But there is a saying that if you want to persuade a woman, let her admire and indulge her.

Yue Linglong is like this now. She admires Li Zhi. She is far superior to her in strategy, skill and even mind.

As such a hero, how can a young girl like yuelinglong flower season not be moved?

Moved, Yue Linglong is also bold. Baiyue girls themselves are more unrestrained and bold than the women in the big business.

Especially for love, Baiyue girls are more able to express their inner feelings than Dashang.

She suddenly hugged Li Zhi. Seeing Yue Linglong, Li Zhi knew that she had captured the girl's heart.

The generals and ministers all turned their heads and did not dare to look at them again, although his royal highness King Zhou was very peaceful to his subjects.

But they all know that there are many ways to annoy your majesty.

When Li Zhi saw the performance of the ministers, he laughed and suddenly picked up Yue Linglong.

After Yue Linglong exclaimed, Li Zhi's figure had disappeared in the same place.

Soon after, the sound of love came from Li Zhi's palace.


More than half a month later, Li Zhi felt that the opportunity had come.

In the past half a month, Li Zhi has come up with a plan.

As the moon is the use of blood essence feeding wolf God, so as long as let him essence, energy is not on it.

After thinking about it, Li Zhi decided to use the method of sepsis to prepare some prescriptions, and then let Yue Linglong pass them to the Hui nationality for Yue Nantian to take.

Yuenantian's usual diet is also in the charge of yuelinglong. Now Yue Linglong is not here, so his subordinates are naturally in charge of it.

Li Zhiyong's method is also very simple. It's just a method that can decompose red blood cells.

For example, if you give yuenantian a large amount of vitamin C, the sour taste will not be toxic, so yuenantian will not doubt it.

But a large number of taking this vitamin C, beyond the limit of the human body, will cause great harm to the blood.

Half a month later, yuenantian didn't feel sick, but he didn't know that the energy in his blood had dissipated.

Li Zhi decided to fight with yuenantian again. This time, yuenantian directly summoned the wolf God.

However, he did not find his body abnormal, the essence and blood in his body is not enough to support the wolf God in this world for too long.

At this time, the four generals of the magic family and Zhang Guifang surrounded the wolf God as soon as they went up. The wolf God found that it was not good and immediately wanted to escape.

However, its current strength should not be underestimated.

At this time, the wolf God's strength is very strong, even the magic four generals plus Zhang Guifang and others, still can't cause great damage to it.

But now a few people are not worried, because their task this time is to stop the wolf God and not let him escape.

Li Zhi is standing on the bus like a javelin. He stares at the trapped wolf God and says to Li Jing: "Li Qing's family, I want you to shoot this arrow this time. How do you feel?"

Li Jing was very happy when he heard King Zhou's words.

He knew that this was an opportunity to show himself in front of King Zhou. He was an officialdom fan and had an inexplicable passion for power.

Now King Zhou asked him to launch an arrow. Is it because he is optimistic?

Thinking of this, Li Jing immediately bowed himself in a hurry: "thank you, king! I will never fail the king

The reason why Li Zhi didn't use the zhentiangong was because of Liu. After all, as a prophet, Li Zhi had a strong enemy in the future!

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