Yue Linglong looked into Li Zhi's eyes and asked, "the day before yesterday, but the king sent cavalry to raid our supplies, which made our supplies nearly disappear?"

When Li Zhi heard that Yue Linglong had asked about it!

In fact, Li Zhi is not willing to do such a thing.

But I didn't expect that the Baiyue people were so stupid that they didn't know that food and grass were the most important thing in the war.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the Baiyue Temple guards, I'm afraid they would have run out of supplies.

At that time, there will be no need for Li Zhi to attack. If the soldiers are hungry, they will starve to death.

Li Zhi nodded and said to Yue Linglong, "I asked people to do it. But I have good intentions, thinking that if we burn the Baiyue's baggage, we can make the army retreat. At that time, there will be no fighting between the two sides, and there will be countless casualties. What a pity

Then Li Zhi pretended to look at the sky and patted his chest.

Yue Linglong doesn't care when she sees Li Zhi. She doesn't know that he is acting.

But the other generals in the hall almost had to laugh. One by one, they turned around, and their shoulders trembled. Obviously, they were all laughing!

Heart secretly said: "look at my king lying, face is not red, gas is not thick."

However, after Li Zhi finished speaking, Yue Linglong nodded: "it's just like what I thought in my heart. The king has such a clever plan. I think the Baiyue people are really not his opponent. If we don't meet the king in this life, maybe we Baiyue people will be able to level the big business and win the world. "

But Li Zhi sneered: "where the Baiyue people pass, they burn, kill and rob. How can such a kindhearted family win the world? "

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Yue Linglong also said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty, this is a bad word! Don't say I'm a Baiyue family. Even if I'm a big businessman, if I'm afraid of conquering Baiyue, I'm sure I'll destroy the Baiyue family! "

After a question, Li Zhi calmly looked at Yue Linglong and said to Yue Linglong, "I thought you were a heroine. I have some opinions about you, but I admit it. However, if you say that I am a big businessman, if I want to destroy your whole family after winning your Baiyue, it is a big mistake. I have set up four books of merit in order to open up the wisdom of the people. Haven't I ever read the four books I wrote? "

Yue Linglong blushed, not that she had never read it, but that she had no time to read it.

Otherwise, she would have a look.

Hearing Li Zhi's question, Yue Linglong shook her head. "If you have anything to say, please say it."

Li Zhi said: "when is the so-called retribution? Today, I, Dashang and Baiyue, have been fighting for several years, with countless casualties! Because of the enmity between the two sides, the Baiyue people, even if they are short of food, will not be able to destroy the women and children after burning and looting in our big business? "

Although Yue Linglong didn't want to admit it, she nodded.

However, when did Li Zhi's sentence come to an end? It made Yue Linglong chew it for a long time.

This kind of Zen words are not of this era, so Li Zhi didn't blush when he plagiarized.

Li Zhi said, "Dongyi didn't produce much food. What's the reason?"

Without waiting for Li Zhi to continue, Yue Linglong, unwilling to be aggrieved, said, "I'm in the border area of Baiyue, where mountains and seas are connected, but the land is extremely poor and not suitable for planting grain, so I have repeatedly committed big business."

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