As soon as he opened his mouth, he made Li Zhi laugh. He heard Zhongyan say with great enthusiasm: "it's said that the grand master has calmed down the four seas, and the world is subject to him. His father and king are wise and powerful. He has made contributions to three emperors and five emperors, and his virtue is as famous as heaven and earth! My father's literary and martial arts command the four great princes and the eight hundred small princes. The foundation of our business will last forever for thousands of generations. "

Then it was the praise of emperor B and Shangtang's foundation.

In particular, Zhong Yan thinks that this is an opportunity for him to show his performance, so when he looks at Li Zhi and Wei Ziqi, he naturally has pride in his eyes.

After all, they both didn't say it. He said it. Naturally, he was very excited. After that, he was waiting for emperor B's praise

But he took a peek at emperor B and found that the look in the field was gloomy, his brows were locked, and his breathing became heavier... He didn't seem very happy... He was so scared that Zhongyan shrank his neck and stepped back.

Flattery on the horse's hoof!

He must have said something wrong. At this time, Zhongyan was too scared to speak any more.

At this time, after thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly said: "what the second younger brother said is true. Father and Emperor are better than three emperors and five emperors..."

At this point, the emperor's eyebrows are still locked.

He immediately stopped praising and said: "although it seems that the world is peaceful, there are barbarians in the East, dogs in the West and Baiyue in the South... There are worries in the three sides, and there are ambidextrous princes among the 800 princes. It seems that the world is peaceful, so we should not take it lightly! We need to take care of the princes in the world! "

Emperor B heard the words of the micro son Qi, nodded slightly, and felt that the micro son Qi was right.

However, Emperor B continued: "Ziqi, in your opinion, how can this matter be agreed?"

When Emperor B asked these words, although there was praise in his face, he didn't seem to be happy at all.

Li Zhi on one side thinks that what he thinks should be right.

The things that emperor Yi worried about are definitely more far-reaching.

At this time, the neutrino Qi heard the words of emperor B, and suddenly he was happy, knowing that he was right!

So he quickly continued: "under the rule of our great business, there are four great princes, eight hundred small princes... The four great princes are loyal to our business. My son thought it would be better to divide the eight hundred princes to the four great princes! Let the four princes control it on behalf of us, so as to save our mind! And we can also sit down in the capital and no longer worry about it.... "

Before he finished speaking, Li Zhi chuckled and covered his stomach with tears.

After hearing Li Zhi's laughter, Wei Ziqi frowned and said to Li Zhi, "third brother! What are you laughing at

Li Zhi gave a sneer and then said to Weiziqi, "I laugh at your strategy. It's like giving up your country to others! Distribute 800 princes to the four princes? So what do we have left? Is the capital all we have left? It's ridiculous

After one sentence, Emperor Yi frowned and said to Li Zhi, "Zixin, don't laugh at your elder brother."

Li Zhi listened to Di Yi's words with a sneer in his heart.

Just now emperor B just said that he would not let Li Zhi laugh, but he didn't say that Li Zhi was wrong.

Li Zhi is even more convinced of the speculation in his mind.

At this time, Emperor Yi said to Li Zhi, "then you have to listen to the explanation."

When Li Zhi heard this, he quickly arranged his clothes, arched his hand to Emperor B, leaned forward slightly and said, "son Chen and elder brother see the opposite. Son Chen thinks that Dongyi, Baiyue and Canrong are not worried! For hundreds of years, Dongyi, Baiyue and gourong invaded the great Shang Dynasty, but they all failed. Therefore, I felt that these three parties were not enough to be afraid! The real worry... Well, I think it's 800 princes, four princes! "

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