The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 118.

The true meaning of divine fire.

"Ha." Kiba Yodou was the first to strike, powerful sword techniques issued using the Holy Demon Sword he had researched, caught in the might of a sword from the strongest swordsman.

"It's useless." Loki smiled evilly. "Onward, my children."

The group of wolves rushed up, teeth sharp enough to tear the god's body apart biting into the crowd.

"The violent pillar of lightning blasted down. But it did not harm the group of wolves at all!

"How." Himejima Junai but understood how powerful his thunder was, it was already strong enough to rival the Demon King's. Lias' black fire from the True Red-Eyed Dark Dragon was just a little painful for the group of wolves.

"It's useless." Loki said wickedly. "Every one of them has the power to kill the Demon King."

"So, go to hell."

The group of wolves opened their mouths to bite the medium. White light bullets swept out and a ten-winged fallen angel appeared.

"Father...." Himejima Jounai said as he looked at the man's back. That's right he was Himejima Junai's father, the cadre of fallen angels, Byakku.

"Your Highness Loki." He gave a salute to Loki. "I hope your highness will spare my daughter. I hope Your Highness will allow it." He could feel it. How powerful the power the other side possessed was.

It was enough to rival the god that once was.

"Oh, a fallen angel?." Loki looked at Byakugo, then at Hajima Junai. "Yes. I allow it."

"Thank you." He breathed a sigh of relief and just turned around.

"What a pity." Loki's voice sounded in his ear. "I'm the Norse god of fire and lies, ah." He said so, one hand reaching into Bychu's body.

"Daddy!!!" Hajima Junai cried out so sadly.

Baychu lowered his head and saw a hand. A hand that went straight through his front from behind, and a heart in his hand. It was his heart.

"Yes.... The god of lies." Bychu closed his eyes. He knew the other man was the God of Lies, but he still wanted his daughter to escape.

"Run." Baychu lay down and used the mouth shape to say so to Hajima Junai.

"Father...." Himejima Junai knelt down and wept.

"Don't panic, I'll send you to hell right now." Loki looked at the crowd wickedly.

The sky in the dusk turned black in an instant. A twelve-winged angel descended on the crowd in an instant. The archangel who holds the element of water, night, resurrection, and truth.

Spring Wild Vault!

PS a few days. I'm going to do a five-shift.

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

"Archangels?." Loki said, looking across the dome. "Even if God came, it's no use showing you my newly acquired power. Hahahaha."

The evil god laughed so wildly that his own magic power was like a tsunami followed by the Nordic magic spells, but in his hands, the magic could already be pinched in his hand.

This magic power mixed with burning power flew towards the Dome who was transformed into an archangel.

The dome looked at the powerful magic bombs flying over, a boundary opened up in front of him, a magic formation consisting of a large circle and six small gardens, the magic bombs flying over hit this magic formation as if they were mud cows entering the sea, silently.

"Still got two strikes against you." Loki said so as he watched the attack disappear.

"Is it." The Vault's voice was so ethereal, like a god on high, the power of Gabriel in the small world was no longer enough to meet with her, for that reason, Yo also tore part of her own divine power and gave it to the Vault, the power of the twelve-winged angel was truly on display.

Yo but tore a third of his own soul.

Monstrous columns of water shot out from it, like an extinct flood rushing towards Loki and the group of wolves. Representing one of the essences of water, corrosion, the process of water dripping through stone, this process was even stronger with the addition of the law.

Even the Fenrir Demon Wolf with the teeth of a wolf that had the body of a tearing god, its body still did not reach the level of a god, and in the relentless column of water, it completely dissipated, of course, there were still a few that stayed as. Pets to keep.

"Hmph" Loki said nothing as he watched the failing wolves, his own magic spreading into a boundary that deflected the vault's attack, an attack that even becoming a god could not withstand, and was blocked by Loki.


"Ahhhhhhhhh." Loki let out an inhuman roar. The power of Original Sin flooded everything about him, body, soul, Godhead, and his entire body was covered in black power.

The ancient Chaos Giant's contaminated bloodline erupted with even greater power.

"Hehehe." Black power covered his entire body, and his body bent down, his hands lowered as if he was a beast.

"Haruno." He looked at the dome in front of him, and said so under his breath. "I will take revenge for everything your brother has done to me!!!" Loki's soul had been replaced by the Son of Original Sin, who had been killed by Yo had come back to life fully in Logic.

This black figure rushed up in an instant, and in less than a ten-thousandth of a second, arrived in front of the Vault and swung down with a punch.

"Boom "The magic formation that the Vault had unfolded and could withstand the Sub-God's full force was instantly shattered.

"Hmm. "The Vault's own angelic wings of light unfurled in an instant, blocking the attack.

"Vault-sama." Lilliana, Seikkyuuin saw it and rushed up, although she knew she was no match for that evil god, but never let this evil god hurt the Vault!

Skycloud, Fallen Sacred Sword, Crimson Great Sword, and the Sword of Victory that Yo bestowed upon Lily 。。。。

The strongest attack attacked in an instant, and they weren't the only ones who acted, but also the Norse God King Odin's Gungnir, Rothwei Arthur's strongest strike, Kitten, Black Song, Lyas, Himejima Juno, and Kiba Yodou. All of them attacked in an instant.

"It's useless!" The Son of Original Sin looked at them and said.

"Give me all of it to dissipate." So saying, there was an unspoken power in the air that swept away and spread out, the power of the law, revenge.

"I won't kill you all." He looked at the crowd lying on the ground, "I want that bastard to come back and watch you die in front of him 。。。。"


The voice sounded in his ear 。。。。

"Who." He turned his head back to see a man in white with a white haired maid appear in front of him.

"You're actually still alive 。。。。." Yo said looking at him with a frown. "It's disgusting."

Loki said in a frenzy of anger. "You bastard, I'm going to make you pay!!!" A magic bullet swung at the crowd lying on the ground.

"How can this be!!!" Loki saw the people on the ground. All of them were lying behind Yo. "This is. Time out." Loki instantly understood why these people had gone behind Yo.

"The branch law of time, brief time? 。。。。" Loki looked at the white-haired maid behind Yo, "I can't believe you're hiding something."

Yo ignored Loki and came to the Vault's side.

"It's okay, Vault." He said so, pouring his own power into it.

"Kill him, Oni-san." The Vault said so, looking at Loki with hatred.

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