Princess Longji takes a look at Biyun tong'er. She blames her for being too talkative. Biyun tong'er knows that she has made a slip of the tongue, so she bows her head and doesn't dare to speak.

Fortunately, there were only her and the princess in the palace, so they got along very well and didn't blame too much.

Li Zhigang just said what allusion, the legend is to mention the meaning of curiosity, now Biyun tonger put in a mouth, it is also in the trap.

At present, the story of Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi has been revised and told.

Of course, when he was promoted to the past, he added a lot of plots to the story: Boya threw the piano, and sighed that Ziqi was not playing for anyone. It was because of this story that he created such a tune, and it was infected by other people's stories.

Li sighed.

But Princess Longji was still indifferent and said, "it's a pity that I know I'm stupid and can't get a good name for this reason. I hope you can invite me to be clever."

Bi Yun tong'er was very clever and said, "Oh, I'm talking about Boya and Zhong Ziqi. They are aiming at mountains and waters. Boya and Zhong Ziqi are in the mountains and waters. How about the name of mountains and waters?"

Li Zhi nodded and then said, "it's a good name, but it lacks some artistic conception. It's better to add two words and high flow. How about that? It's called high mountains and flowing water. "

When Biyun tonger heard it, she said it was wonderful. Even Princess Longji's eyes seemed to fluctuate a little.

But even with indifference, Li Zhi sighed in his heart: "it's really Princess Longji. If only she was as easy to cheat as that little loli."

Seeing that he had to leave, Li Zhi suddenly thought of something. As soon as he turned his eyes, he said to bi Yun tong'er, "I didn't expect to come here and understand the new music, and meet such a confidant. It's really worth the trip."

He was talking about Biyun tong'er, and then he saw Li Zhi give a deep gift to Princess Longji, and then said: "I've disturbed Daoyou for a long time today. I've said goodbye. I have a request before I leave. I'll come here to play some music every other time in the future. Please ask Daoyou to let Biyun's confidant come to listen. I hope Daoyou will be gracious."

Biyun tong'er likes music. His eyes brighten when he hears this. He looks at Princess Longji with a cry in her eyes.

Long Ji sighed, feeling that he and tong'er were sisters after all, so he agreed to the request.

After thanking Princess Longji, Li Zhi greets Biyun tonger and leaves.

Li Zhi knows that it is still very difficult to get Princess Longji into his hands.

However, it's good to have a chance to come here. After all, as long as you can come here in the future and don't drive him away, it means you have a chance.

But it's a long fight.

What's more, Li zhier didn't get nothing. At least he caught Biyun tonger and asked Biyun tonger to woo Princess Longji. At that time, he might have another effect. He also knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. After staying all night, he played some more songs.

But what he didn't expect was that Biyun tonger really got the amnesty of Princess Longji and asked her to listen to Li Zhi's music.

And Li Zhi also wanted to please the little girl, displaying the skills of that year and giving away a lot of exquisite toys.

Biyun tong'er is very interested in these things, so he has a very good impression of Li Zhi.

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