But Zhang Guifang looks not afraid, takes out the book of war from the bosom.

The leader of Baiyue cult beckons to his subordinates. After taking the letter of war, his subordinates hand it to the leader of Baiyue cult. The leader of Baiyue cult holds it in his hand. When he opens it, there is no redundant word on it, only a single word "war"

Dragon flying and Phoenix dancing - war!

It seems that the fierce fighting spirit flies out of the book of war!

Even the leader of Baiyue cult who has fought many wars has never seen such a fierce battle! Just one word.

If you want to fight, I will fight, and this time I will fight you, not a single soldier! That's what Li Zhi means!

The head of the God cult laughed. With a shake of his hand, the book of war disappeared and fell to the ground.

The head of Shenjiao stood up and said to Zhang Guifang, "OK, go back and tell the king of Zhou of your family. If you want to fight, you will fight, and tomorrow you will fight."

After seeing this, Zhang Guifang knew that the head of the Shinto had some means, but he didn't care.

As soon as he turned around, he walked out. When he was not far away from the camp, suddenly someone was blocking the way.

I saw that the man was tall, which was similar to the man Huang Feihu killed today.

The man stood in the way and said, "wuna merchant general! I am alizi's brother Uganda. Today you killed my elder brother, and I will avenge my elder brother. "

Then he started.

Zhang Guifang looked at the black tower in front of her, not afraid, and showed a look of disdain.

How dare you name it in front of him? Who gave you courage?

Zhang Guifang rode to Uganda. Uganda saw that Zhang Guifang was small and didn't care at all. She laughed and fought with Zhang Guifang.

After two rounds, Zhang Guifang yelled: "when will Uganda stay if it doesn't dismount?"

Uganda's mind was blank, dizzy, and then fell off the horse.

This is Zhang Guifang's proud skill. If you call someone's name, you will lose it.

Uganda was dizzy after he fell from the horse. However, it was Zhang Guifang who cut off his head. Zhang Guifang carried Uganda's head back to the camp.

the second day.

Both sides mentioned that the army came to the East wilderness again, ready to fight to the death.

Under the leadership of the leader of Baiyue God cult, the kings of all the tribes in Baiyue came and gathered more troops than yesterday, with 178000 people. Their spirit and spirit were different.

After all, the leader of Baiyue religion is the spiritual leader of Baiyue people. The leader of Baiyue religion leads this group of people to fight against Da Shang.

At this time, three mandrills riding a horse came to the middle of the team and yelled: "mandrill king is here, where is your king Zhou?"

At this time, the army of Dashang was divided into two sides, and Li Zhi came slowly in the super large chariot.

At this time, Li Zhi didn't wear a dragon robe. Instead, he wore a suit of armor. The style of the armor was different from that of the people around him. It was woven with fine scales of phosphorus and potassium. Each piece was made of refined copper, and its defense was amazing.

At this time, Li Zhi's heart was surging, although he had seen the two armies fighting on TV. But when I face it in person, my blood is boiling.

The fighting of so many people really excited him and made him feel excited.

The age of cold weapons is different from that of later weapons. This is a real physical collision and a collision between knife and meat.

Li Zhi stood on the chariot and said loudly, "the son of great Shang is here. How dare you dare to challenge the power of our great Shang Kingdom! Today, I'm sure you will be beheaded by my horse!"

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