But the jade tripod immortal looked at Li Zhi one eye, the eyes seem to have a lot of things, said wearily: "with the identity and virtue of Taoist friends, extraordinary, you and I, even if they are enemies, I will not believe you, I have exhausted my breath, also can be regarded as the real liberation as you said, I can't blame you, if it's fate, goodbye in the afterlife!"

Li Zhi's eyes flashed. It seemed that there was something else in Yuding's words. Did he find out my identity? Or he infers something, or maybe he's oversensitive. What's the matter?

But at this time, Li Zhi couldn't solve the problem, because the jade tripod immortal didn't wait for Li Zhi to do it, and even scattered all his accomplishments. The jade tripod immortal's Yuanti was a milky white monster, I don't know what it was.

However, as soon as the wind blows, it turns into fly ash. Li Zhishi can't imagine that the jade tripod immortal in the twelve golden immortals is not human. Why didn't he use the power of Yuan body just now?

Not to mention the cultivation of immortal Yuding, his mind and mind are excellent, but they can't be used by Li Zhi. Li Zhi thinks that if it can be used for himself, it will be a great help.

As a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and also a direct disciple, this idea is unrealistic, so there is no doubt that immortal Yuding will die. Immortal Yuding also understands this, so after he thinks that there is no chance of winning, he simply disintegrates and dies.

For Li Zhi, the enemy like Yuding immortal is lucky, regretful and admired. No matter what, it's not only a less opponent, but also a terrible opponent. If Yuding immortal goes away, I'm afraid Li Zhi will not survive.

Moreover, even if he is alive, many secrets will be exposed. For example, the identity of another emperor will be exposed. People outside the array will be shocked to see Li Zhi's figure in the array!

The lamp burning Taoist has made the worst plan, but he was shocked after the failure of Yuding immortal. Yuding immortal is one of the twelve golden immortals! Now he's dead. I'm afraid Yuanshi Tianzun already knows. After all, there's his name on the wall of yuxu palace.

But Yang Jian rushed out with a cry. At this time, his eyes were full of tears, his eyes were red, and his whole body was burning: "I ask you! Real emperor! Where's my master? "

With a wave of his hand, Li Zhi has a white jade man in his hand. The white jade man flies to Yang Jian. Yang Jian shakes after catching him. For a moment, he can't accept the reality. He's not stupid. He knows that something has happened to real Yuding.

Li Zhi also knows that among Baiyu people, there is an incomparable power, the intrepid power, and the power of inheritance. But after all, as a believer, although he is an opponent, he respects his opponent, so he doesn't want to take it down privately, and there's no need for him.

Li Zhi sends a message directly to Yang Jian and tells him what immortal Yuding said before he died. Yang Jian gives a big drink and is about to pounce on him with a three pointed and two edged sword in his hand. Qin Tianjun on Li Zhi's side says, "we have to fight first. No matter whether we live or die, we should take our fate and not retaliate outside the array! You also killed me, sun Daoyou and Dong Daoyou. We didn't say anything. Now the array has been gambled four times. Two of us have died. Do you want to break the rules? Step back! ".

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