The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 134.

"Less than 10 hours left ......," Misato said.

"Enemy shields are in contact with the 1st layer of armor plate." That's when the new information about the 5th Apostle came out.


"Your request is granted." An old voice on the phone.

One of the Seele Twelve, an old man who made a deal with Yo. Yo made a request to him for bar Limpoli to receive his residence.

The old man readily agreed, and as a condition, the old man demanded to know more about what the Anchorage was doing.

Of course Yo couldn't tell him all the information.

"This guy wants to complete the Human Complementation Project too." Yo said to the old man. "It's just for a different purpose."

"What do you mean?"

"You want to complete the real human complement, this guy just wants to resurrect his wife, I guess."

"Resurrect his wife?" This old voice flinched, then said. "So what do you suggest we do?"

"As long as Limboli is in my hands." Yo said so. "As long as Lynx Riko loves my hands, he can't resurrect his wife. He can only be good enough to complete the Human Complementation Project."

Idiot. Yo cursed in her mind that she would even believe the words of a demon.

"Yeah, fine." This old man said. "I'll leave the rest to you then."

Turning off the phone, Yo now waited for the top to rule.

Anchorage would definitely not approve of Limboli moving into his house, so Yo could only take the people above, Limboli was Lilith, but Lilith was not an apostle, but Anchorage was in possession of the unknown remnants of the Dead Sea documents ah. I don't even know how many people have been fooled with this.


Strategic Self-Defense Force Tsukuba Technology Research Headquarters]

"Special Hangar 4

"Based on the above reasons, this self-propelled Yang electronic cannon has been requisitioned by the secret service agency NERV as of 1500 hours today." Misato said with the requisition report.

"That said, this is too much of a mess."

"We'll return it in the same condition as possible, so thank you very much for your assistance, it's okay, Rei, take it back." Misato said.

As soon as Misato finished speaking, the roof of the research headquarters was picked up by the Zero.

"It's a precision instrument, so hold it gently oh." Misato warned to Lynx.

"But according to calculations to reach the amount of energy capable of penetrating the A.T. Field, at least 180 million kilowatts, where on earth are we going to get that much power?" Hyugan asked to Misato.

"Needless to say, all of Japan, of course." Misato said matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the program, but there is urgent news, there will be massive ...... power outages across the country from 11:30 p.m. today until the early hours of tomorrow morning, and I hope you will cooperate. I repeat there will be a massive nationwide blackout from 11:30 p.m. today until the early hours of tomorrow morning, and I hope you will cooperate."

"Enemy shields breach 7th armor plate."

"What about the energy system?" Misato asked the staff.

"We are currently 3.2% behind schedule, but we can barely catch up at 2310 hours today." The staff reported.

"How's the positronic cannon?" Misato asked.

NERV Headquarters Technical Directorate, Section 3, "Specialized Electromagnetic Lightwave Weapons"]

"Betting on the face of Section 3 of the Technology Development Department, it will definitely be composed in 3 hours so you can see the results."

"What about the means of defense?"

[Hangar 8 in the same headquarters]

EVA Heat Resistant Lightwave Defense Weapon "Emergency Production Model"]

"That ah, can only be blocked with a shield .................." said Ritsuko Akagi, looking at the shield in front of her.

"This is the shield."

"That's right, SSTO used leftover, although it looks a bit ugly, but it's a model that originally had a super electromagnetic coating on the bottom, and it can also last 17 seconds under that kind of shelling with a 2 class guarantee oh." Ritsuko Akagi explained.

"Very well, where's the sniping location?" Misato asked.

"Considering the distance to the enemy, the terrain ...... and the location of the substation facilities, this is still the best place." Hyugan said pointing to one of the locations on the map above the computer.

"It does work, the sniper location is at the top of Mt. Futago." Misato said.

"The start of the operation will be at midnight tomorrow morning. From now on, this operation will be known as Operation Yashima." Misato said loudly to the staff.


"All that's left is the question of the pilot."


During the time Shinji was unconscious, an unknown change occurred, the apostle's life nucleus that Yo had sent changed, and the resulting red liquid entered his body's heart.

Transforming Shinji's body further. Towards the apostle.

"The pilot seems to have regained consciousness."


"Who do you want to go?" Ritsuko Akagi asked.

"Only Shinji, where is Shinji now?"

"Inside the ward."

"Ayana ......" said Shinji looking at Ryori who walked in.

"I'll tell you the timetable for the Yashima Operation that will begin at midnight tomorrow morning." Rinpoche said.

"The two pilots, Anchorage and Ayana, will meet at the rack today at 1730, the first and zero planes will be activated at 18:00, depart at 18:05, arrive at the temporary base at Mt. Futako at 18:30, standby until new orders are given, and the operation will begin tomorrow at 00:00." Limboli said of the plan and left afterwards.

Chapter 12 - Second shift today.


"Enemy shields breach 17th armor plate, three hours and 55 minutes until arrival at headquarters, central variable pressure system is clear, power to Shikoku and Kyushu areas is complete."

"Please begin commissioning of each cooling system."

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