It took a while to relax, and then he said, "Nanbo Hou Eshun was captured alive by the emperor. Now all the princes in the South have been in chaos and are defeated."

Yang Jian was shocked when he heard that. If Eshun was captured, the southern part of Dashang would be able to calm down easily. Does his trip have any effect?

When the whale fell, he suddenly felt something wrong in his divine sense. He became alert and subconsciously hid away. Then there came a feeling of pain on his shoulder. A strange long knife had been embedded in it, and he didn't know what it was.

At the other end, the man holding the long sword is Lei Zhenzi. If he hadn't practiced the eight nine mystery function for so many years, he would have been beheaded just now.

Yang Jian is extremely alert. Under normal circumstances, Lei Zhenzi may not be able to succeed. It's just that the news is too shocking. Seeing that Lei Zhenzi doesn't have any expression in his face, he is extremely cold and murderous. Knowing that he's hit by the trick, he has three sharp and two edged knives in his hand and cuts at Lei Zhenzi.

"Lei Zhenzi" didn't even hide. He just got the knife. Then the long knife in his hand pointed at Yang Jian's chest and came again, cutting a blood hole.

Taking advantage of the situation, Yang Jian retreated a few steps, opened his distance, and saw that Lei Zhenzi's waist was cut open by a three pointed two edged knife, but he didn't even shed blood. After a moment, he recovered. He didn't even have a scar, and he even recovered his armor. When he saw that Yang Jian already knew who was on the opposite side, it was the powerful female general of big business!

It is as like as two peas. He did not think that he could imitate the smell of "Lei Zhen Zi", even the tone of speech could be so alike. Indeed, he saw that after the distortion of the shape of Lei Zhen Zi, it became the appearance of a, and the slender body stood in its original place.

In the original world of God worship, Yang Jian made great contributions by relying on his eight or nine Xuangong, especially by changing his appearance to cheat others. Now Jia Yi is incarnated as Lei Zhenzi, and if he attacks successfully, he can be regarded as giving back to others.

"It's you, Jia Yi!"

Yang Jian already knows the name of Jia Yi. After all, there are their spies in the camp of Da Shang. How can he not be shocked when he sees ice and snow?

Jiayi was still indifferent and did not speak. He launched an attack on Yang Jian. Yang Jian straightened out his mind and fought with Jiayi again.

But at this time, he suddenly felt that the wounds on his body were not right. According to his eight nine Xuangong skills, these wounds should soon be healed, but now there is a strange force at the wound to stop his recovery. He can't help but be surprised!

He had to find a place to dispel this kind of power. He didn't dare to fight again. As soon as he saw Yang Jian's tight defense, Jia couldn't work for a moment. He didn't need to change his control. He directly used the mental storm, that is, the brain wave storm, which suddenly sent out a strange rhythm from his mouth. It was the attack that Jia Yi made when he became a Black Unicorn.

Where can Yang Jian think of the opposite Jia Yi? With his mouth, he can also send out the ancient god beast's talent. Immediately, his mind was shocked by the spiritual storm.

Yang Jian knew that to resist this kind of attack, he had to use his divine sense to carry it. Physical defense and attack had no effect.

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