Thinking of this, Li Zhi suddenly thought of Jin Xiaguan's story and said, "I can't help it. I can only compete with you. However, I have a close relationship with you. It's hard to avoid losses in the fight. How about you and me try another way?"

The goddess of fire is the one who practices the way of fire. She has a hot temper and likes fighting most.

After hearing this, the goddess of Fire Spirit said, "then how do you want to compete?"

After all, Li Zhi said, "your jinxiaguan has the magical effect of invisibility. Let's make a bet. If I can know where you are when you are invisible, how about attacking your jinxiaguan? Then if I win, you'll pass it on for me. If I lose, it's up to you! "

The goddess of fire spirit was surprised to hear that Li Zhi had said so. She was surprised that her golden crown was known by Li Zhi. But after all, Haikou had already boasted it, so she had no choice but to agree directly.

Immediately, we can see that the goddess of fire spirit blows the golden crown above her head. There is a flash of light above the golden crown, but there are thousands of golden lights above the golden crown.

Those golden lights enveloped the goddess of fire spirit. Immediately, the goddess of fire spirit was as dazzling as a little golden man. Li Zhi's eyes were almost too shaken to see clearly. Even if his strength was much higher than that of the goddess of fire spirit, he still could not see clearly.

According to the original world of Fengshen, guangchengzi broke jinxiaguan with the clothes of saoxia fairy, but he didn't have the magic weapon like guangchengzi.

But it doesn't mean Li Zhi doesn't have high-tech means!

Li Zhi found that the strange things developed by the Ministry of industry were far beyond the technology of his living world, and even some of them could not understand. Of course, the first thing he does is to equip himself.

On one side, the goddess of fire spirit finds Li Zhi squinting and can't see things clearly. She sneers in her heart. She takes out a fairy sword from behind and cuts it at Li Zhi. She wants to give Li Zhi a bad impression. Of course, she doesn't have a dead hand.

Unexpectedly, the emperor level real person on the opposite side passed by with a slight flash. The goddess of fire spirit was stunned immediately, but she thought it was a fluke.

Suddenly, she chopped at Li Zhi again. What she didn't expect was that the real emperor on the opposite side gave a fist and hit the back of the arrow with a crisp sound. The great power came from the immortal sword, which shocked the goddess of fire almost unable to hold the immortal sword.

The fire spirit goddess's heart sank. Could the person opposite really find her?

At the same time, he has a new understanding of the power of the emperor level real person. Just now, Li Zhi almost got rid of her immortal sword with a random punch. The immortal sword in his hand also began to attack quickly and stabbed Li Zhi at his waist.

Li Zhi reacted in an instant. In an instant, he stretched out two fingers and caught them on the sword. The goddess of fire spirit tried her best to push her sword with Xianyuan, but she couldn't get it back.

How can the goddess of fire spirit suffer such a great loss?

But there was a flash of fire in her eyes, and the flame sign in the middle of her eyebrows flashed as fast as it was alive.

Then Li Zhi felt that the sword between his fingers was hot for a while.

Quickly throw away, but this strength is too big, almost put the fire spirit virgin to throw aside, the fire spirit virgin is competitive temperament.

At this time, he didn't care about the agreement. He stepped forward and chopped his sword toward Li Zhi with a red light. He pointed to the key point every time.

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