The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 106.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" The laughter of these people was loud and clear.

"That's impossible!"

"This is a masterpiece!"

"So that's it! That's what they call a dreaming maiden!"

"It's good to be young though! But the next head of the Sidi family actually has no head to say such dreamy things. Thankfully, this is the place to meet before the debut."

They all said so mockingly.

"But I am serious." Cenar said so.

Seraphim-sama also nodded his head vigorously. As if to say "Well said! The look. I'm sure it's located in the position of the Demon King, unable to positively show solidarity with his sister, and even so still worried about the chairman.

"Pah-pah." Although it was small, there was still an applause.

"What an amazing dream." The one who spoke was a man with short white hair, Yuu Haruno. "Your dream will come true." Yo said so, in front of all the demons.

"What are you!" A group of executives asked thus. "Do you know what you're doing, you're...." The demon who spoke the loudest didn't go on.


"Boom", a figure instantly knocked this guy flying, and the crowd could tell that this time Serra Og didn't stay behind, and the demon fell to the ground, blood vessels bursting all over his body, certain death.

Serra Og looked coldly at the crowd and said. "He is my teacher, the senior of the Barr family, Diablo Barr."

The words that were spoken shocked everyone, this young looking man was the one who taught the genius that was Serra Ogg?

"Even demons, even if they are unchanging, will only end up perishing in history." Yo said to Cang Na. "Your dream will eventually change the entire world and create a new era."

"So, don't care what others think and walk on, maiden."

"No one has the right to laugh at someone else's dreams." Yo said to the crowd. "It is better to create a new world than to leave behind a rotten class of demons."

"The world will always change only in the dreams of a few."

Chapter 35 - I'm falling apart more and more.

Chapter Thirty-Five.

A modern hotel, you know, and now the demons have moved from the old society to a high-tech one, where many things were first developed by demons.

Of course, there were some things that hadn't appeared in human society yet, after all, demonic things weren't necessarily useful to humans.

The people arrived at the location of the party, where many demons had already started their activities, and on the other side of the food area, there was a group of lorries around. Extraordinarily striking.

"These guys." Liyas put her hand over her forehead.

Indeed, among a group of elegantly biased demons, a group of people who were eating outstandingly was still striking.

"Princess Lillias. You are becoming more and more beautiful ......"

"I'm sure Sazekos-sama would be proud of that." The demon walking up was so flattering. As the sister of the demon king, and with an excellent background, Lillias was still very noticeable.

Kiba Yodou, on the other hand, was surrounded by a group of female demons, so it's also very appetizing to be handsome.

Aisha, on the other hand, was not invited by a group of demons walking up, and Gasper hid next to Mina, afraid of the vampire. Mina, on the other hand, looked proudly at the demons that came up, disdaining them, after all, was a descendant of the ancient Demon King Cain, and was now considered a demon king level, how could she be interested in a group of ants.

Jenova and Wisteria Irina, who had just become demons, stood aside, and although some people went over to accost them, they both ignored them, unable to accept the reality, I guess, that a demon king had told them a message after their resurrection.

"God is dead." Unable to accept the reality, they became demons willingly, but their minds hadn't changed back yet, ah.

And with Kitten and Black Song, Liliana, Seichoin, Nero, and Saber standing behind Yo, along with Vault and Hatsune, Yo was extraordinarily noticeable, but of course, basically no one passed.

The raw expressions of the few women around were almost written on their faces, so out of place with this party.

Men, of course, were stopping by, however.

"Well, it's been a long time, Haruhi No-You-sensei 。。。。" The one who came to speak was the sister of the big firebird who dueled with Lyrax, Rebel Phoenix.

Young lady, courageous.

"You're that guy's sister, right." Yo said so. "You're still his dependant?"

"No, it's not." Rebel said. "My brother has exchanged pieces with my mother and I'm a free monk now."

"Really? What a congratulations." Yo said so. "You called me Sensei? Do you."

"Yes." Rebel said excitedly. "I'm going to be moving to your class next semester, so I hope you'll be more of a teacher." She said so respectfully.

Yoru could sense that she was a young girl who wouldn't hide her feelings, she just wasn't good at expressing them.

She. Liked herself.

"Rebel. The lord's friend has called for you."

This was one of the Rhysel dependents. It was the pawn named Isabella.

"I see. Haruhi Nozomu-sensei, if we meet again next time, would you be so kind as to have a cup of tea with us? If, if, if you don't mind, I'll be permitted, permitted, to prepare a hand-made cake?"

After that Rebel grabbed the skirt of her dress and left with a salute.

By the way, I haven't seen you hooking up up up up front? How did you get started? It's been thirty-four chapters and I haven't seen you hook up with this bird yet.

Surely the author is a loli control.

And at that moment, a maid came over, Sazex's dependant, Glafia.

"Is it Haruhi No-You-sama." Glafia asked so. "My Lord Sazekos-sama has invited you again and is waiting for you in the conference room."

"Yes." Yo replied. "Then I'll go ahead, you guys stay here now ah." Yo said so to the crowd.

One person followed Glafia to the upper level of the banquet, the conference room.

In this conference room, several people were already seated.

Three Demons, a Fallen Angel, an old man with a white beard, and a silver-haired Knight Hime.

Sazekos, Serah Ogg, Seraphim, Asahel, Odin, and his Valkyrie, Rothwei Arthur.

"It's been a long time, guys." Yo said to the three Demons and Assashel. "I can't believe we're all gathered here."

"Let me introduce you," said Sazekos. "This is."

"The Lord God of Norse, His Excellency Odin, I presume." Yo was the first to say. "I've really heard a lot about you."

"This is 。。。。." This colored old man from Northern Europe looked at Yo curiously and asked.

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