The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 10

"Erica, what are they looking at" asked Kusanagi Kodo to the blonde haired maiden beside her, having somehow become a Godslayer and somehow being summoned here.

"Probably waiting for another Godslayer" said Erica "She was once Japanese like you, but became a Godslayer three years before you."

"Hey, also Japanese" said Kusanagi Gotou in surprise "Is he a magician too?"

"No, he was a commoner like you before he became the Kingslayer, but single and defeated the legendary Demon King Baal, gaining Baal's power and becoming the Kingslayer," paused and Erica continued "After he became the Kingslayer, he had an attack against a magical group that Many a man dies a year."

"Ay, ay, ay," and Kusanagi Kodo, hearing this, was frightened "Why, is he brutal?"

Erica explained "It seems that the magic group at the time wanted to conduct a magic experiment on his sister, and when he became the Godslayer, he took revenge on the group."

Then, she smiled wickedly "Do you know what that group is called?"

Kusanagi Kodo asked subconsciously, "Called what?"

"Roman Church"

"Oh 。。。。。。 What! The Church of Rome "Kusanagi Kodo was shocked, even as a mortal, he had heard of the name, the center of power whose influence radiated across the globe and allegedly had nearly two billion followers. In his mind, what the Church of Rome brought to people was peace of mind and shelter.

Erica seemed to understand Kusanagi Kodo's thoughts and said, "Don't think that the Holy See is some kind of good person, there are countless experiments they have done in private, and that one Demon Lord's is just one of them, but it just happened to hit the nail 。。。。。。 Look, that lord is here."

Kusanagi Kodo followed Erica's finger and a black sedan appeared, then the door opened and two people stepped down.

"Hey, these two are." Kusanagi Kodo said in surprise.

"Let me introduce you," the King of Swords, Salvatore, said, pointing to Yo, "This is the Sage of Doom, the Seventh Godslayer, Haruno Yo."

And pointing to the dome holding the black rabbit, he said, "This is his sister, Haruhi No Dome."

After saying that, pointing to the dark-haired man behind him, he said "This is your hometown, and the newest Godslayer, Kusanagi Kodo."

"Hello" said Kusanagi Gotou, extending his hand "Nice to meet you, Seventh King"

After extending his hand and shaking it, Yo said, "I'm glad to meet you too, new king. By the way, Sal, why did you call me here."

"Nah nah, it's too hurtful, we're at least comrades, don't say those sad words, don't you trust me." Salvatore said as if he had been wronged.

"I remember that it was you who tried to take Voban's prey," said Yo to Salvatore. "I remember that you were the one who provoked it first, I suppose."

"Don't mind such a trivial matter."

"Is this a trivial matter, asshole."


Looking at the two who were fighting, Kusanagi Gotou thought that the Godslayer was still easy to deal with. Saying "That, the two of you, can I ask?"

"What" x 2

"What am I doing here?"

Salvatore said "Just wanted to test your strength and catch up with your hometown by the way."

Yo asked to Salvatore "Is that the reason you called me here?"

"Of course, other than that it's just having you on tour as my reparation for last time, how about that, not bad,"

"I smell a conspiracy."

"Do you see me as such a person."



After a bit of bickering, a few of the men began a tangent.

Kusanagi Goudou versus Haruhi No Yo.

What Kusanagi Gotou possessed was a very sick ability. Having only killed one god, he gained ten powers, wind, youth, white horse, ram, phoenix, bull, and camel. Goats, boars, warriors, a total of ten, the most terrifying was the warrior this power, able to kill any of the gods.

Standing in the center of the battlefield, the two looked at each other.

"You first, Kusanagi Kodo," said Yo. "I want to see the power of the warrior god, Veresnara, so. Give it your all."

"So, it's okay," said Kusanagi Kodo, who was still very humble.

"It's okay, I've been a godslayer longer than you have, I have my own ways. "

"Alright then," said the man, and with a wave of his hands, a huge boar was displayed from his hands and rushed out.

An endless amount of power trembled on the earth, like an earthquake.

"Not bad" said Yo, it was a compliment, the power was indeed strong, but Yo made use of his best transformation, the Golden Bull God form. Grabbing the boar with both hands.

"Just this isn't enough, after that, a single handed strike repelled the boar.

The surrounding onlookers were filled with astonishment, "What kind of power is that!"

"It is said that the hero Hercules has great strength like that of the supporting heavens. Kusanagi Kodo struck Veruslana, a godhead who is deeply connected to that Hercules, and is no less powerful than that god. And Baal is a legendary Lord God and the archetype is the Warrior King, so it's not surprising that he has such power." Erica explained around.

Although she was proud of herself, she was still a little worried, the acolyte of doom was a strong fighter equal to the king of swords, and Kusanagi Protectorate was still under pressure.

After throwing the boar out of the way, Yo rushed up by himself and started the fighting technique he had learned, but in the past year, Yo has been training himself, and also won many martial arts from some ancient Chinese families. As for how to seize 。。。。。。 Then you don't need to know. The plot requires it.

"Heh" Kusanagi Gotou shouted, and actually began to punch against Yo, whose strength was comparable to Yo's, which was the bull's ability, strange power. Although it took a lot of attacks, it was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

At this time, you backed away, "very good, next, I should use the best move, pay attention," the corner of the evil mouth, "the world's thunder gathered here, listen to my command," the hand gathered a thunder ball, instantly thrown out, Kusanagi Godo obediently, dodged, but then, is an endless ball of thunder.

Kusanagi Kodo was surrounded by lightning, and at that moment, he actually moved out in an instant, which was the divine speed of the phoenix!

"Let's leave it at that" said Salvatore "You've gotten a lot stronger since we last saw you, Yoyo."

"This is of course, Kusanagi Goudou, you are very powerful, is this the power of a military god" asked Yo "With more practice, an ordinary no-subordinate divine lesson may not be your opponent ah."

"Ah, that, and thank you for your guidance ah" Kusanagi Goudou thanked.

"You're welcome."

Crossing paths with Athena

Chapter 11

"Finally home" Yo threw his bags on the floor and laid down on the couch.

This summer vacation in Rome for two whole weeks, because it was Salvatore's treat, so some things don't care, two spent money is Salvatore's money, ever since that guy Sal became the Godslayer, he gained the allegiance of all the magic groups in Southern Europe and some merchants related to magic.

That's why the Godslayer was called the King.

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