It wasn't long before Li Zhi met the owner of the palace, and this time his target, Princess Longji.

The magical function of Princess Longji was also discovered by Li Zhi in renhuanggong.

If you find a power with fruit position, it will also improve his renhuanggong.

The spirit of human, the spirit of immortal, the spirit of demon, the spirit of soul and the spirit of devil absorbed in renhuanggong,

Although these five kinds of Li Zhi have not yet been put together, renhuanggong seems to have a special use for foreign forces.

It seems that the more you absorb the power of fruit position, the more you can improve "renhuanggong". The woman who has the power of fruit position, Li Zhi temporarily discovers the queen mother of the West and the golden mother of yaochi.

But these two people Li Zhi dare to think about it at most. Considering the influence behind it, Li Zhi just thinks about it in his heart, YY. Of course, he doesn't dare to think about them.

Besides, the imperial sister is not his favorite type for the time being. At this time, there is a reason why he chose Princess Longji. Princess Longji is the princess of heaven and has a fruit position.

Because in the heaven, it is the fruit of the princess, and it is also the best to get the hand, so it has become Li Zhi's goal.

In the original world of Fengshen, Princess Longji is the daughter of Haotian and Jinmu. In the original world, she went down to earth because she broke the heaven rules.

Princess Longji's way is superb, and because of her excellent status, she has many magic weapons. Her achievements are awe inspiring. In terms of strength, she is even higher than the twelve golden immortals.

But after all, she is the princess of heaven. Yuelao finally assigned her to Hong Jin, who was a member of the sect. All of a sudden, they both died in the battle of immortals.

Li Zhi's calculation of Princess Longji started at an early age.

In fact, when he saw Hong Jin, he chose him as the son-in-law of his lineage, or the lineage of the royal family.

According to the legislation, Hong Jin has been regarded as the son-in-law. It's really embarrassing to talk about the identity of the son-in-law. We can't waste our life.

All of a sudden, Hong Jin has no way to share with long Ji at home.

Seeing the princess Longji in front of him, Li Zhi smiles to himself. Sure enough, Princess Longji is extremely beautiful, beautiful and noble, especially her figure.

However, Princess Longji gives Li Zhi a very cold feeling. This kind of coldness is very similar to the coldness of Queen Mother of the West. Li Zhi can't help thinking that Princess Longji and queen mother of the West are their own mother and daughter?

Princess Longji gave Li Zhi a cold look. She couldn't see any fluctuation in her eyes. Without waiting for Li Zhi to speak, she said coldly, "who sent you?"

Li Zhi said in surprise, "what? Who sent me? Why do you say that? I just don't pass by here to feel the world and the beauty of music. "

But Princess Longji interrupted him directly: "don't talk nonsense, I ask you if my mother sent you here? You can tell my mother, I will live here, not out of the world, and do not want anyone to supervise me. If you stay here, don't blame my sword for being merciless! "

Li Zhi's face was stunned: "what is it?"

Then, I'm afraid Princess Longji misunderstands that he is the one sent by yaochi Jinmu. It seems that from these conversations, we can see that Princess Longji doesn't have a good impression of yaochi Jinmu. I'm afraid the relationship between them is not very good.

Li Zhixin moved and sneered: "what kind of mother is not mother? I'm an overseas monk. I'll listen to you. What kind of clan are you

When Princess Longji saw that he didn't admit it, she flashed a chill in her eyes, but her momentum came out.

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