The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 139.

Rei and Asuka move in lockstep and throw their lances, but they are knocked aside by the Apostles; once the lances are bounced off, they expand their plasma beams and split the Apostles.

The test for the Zero and Two was officially here, switching to different armaments with each other and attacking the twin Apostles; until they were knocked back into one.

"Good chance!"

"Yahhhhhh!" Machine Zero and Machine Two used gravity and AT position to kick hard at the two exposed cores of the twin apostles, sending them kicking into the nearby mountains ......

"Apostolic Silence, Unit Zero and Unit Two are fine."

The image was transmitted, and Machine Two and Machine Zero were ugly stacked on top of each other.

"Just be okay." Yo looked at them and touched the ring on his hand. There were already several red beads on it. The Core of Life.

Chapter Sixteen came to update.

Chapter Sixteen.

Another area was quietly wiped off the map because of the huge energy collapse before the Apostle's fall. There were many people on the scene who were cleaning up a lake of blood created by the collapse of the Apostle's form.

Yo stood at the edge of the lake of blood and watched.

"Why does every apostle explode with the Noh light of the cross when they die." Yo speculated so. "Is Kabalas having an affair with God?"

This kind of pointless speculation was useless. The power that Yo could use had checked all over the planet, and none of them had any kabalas that were different, and while this world wasn't very technologically advanced, it wasn't to be underestimated, as they were based on mythical robots like eva. And there was still the magic power granted by Yo, but none of it was noticed.

"Looks like that guy's right there." He looked up and a white moon hung in the sky.




In the evening, the five plus a penguin gathered at Yo's house to celebrate the victory, though Misato should be celebrating that her job had finally been saved.

"I can't believe there's still these things to eat." What she was referring to were the fish.

"I had thought they were all extinct." Misato looked at the fresh fish, indeed, there were no living things left in Earth's oceans.

"Some countries still had aquariums before the second impact." Yo said. "It's a pain in the ass, but it's still there."

"Looks like it's your rank of Major General that's working." Misato said with a smile.

Yo smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

"Come have some wine." Misato said suddenly. "Celebrate with a beer, of course."

"Come on then." Yo took out a case of beer, "I'm not going to lose when it comes to drinking."

The three of Asuka looked towards Yo, and sure enough Yo had picked up a bottle of beer at some point and drank it.

Rinpoche looked at the food Misato had made on top of the table, then at Yo, then at the penguin Flutter, who had fallen down, and also picked up a bottle of beer and drank it.

Then several people took a beer in order to not eat the food Misato had made, of course there were those who were not afraid to die, such as Shinji, who was not afraid to take a bite of the food Misato had made, and then ended up with the penguin flutter.

"No way, Shinji's drinking is too bad, he got drunk so fast." Misato said as she looked at the fallen Shinji.

"It's obviously because he ate the food you made 。。。。。" Yo so spat.

"It can end now." An hour and a half later Yo looked at Limbori and Akari who had fallen on top of him and then said to Misato who was already drunk sitting across from him.

"Don't, have another drink with me 。。。。。。" Misato said, but only after that, Misato was on top of the table.

"。。。。。。" Yo looked around and noticed that he was actually the only one still sober.


"Well ........." yo was just about to get up and go wash her face to sober up when something felt wrong, as yo felt as if something was holding her hands down.

"Uh, Rei ......" yo looked towards her right hand and found Lynx sleeping on top of her right hand.

"So, the other side shouldn't be ...... Akari." Yo then looked towards his left side and as expected, Asuka was sleeping on top of his left hand.

"What is this, I came back yesterday and obviously sent them both back to their own rooms before coming back to sleep ah, why are they in my bed." Yo thought helplessly, it can't be that the two of them came over here on their own, but that's not the case either.

"Phew." Yo slowly tried to pull his hands back from Reiori and Asuka.



But before yo could pull back his yes hands from Rei and Asuka, Rei and Asuka moved, then hugged yo directly.

"Rei 。。。。。 Asuka 。。。。。" Looking at Rei and Asuka, who were holding their arms tightly, Yo tried calling out a few times.

"。。。。。" Rei Rei.

"。。。。。" Asuka.

After trying to call out a few times, Rimboli and Asuka still didn't react at all and continued to sleep.

"Never mind, let's just go back to sleep." Looking at the two pretty faces that were sleeping close to each other, Yo directly closed his eyes and continued to sleep.



The bell rang and the radio reported, "Report, NERV Headquarters is calling, Apostle spotted in satellite orbit over the Indian Ocean!"

NERV Headquarters.

"It was two minutes ago out of the blue!" Hyuga Gung reported to Misato, who had been left behind, "Currently moving towards the sixth enemy satellite."

"Capture target image!" Shigeru Aoba reported, "It's showing up on the big screen."

"Wow! -- really mustn't!" Looking at the screen, flying through space out of thin air and looking like an air angel with three eyes, Sahaquel.

"What a way to get one to question common sense!" To these apostles who always challenged the common sense of human science, Misato lamented.

"Common sense is only common sense as understood by humans, and humans have never been an arrogant and ignorant species!" Slowly sipping her coffee Garnas said.

"...... "Misato is really speechless at Ginas's comment, though she also knows that she doesn't mean any harm, just a bit of choking.


Six hours later.

"According to the calculations, with your synchronization values, the EVA's AT force field is sufficient to intercept the apostles." Ginas said holding the data.

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