smiles: "not only that, feng'er, what do you think this is?"

Then Li Zhi promoted renhuanggong, and nine bloody dragons appeared around him. When she saw the roaring of the nine bloody dragons, Jin Feng was very surprised. It was... The air of Kowloon!

She has seen a lot. After all, she is a person who came from the Taigu era. She has never seen anything before. The living spirit of Jiulong in Li Zhi shocked Jin Yufeng: "are you the emperor of human beings?"

Li Zhi nodded, but seeing that Jin Feng's face changed slightly, she stepped back and said to Li Zhi in disbelief: "I didn't think you were the emperor."

Then he sneered: "I have been calculated by the emperor from the Taigu years."

Seeing Jin Feng's pale face, Li Zhi felt a pain in his heart for some reason. He was just about to step forward. However, he saw Jin Feng step back for a while, and then he was agitated by Zhen Yuan all over. His momentum was strong and gradually rose.

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