Li Zhi shook his head and said, "Alas! Princess Ai is wrong. I can't stay in the throne for a long time. I'll live forever just to stay with my beloved for the rest of my life. "

Daji saw that Li Zhi's true feelings were revealed, and his heart trembled slightly. He didn't know that Li Zhi's beloved didn't include her at all, such as Fei Yuhe, Jiang Xianrou and so on.

Daji felt guilty, but said: "Your Majesty should pay more attention to rivers and mountains."

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "Jiangshan and the beloved choose one, I choose the beloved!"

Daji is a little shocked. Don't you even want the mountains and rivers? She watched the emperor who stayed with her all day, and her firm heart wavered.

Just listen to Li Zhi say: "if I can reach the yuan infant period, I will help you become the golden elixir period, which can take at least four or five thousand years. If you are lucky enough to reach the yuan infant period, we will not be separated for ten thousand years!"

Daji's heart trembled. Didn't this man know that breaking through cultivation by force would make the demons of both sides fall?

She thinks that the emperor is a little "silly" and cute. If she was told by the sage when she married this man, then now she suddenly feels that she can really rely on the emperor. Maybe this is the heart, or moving!

If it goes on like this, Daji doesn't know whether she will be really moved by the emperor, but it's a pity that she was ordered by Empress Nuwa to calculate the emperor, alas! It's too bad. Why isn't the emperor the great commander?

In other words, the emperor will be the chess piece that Daji will give up. Fortunately, the emperor is not the commander, but after all, Daji was a little softhearted and said, "Your Majesty, didn't you tell me that you can't be too hasty about cultivation? Your Majesty must be calm and not impatient when he closes the door, so as not to hinder the dragon body. "

Daji this is also a kind of help after the heart, I don't know if it is for the sake of psychological balance, nodding thoughtfully to Daji's words.

Daji said: "just now I got the letter. My father told me on behalf of beibohou that my elder brother Su Quanzhong was about to get married. I haven't seen my parents for a long time. I want to go to the north to see my elder brother."

In fact, the reason why Daji wanted to go out to see the wedding was also a temporary intention, although the palace was rich.

But as a demon family, he likes to live an unrestrained life, which is not her original intention since he was ordered. In the Imperial Palace, he is just like a cage. Now I hear that the emperor is going to shut up. Anyway, he has nothing to do. It's better to go out for a walk.

Hearing the news, Li Zhi pretended to be surprised: "Oh? It's your elder brother who wants to marry. I don't know who he is? "

Daji said: "this woman's name is feisheng. She is the daughter of her father's old friend. She is of common origin and is not an official."

Li Zhi said, "well, Su Quanzhong is my uncle. I'm afraid it's not good to marry this woman."

But then he took a look at Daji: "ah! It doesn't matter if she is in love. Her family background is nothing. Well, I'll make her a princess of the northern kingdom. Isn't that a match for her status? "

Daji was shocked and asked, "Your Majesty, do you really care about your family background?"

At the same time, I added a sentence in my heart. Don't you care if you are a goblin?

Li Zhi said with a smile: "when I took you as my concubine, there were a lot of criticisms that you were the daughter of treacherous officials. Doesn't it matter? Now you've become a queen, and your mother is in favor of the whole world. Few people carry out the new policy. They don't look at your family background, but only use it. "

When Li Zhi finished, he saw that Daji's eyes were wet. He didn't know whether it was true or not. Daji's present appearance was, after all, the appearance of Li Zhi's former girlfriend. He sighed and held her in his arms.

When he couldn't help but feel emotional and even show off his strength, he went back to bed with Daji in his arms. After a cloud and rain, I didn't know if it was Li Zhi's illusion that he felt his true feelings were revealed.

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