The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 121.

"Dream on." So did the two women.

"Damn." Nero joined in the snatch 。。。。

PS Now I've been working on having to blast off in a few days.

Chapter 51: Home Internet Disconnected.

Chapter 51

Emotions are always the hardest thing to judge.

Yuu left the hot spring while she could and went back to her room, the dome on the bed was asleep now, and cleaned up, and Yuu got into bed.


In the middle of the night, Yo woke up, the door to the room was opened, and a shadow walked in. "Teacher...." A voice came over, it was Black Song's. I go, cheating?. So exciting.

"Is it Black Song." Yo followed the sound. Black Song had closed the door to the room and come to Yo's bedside, and. Had taken off his clothes and started to get under Yo's blanket. Or am I not afraid of being found by the dome if I'm under the same blanket as the dome.

Fully naked, I hugged Yo who was only wearing a pair of pants. "Sensei...." Black Song shyly looked at Yo and said, "Tonight, let me serve Teacher."

Passionately kissing Yo.

If you back off at this time, the author-kun could go to hell. Yo kissed Black Song, and the two of them began a confrontation.

And all this without disturbing the dome beside her, so that's considered an affair. Is it. The two of them had a battle on the field, and Yo even unfolded a boundary so as not to disturb the dome.

And so, on this night, scum Yo pushed down another young girl. And Black Song has since stepped into the adult world.


It was almost noon when I woke up in the morning. Yo climbed up, the dome beside him was gone, and the door was pushed open, and a man walked in, it was Kurogaku.

"Sensei, are you awake." Black Song asked with concern as he looked at Yo who woke up.

Yo stood up and shook his slightly groggy head. "Last night." Yo asked to Kurogak. "The dome doesn't know yet."

"Yeah." Black Song said to Yo with her hands around Yo's neck, hanging on to Yo. "Well, Vault-san she doesn't know yet. Last night, thank you so much Sensei."

"Your body is still okay." Yo asked with concern to Kuroga. "I remember."

"It's okay." Kuroge said so to Yo. "Don't worry, Sensei, I'm a cat again, so this is nothing."

"Okay Sensei," Black Song said to Yo, pulling Yo. "Let's go down and eat, it's almost noon."



The crowd after dinner started to go out to look for the nine-tailed fox, but the crowd was clueless, and only went to a few places with a higher chance of finding it.

However 。。。。

When the crowd stepped into another world the next moment and the weird fog appeared, Yo began to say. "I told you these guys would come to me, see, the spirit is here."

"Welcome, everyone." A voice rang out, and a dark-haired young man carrying a spear appeared in front of everyone.

"The Scourge's group of heroes? 。。。。" Yo asked so to the youth at the head of the group.

"My name is Cao Cao. The son and grandson of that famous Cao Cao from the Three Kingdoms - a sort of bar." He introduced himself thus.

"Cao Cao's descendants? 。。。。" Yo looked at him and said. "That gun of yours is the God Extinguishing Tool Dusk Sacred Gun, right." Yo's words so scared the crowd behind him.

"That one that can kill gods with the god extinguishing tool." The crowd thought so.

"Good." Cao Cao said to Yo. "What an amazing eye to see the god extinguishing tool. You're no ordinary teacher, either."

"Heh heh, you guessed it." Yo said so to Cao Cao. "I actually still respect your ancestor, Cao Cao, even though we're rivals."

"Yeah." Cao Cao said so. "It really surprises me to gain the respect of a Demon King."

"It's natural," said Yo. "If Cao Cao had unified it, I guess that country would be several times stronger now."

。。。。 The two were talking so meaninglessly.

"Were you the ones who captured the mother?!" The one who spoke was the little blonde loli.


"What are you trying to do to the Mother!"

"I would like to ask your order to cooperate with our experiment."

"Experiment? What do you want?"

"In order to fulfill the wishes of the patron, it's called a policy."

Ninjou Lori showed her canine teeth and shed tears, "It's unforgivable." Yo said, "It's surprising that such a cute loli shed tears. "

"So are you going to do it too." Cao Cao said to Yo. "I also want to test your strength as a senior of the Barr family."

"Yeah." Yo smiled evilly, "Let's do it then."

A pile of beasts rushed out of the mist, was this that Leonardo's beast creation.

"Useless!" Yo so shrieked, his right hand changed into the form of a demon and clawed down, black magic power mixed with red light ripped apart all the demonic beasts in an instant, even to angels, fallen angels, and demonic beasts Yo could do what, only to be killed in front of the demon god.

"What a terrifying power." Cao Cao said as he looked at the fog that was already missing a piece. "It's the power of a god."

"Are you already a god." Cao Cao asked to Yo. "A demon that rivals God?"

"That's right yo." Yo looked at him in reply. "How about it, Cao Cao's descendants, are you interested in fighting me to show me what it's like."

"As you wish." Cao Cao resisted his spear and came before Yo.

"Come on then." Yo raised his demonic right hand and rushed up, and at the same time, a group of people came after the gaping mist. The Hero Faction, who brought their respective powers, began to engage Lillias and the others.

In addition to that, there was a rock giant that started to make an appearance, a group of puppets?.

"Looks like you guys have already made a complete plan." Yo looked at Cao Cao and said. "But, ah, you guys underestimated it a bit."

"Huh?" Cao Cao looked at him quizzically.

"I ah." Yo said so and began to chant an incantation. The emptiness around them struck open. A group of loli came out.

"Father-sama." This group of little loli said so to Yo.

"Go up and defeat these guys." Yo said so to the little lollies.

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