Deng Jiugong, who had recovered from his injury, decided not to stick to the city, but to take the initiative to fight against the troops of Eshun in the plain.

On that day, Lei Zhenzi, Wei Hu and Tu xingsun, who were injured by Deng Chanyu, have now recovered. After all, they all have a panacea, but they are not convinced that they are hurt by Deng Chanyu. After all, they are women.

Especially Wei Hu, he thought he was a good opponent. He didn't expect to be plotted by a woman. What a shame! He wants to earn face in today's war.

When Wei Hu was about to step forward, Tu xingsun took the lead. Tu xingsun jumped out with a huge stick and threatened to fight Deng Chanyu.

Li Zhike doesn't want his wife to face such a wretched person as tuxingsun. He wants Yuan Hong to fight, but Deng Chanyu has gone out on horseback.

When Tu xingsun saw this beautiful woman, he was salivating again. He knew that it was Deng Jiugong's daughter, named Deng Chanyu. After a greedy look at Deng Chanyu's gorgeous face, he couldn't help feeling secretly happy. He picked up the long stick in his hand and swore: "I was accidentally plotted by you the day before yesterday. Today I will be captured by you!"

Deng Chanyu said with a smile: "the defeated generals still dare to come, report their names quickly!"

Deng Chanyu's face was full of sarcastic smile, which was charming in tuxingsun's eyes. Countless dirty thoughts came to her mind, thinking about how to capture Deng Chanyu, but she said: "I'm Feiyun cave. I'm afraid to leave tuxingsun under the sun's gate. You..."

History is always astonishingly similar. Before she finished her words, she was once again knocked down by Deng Chanyu's wuguangshi, causing a huge pain on her face and neck.

After falling to the ground, Li Zhigang didn't have time to stop Deng Chanyu, but in his mind, he told the person opposite Deng that he had to start first. Deng felt very happy.

Deng Chanyu immediately did the same trick again and directly knocked tuxingsun to the ground. Tuxingsun coveted Deng Chanyu's beauty, but he was also on guard. He didn't expect wuguangshi to be so powerful. The speed was too fast and he couldn't escape.

Can Yang Jian rest assured of Deng Chanyu?

Alas, he knocked down tuxingsun again. Yang Jian also shook his head secretly. This rubbish was beaten down by a woman again!

However, she still stood in front of tuxingsun to avoid Deng Chanyu killing him again. She knew that Deng Chanyu had been ordered by Li Zhi, but she didn't like fighting, so she went back to the camp directly.

When Yang Jian was ready to rescue tuxingsun, he saw a flash of white light in the middle and turned into a man. It was the thin man in that day. The man had a long green stick in his hand.

Yang Jian's face showed a dignified color. On that day, the two sides relied on each other. Yang Jian really felt a similar breath. Suddenly, both of them showed great fighting spirit!

Knowing that the other side's strength was very high, and it was a fatalistic duel, Yuan Hong did not stop the other side's soldiers from rescuing Tu xingsun, but just kept a close eye on Yuan Hong and went forward to shout: "Yang Jian! Dare you fight me, I'm general Da Shang, Yuan Hong

Yang Jian didn't speak, but he picked up his own three pointed and two edged sword, which has already shown his determination to fight.

Yuan Hong didn't say much. He moved forward, and the wooden stick in his hand aimed at Yang Jian. Yang Jian raised his three pointed and two edged sword and made a direct attack.

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