Originally, what Taoist xuansong was good at was the Kung Fu of running away. In fact, he was already in another space.

However, it seemed that the sudden appearance of the axe was not limited by the rules. It cut directly from the wasteland to another space, and directly cut off the golden crown on his head.

If it wasn't for the fact that the golden crown on his head was a magic weapon, it would have been split in two.

However, the fierce beast slowly converged and turned into a man, or a man without a head. However, he held a huge axe in one hand, with milk as his eyes and mouth as his mouth.

On his back, he carries a snake, and on both sides are Li Zhi and Han Zhixian.

When Taoist xuansong saw Xingtian, his face changed and he said in horror, "mother Xiwang, help me quickly. If you don't help me, you will be infected with boundless cause and effect. You can't be too late to repent!"

Unexpectedly, the virtual shadow of the queen mother of the West in the sky didn't move. On the contrary, she chuckled. Then the golden flowers in the sky disappeared, including the virtual shadow of the queen mother of the West.

However, Taoist xuansong felt that the power in his body had been suppressed a lot. After a little thought, he guessed that it must be the queen mother of the West.

In the heart secretly scolds really is a cheap person, but between he Lengshen, Xing Tian already took the ax in his hand, toward Xuan song Taoist put on the card of heaven and earth to come down.

After a golden streamer, xuansong Taoist's body was straight divided into two parts, but he didn't die. On the contrary, his body had burst out a golden light, and the two parts of his body were together, but his face was pale.

Obviously, although the attack just now did not kill him, it also hurt his vitality. He did not dare to fight Xingtian any more.

He broke through the air quickly. When he was ready to run away, Xing Tian suddenly threw his axe.

He cut at Taoist xuansong quickly. Taoist xuansong's shoulder was directly hit by the axe. All of a sudden, his whole shoulder was cut off, including the magic weapon he held in his hand and the broken arm fell to the ground.

But he didn't dare to stay. With a scream, a burst of blood mist suddenly erupted around his body. Seeing that his speed increased more than ten times, he disappeared in an instant.

It seems to have gone beyond the limit of time and space, and ran away.

Xingtian found that it was too late to bite his teeth, staring at the direction of the figure. Taoist xuansong has already left, or escaped injured.

Xingtian sighed and put down the body of the snake behind him.

Li Zhi and Han Zhixian saw the scene that the snake was willing to die for the sake of punishing heaven. They could also feel that the feelings between them were not as simple as the ordinary life-saving benefactor they said. They were even more secret.

At this time, the sky burst out two lights, two lights after landing, are two young girls, it is Biluo and her elder martial sister.

When they saw Li Zhi, they fell to the ground and said, "I'm here to see your majesty. The queen mother of the West decreed that your majesty and two Taoist friends should come to Yuqiong palace."

Xingtian first heard that someone called his majesty Li Zhi like this. It's very unusual. He turned his head and looked at Li Zhi as if he was a bit surprised.

But Li Zhi also knew that his identity would be known sooner or later, and there was no need to explain, so he said to them, "OK, thank you for leading the way."

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "go! I'm here to wait for you. "

In fact, Li Zhi can also understand the mood of Xing Tian. He nods and flies to Yuqiong palace with Han Zhixian.

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