It was more mysterious than what she saw. In fact, Daji had been confused by the magic bead and fell asleep. She didn't know why she suddenly woke up. She found that it was late at night and recalled her abnormal situation and some doubts.

She is an immortal. Why can she fall asleep?

Besides, Daji has been practicing very hard recently, but she is still the cultivation of Jinxian. She didn't wake others up. She turned into a breeze and went out of the palace. Originally, she wanted to look for Fei Yuhe, because Fei Yuhe was put into the cold palace last time, but she didn't find Fei Yuhe in the cold palace.

When picking up the Star Tower, I found that a woman came out from the inside, followed by two Taoist people who were very drunk. Daji saw it clearly, and he didn't know her!

When I wanted to ask, I saw that the two men and women disappeared. I knew they had magic power. Naturally, they were Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao. Daji was surprised and quickly hid his body. Then Daji continued to walk inside the star picking building.

There are other rooms inside the star picking building, which let Daji see the underground world under the star picking building!

In fact, the underground world of Jiexing building is not connected with the underground secret room of the Ministry of industry, otherwise Daji would be even more surprised.

In the underground world of the Ministry of industry, which is in the outskirts of the Imperial City, three towering mountains are hollowed out. The whole underground world is vast, even compared with the whole Chaoge city.

After Daji came inside, he passed a metal path and found a metal gate in front of him.

All around are metal walls, which are extremely strong. The most important thing is that these metal walls are actually alloy, and the array is painted on them to protect the whole metal channel, making the whole channel extremely strong.

Daji was just about to follow in, but he didn't find a round sphere above his head. There was a dark camera on the sphere, which was aiming at her!

Daji's figure in the monitor came out and called the police directly.

When I came to the metal door, I found that I couldn't get in at all, not even the magic!

Daji shook his head, and finally found that he could not get in. There was a gate inside, so he was ready to leave. But at this time, the alarm had gone off. At this time, Daji felt a shaking, and the wall next to her suddenly opened!

When Daji looked inside, he found that it was a palace. He was familiar with it. Daji suddenly remembered that it should be the Xuanyuan cave where the nine headed pheasants and jade Pipa lived!

There is a palace in Xuanyuan cave, which has been taken back by Li Zhi. At this time, there is a sound of Qin in my ear. The sound of Qin is melodious and very pleasant. I can't help myself when I am intoxicated.

Suddenly, when she was about to fall asleep, a sense of coolness came to her mind. In an instant, she woke up and there was one more person in the palace!

He has a five color mask on his face. In front of him is an guqin, caressing the music.

Just then, Daji was about to step forward. Because she was happy, she didn't expect to see the man who was deeply in love with the commander again!

But just stepped forward, suddenly the five color mask disappeared, and the person in front of him was his majesty!

Daji suddenly a cold sweat, exclaimed, suddenly sat up, found that it was a dream, wake up to find the emperor was beside him, very gently said: "Zitong, what's the matter with you?"

Also gentle wipe sweat to her, Daji this just reaction come over, just is oneself dream?

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