The Gods' Decree

2 A reluctant hear The Gods's Decree

Rubbing his arms that were bruised all over, Tafari looked into the sky filled with stars.It wasnight nowwhich meant that it was time for him to go to work.

"I really need to learn some form of martial arts as these beatings are really starting to piss me off. I don't mind being called a mouse but while I'm running I need to leave some of my enemies teeth on the floor".

He sat there going over the events in his mind and just kept shaking is head.

" Sigh ...., This world is really one in which the weak get trampleover bythe strong all the time.I won't survive forever like this. I need strength in order to survive".

"I need strength in order to be in control of my own destiny,and to at the very least not being continuously bullied by these thugs ."

"Damn it is easy to say I need it but how will I without any family or backing of any kind."

He thought as he went over the details of the day.

The back door to the restaurant finally open and there stood Mr Ming with a broom in his hand. He saw Tafari there bruised and battered with his usual pondering face.

"I swear this kid is something else . He seems to always got his head in the clouds. He always admired this kid and his resilience even in his poverty stricken state."

He first met Tafari on a night similar to this in an ally when he was 7. He was begging him and asking if he knew someone who could help him with finding a job. Mr Ming remembered his determinationon that night.

Even though he was begging he stated that he was willing work off the money in house chores or any available work. Having two kids himself he was torn when he saw the decrepit state the child wasin.

Thus they made a deal in which he would pay him 3 silver coins each week,if he cleans and take the garbage from the restaurant.

He was also offered a place to sleep in a room where the cleaning supplies were. In thatroom was a tiny bed that he had discarded when hisdaughter out grew it.

Even though the room was filled with spider webs and dust, Tafari never felt so much comfort from his birth and was joyful at the time. Ever since then hehas admired Mr Ming and Mrs.Mings.

Tafari hadforgotten the love of his parent as he had never knownthem .Even though he knew Mr Ming was just being the kind sole he is, he has always seen Mr Ming as family.

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