Bang! The original damaged seal finally disintegrated under Li Zhi's fist, and the Xingtian magic axe inside also showed its appearance. It was a very simple axe without any fancy, just a simple one.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Zhi suddenly grasped the axe, but when he met Xingtian's axe, he suddenly felt a pain in his mind. But he saw a powerful force of ten gods coming from the axe.

Immediately after the explosion, Li Zhi felt that the top of his head was about to burst, and he almost broke up at any time.

Li Zhi knew that it was the axe that resisted. He endured the pain in his mind and took out Xing Tian's axe.

Looking at the axe in Li Zhi's hand, Li Zhi felt that there seemed to be more memory fragments in his mind.

There are countless people in the fight, bloody incomparable, the two sides of the team are incomparably powerful, holding a variety of magic weapons or weapons.

At this time, he seems to incarnate Xingtian and fight in heaven. He sees countless heavenly soldiers and generals attacking him with all kinds of magic weapons.

His body was full of wounds, but he still rushed forward and killed without regret. He was not afraid of losing his head. He continued to fight with his axe and shield with his breast as his head and his mouth as his mouth.

One is fighting, one is fighting with a group of people, one is fighting with a group of immortals, one is fighting with heaven.

After a long time, Li Zhi regained consciousness. At this time, the resistance of Xingtian's axe has disappeared. Recalling the scene in his mind, Li Zhi might as well hold the axe tightly.

He found that this was indeed a very powerful magic weapon. He waved it a few times at random and found that the air around him had been compressed by him to make an explosion.

What's more, the air of the axe sent out slightly split a rock on the ground in two. The cross section of the split rock was extremely smooth. It can be seen how sharp the axe of Xingtian was.

Seeing that Li Zhi was able to drive his axe, Xing Tian's voice became surprised: "you are really not simple. My magic axe needs strong willpower to control it.

I can't believe you have such amazing willpower! Well, break the seal quickly, and I'll let the xuansong Taoist pay for his blood

Seeing the snake die in front of him, it is false to say that Xingtian has no feelings.

Xing Tian has realized a truth for a long time, that is, whether it is a witch or a person born, only when you have feelings in your heart can you pursue the road.

The Taoist xuansong above sensed that Xingtian's axe had been sealed.

Xuansong Taoist immediately knew that things were not good. He immediately recited the mantra, and the whole jinyushan mountain was shaking.

But we can see that the surrounding mountains and rivers are shaking, and the terrible thing is that all the vegetation in jinyushan suddenly withered and turned into a green energy.

Not only that, the demons and beasts near jinyushan also fell to the ground. After a moment, they turned into mummies, and their body energy turned into a white energy to gather with Taoist xuansong.

However, xuansong Taoist had not finished yet. He pointed to the golden winged dragon fish on the water and saw tens of thousands of golden winged dragon fish flying out of the water. Then their bodies, like the monsters just now, became mummies.

The golden energy in their bodies also flew to xuansong Taoist.

He suddenly pointed to the bottom of the water below, but he saw that the energy went straight to the bottom of the water.

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