After hearing Li Zhi's words, Yue Linglong smiles, but shakes her head firmly.

Yue Linglong said to Li Zhi, "did your majesty ever think that if your concubine followed your majesty back to Chaoge, what kind of status would your concubine have? Besides, I am a man of Baiyue. Even if I enter Chaoge palace, I will not be excluded? What's more, if you have a concubine to suppress the leaders in Baiyue, you will surely be able to make these leaders bow to you. Besides, I am also a saint of Baiyue. I can protect Baiyue both internally and externally. That's the best choice. "

After listening to Yue Linglong's words, Li Zhi's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. What Yue Linglong said, he understood that power disputes would surely arise.

If Yue Linglong goes to Chaoge, she has no relatives, and she doesn't rely on her back. Another identity is Baiyue nationality. At that time, no matter in the court or in the back palace, someone will naturally target her.

At that time, with Yue Linglong's temperament, there will definitely be conflicts.

After all, Yue Linglong's childhood education is different from that of big business. She advocates women's freedom more. At that time, her ideological deviation will also lead to conflicts. Finally, Li Zhilong sighs and reluctantly agrees to Yue Linglong.

Then, in Yue Linglong's shocked eyes, Li Zhi turns over and presses Yue Linglong. In the room, he thinks of the original movement again.

After a long time, both of them were satisfied. Li Zhi took out a book from the table beside him and handed it to Yue Linglong.

Yue Linglong was puzzled at first, but when she saw the contents, she was surprised, then shocked, and then ecstatic.

What Li Zhi handed to Yue Linglong was what he wrote all night. It was about how to develop the Baiyue nationality.

As Baiyue land is located in the land connected by mountains and sea, it is not suitable for cultivation.

However, there are quite a lot of resources. Originally, Li Zhi asked Baiyue to develop commerce, start the two major industries of fishery and salt, and then trade mountain goods.

The reason why Baiyue was poor in the past was that they had no resources, so they always wanted to grow food, but they went the wrong way. If they had developed something else earlier, they might not have suffered so much.

At that time, Baiyue will still be able to communicate with Dashang. If it is the original, I'm afraid it will not be possible for Baiyue to communicate with Dashang. After all, Baiyue and Dashang originally had hatred.

Li Zhi doesn't know much about fisheries and salt industry, which is limited to some basic theories. However, even these basic theories are far more advanced than the current Baiyue.

However, Li Zhi knew that since ancient times, except for the modern salt industry, which was once an important source of Royal tax revenue, Li Zhi naturally did not want to give up this fat meat. Only when the big business developed, maybe Li Zhi would open up the salt industry.

He talked about the interests with Yue Linglong, including the importance of salt industry.

While listening to Li Zhi's words, Yue Linglong absorbed knowledge. Finally, she took Li Zhi by the hand and said to Li Zhi, "my husband, don't worry. My concubines will certainly control the salt industry in their hands and won't let others destroy it."

Li Zhi nodded. Although he didn't give up Yue Linglong, he knew that Yue Linglong was right. Now the only person who can make Li Zhi feel at ease is Yue Linglong. Although Yue Nantian looks fanatical, he must be a loyal person. Who knows if these religious elements will be brainwashed by the sudden inspiration.

From the box on the other side, Li Zhi takes out a transparent green bead. The bead is soft, like jelly. Li Zhi hands the bead to Yue Linglong, and then says, "Linglong, this is the inner pill of wolf God. I give it to you to improve your cultivation, so that you have the ability to protect yourself."

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