The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 132.

"-Okay ...... you go home and rest." At this point, the conversation was no longer going on, and the two sides had lost the channel of communication.

Chapter 9 Eleventh Shift.

Chapter 9

The next day.

"Is this kid ............ going to take today off too?" Misato stood outside of Shinji's door and said to herself.

"Shinji-kun, wake up. When are you going to go to class, it's been five days already oh, the primary is fully repaired, what's wrong with the pilot looking like this, Shinji ........." Misato finally opened the door and walked in after knocking several times and Shinji hadn't answered yet, but after the I walked in only to find that Shinji wasn't in the room at all, and the room was empty, and what was Shinji's was gone, except for a letter on the table and an id card belonging to Shinji.

"Out of the way? ...... No wonder ......" said Misato to herself as she looked at the letter and id card on the table.

"What did you say? Shinji's whereabouts have been unknown since he left yesterday?!" Ritsuko questioned Misato with some excitement, "How do you do it as an overseer?! ......"

"I just ...... just didn't think something was wrong with him, I didn't think he'd run away from home ......" Misato also whispered in defense of some paws.

"There's nothing we can do but report it, hopefully nothing will happen." Ritsuko concluded.

Misato heard the word "accident" is also a little worried, and asked himself: perhaps hit him really too much ...... but, what are you thinking about? ......


"Shinji-kun," Yo appeared in front of Shinji.

Shinji was surprised to see the person in front of him, "What are you doing here?!"

"Me?." Yo mocked himself. "I'm here specifically to see you, though." A pause, said. "Right now NERV Security Espionage is all over the streets looking for you. "

"Yeah." Shinji dropped his head back down after being surprised. "Did you come to get me back too."

Yo looked at the little recipient boy. Smiling wickedly, he said to him. "No, no, no, I'm just a UN mission supervisor, I'm not interested in these guys."

"I'm here to help you, Shinji." Yo took out a red jeweled necklace and said to him. "Don't you want to know your father's, secret. "

"?" Shinji looked up curiously. "What secret?"

"Shinji you don't know the truth about the second impact, do you!?"

"It wasn't due to a huge meteorite that fell and vaporized the Antarctic continent ......" replied Shinji thinking back to the textbook, "Uh...wasn't it? "

"After coming to NERV after fighting the Apostles, do you still think so now?"


"So, now I'm going to tell you what has been covered up - fifteen years ago, the first humanoid creature known as the Apostle was discovered in the Antarctic, but while investigating, an accident of unknown cause caused the Big Bang, the Second Impact . ...And as a precaution against the predicted third impact, that was the root cause of the original creation of Plan E. It was then that your father began to create NERV."

Shinji looked shocked as he listened to Haruhi Nozomu's statement, somewhat surprised by the dusty history. "...... Father ...... at that time...!?"

"Don't you want to know where your mother has gone?" Yo continued to seduce. "Is it true that your mother died of an illness?"

"This necklace is the latest technology from our United Nations," said Yo. "Take this and I can help you investigate your father's secret."

Anchorage took the necklace in confusion, and when he looked up, Yo had disappeared.

Then the red jewel turned into red water diving inside his body without him noticing.

"An illusion?." He shook his head so, it dawned on him.

Just then.

"Are you Anchorage?" From all around a circle of people in NERV uniforms came up and one of them walked up and asked. There was actually the sound of a helicopter in the distance.

"...... is ......" looking at the large formation, Shinji hesitated and admitted.

"We're from the NERV Security Espionage Division. In accordance with security regulation number eight, we're taking you back to headquarters, is that okay?" In a tone of voice that is not to be questioned.


NERV Underground, Apostolic Research Room.

"...... Right? Statistically speaking, is there anything new to be learned about the enemy sample?" Misato remembered the recently recovered body of the Fourth Apostle and asked.

"As you can see, code 601, which means it can't be parsed." Ritsuko said, lighting a cigarette.

"That's what you'd say, or can't figure out the minions?!" Misato said curiously.

"But it's not nothing, at least one thing we've figured out so far, the Apostle's waveform form, although the composition materials are different, but it resembles human genetics, the similarity is as high as 99.89%, although the fiercely deteriorated copy can't be said to be 100% accurate, but it's enough to come up with a guess... ..." said Ritsuko contemplatively.

"99.89%! Wouldn't that be a lot like people!" Misato was surprised.

"...... According to you, wouldn't humans and the mice in my lab be more alike, only 0.1% different." Ritsuko sputtered, "The difference in funds between each person is only less than 0.1% different. And this less than 0.1% difference, is generally known as the 'from me' generated from the source. How about that, did you find the rats cuter?"

"Isn't it generally said that humans evolved from monkeys...or apes?" Beauty said as she creepily thought back to the mouse.

"Chimpanzee's and human's are only 98.7% similar in DNA." Ritsuko continued to educate Misato on science.

"...... I don't believe in Darwin's theory of evolution anymore!" Misato turned around and walked away, having decided not to listen anymore.


"Lyn Polly, 14 years old, the initial experimenter, the first fitter, selected according to the report of the Marduk authorities.EVANGELION tried out as the exclusive pilot of the Zero. Past experience is like a blank sheet of paper, all erased ......"

Yo looked at this information. Limbri. When would be a good time to look at it.

"Yuu-kun is here too." As if she was off duty, Ritsuko Akagi took a card out of her bag and said to Yo. "This is Yo-kun's new security identification card."

Yuu took the card and said to Ritsuko. "A new card?"

"Nah, now I'll give the card to Misato and Shinji." Ritsuko Akagi said, "By the way, Ayabari's new card, I haven't been able to get it to her, so I'm sorry, but could you please give it to her for me."

"Leave it to me then." Yuu said as she took Ritsuko's card.

"Thank you very much, then, Yo-kun."

Chapter 10, Twelfth Shift Finished

Chapter 10

The next morning, Yo came to deliver the ID card.

"I know her home is shabby, though." Yo looked at the door of the dilapidated apartment where Limbori lived. "Is it really okay if even the door doesn't work. By the way what did Rei spend her salary on." So much for the nostalgia.

So said, walking into this room.

Found the room very dark inside, and upon entering found a large pile of mail on the floor. And the floor of the walkway leading to the living room was filthy with shoe prints and dust. On the left side was a cooking table and sink, and on the right side was a curtain, which must have been the bathroom. Inside the room to find that Ling Bo Li living in a one-room house, the entire room on a bed, a table, a chair, a cabinet, the room in addition to so many kinds of furniture outside of nothing else, as if it was just built without even decoration and then just moved a few pieces of furniture into the same.

The bed and floor are covered with bloodstained bandages, and from the color of the bloodstains on the bandages, they should have been replaced just a few days ago, and even the pillow is covered with bloodstains. And on the table were some medications and a glass of water in a professional chemical beaker.

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