After all, yuenantian is the real leader of Baiyue religion and Baiyue people.

Mind he Qimin sharp, he knows now is not no chance to turn over!

As long as the man on the chariot is killed, they will not be defeated!

In the south of the moon, do you want to invite that thing?

Then, the southern sky of the moon looked fierce. At the moment of life and death, I couldn't care about anything else!

See on the south day take out a knife to his pulse on a row!

All of a sudden, blood gushed from his pulse, but now he looked very serious and devout.

He uttered a hoarse voice, like a singing language, but no one could understand it.

But when people around hear that it's a curse, they all have a feeling that they want to worship it.

See on the south day in its neck a ruthless grasp, will wear in the neck with that stone down, looking at that stone like a small gourd shape, flat light without the slightest singularity.

However, Li Zhi, standing on the chariot, saw yuenantian's strange performance and somehow felt uneasy.

He said to Li Jing, "come on! Kill yuenantian! "

The feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense. Li Jing heard King Zhou's words and quickly started.

After all, when chuanyunjian just shot the wolf God, he was still called back by Li Zhi.

Now Li Jing took a bow to aim at the moon, although he didn't know why King Zhou was so flustered?

But Li Jing knew that the king of Zhou, who was not surprised, must be in danger!

He aimed at yuenantian and pulled the trigger! A shriek spread out, see to wear cloud arrow aimed at month South sky to fly out.

At this time, the moon was surrounded by a dark green light shield.

All the blood from his wrist flowed into the little stone in the shape of a gourd.

Strange things happened, that stone actually issued a sound of blood sucking, will absorb all the blood from the south of the moon!

The originally black pebble turned to blood red.

At this time, it was out of the control of yuenantian and flew into the mid air. At this time, the cloud piercing arrow had arrived!

The cloud piercing arrow aimed at the south of the moon is about to shoot at people.

Can be suddenly blocked by the dark green light shield that just sent out on the stone!

Chuanyue opera was stopped in the air.

After the power was removed, it fell to the ground with a bang. Li Zhi quickly recited the mantra and summoned chuanyunjian back.

At this time, the small stone floating in the air suddenly changed.

First, a black mist came out of the pebbles.

And from the fog came the shrill voice!

And then the black fog kept rolling and expanding! A big black cloud appeared in the middle of the battlefield!

The soldiers below suddenly screamed, and they saw transparent souls floating out of their bodies. Their souls were directly absorbed by the black clouds.

Not only that, their bodies withered rapidly, even the blood was sucked clean, leaving a skinny body.

Below there are the army of Dashang and the army of Baiyue, but the fog in the sky has no choice, directly sucking away the souls and blood of nearly ten thousand people below!

Then, in the dark fog, thousands of faces suddenly appeared, some old and some young, some male and some female, all of them with a look of pain.

But you can see the resentment, the resentment.

After absorbing the soul and blood of the soldiers below, the black cloud suddenly expanded another circle.

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