The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 145.

"Do you know about the personality transplant system? ...... is a system for transplanting an individual's personality within a 7th generation organic computer to make them think." Ritsuko describes, "This technology is also used in EVA manipulation.MAGI is the number one number of this system ...... is the technology developed by my mother ......"

"So it's your mother's personality that's transplanted in here?" Misato said in sudden realization, "So you were trying to protect her!"

"......" Ritsuko sniffed neither denying nor affirming.

Misato saw that Ritsuko was silent and idly asked again, "Why did you choose Caspar out of the three? what's the difference?"

"First of all, Caspar is currently looking like he should be the last one to be invaded ......" Ritsuko continued after a silence, "Mom told me the night before she died that MAGI was her 32 self. "

"Huh? So how is it that I'll see constant conflict between the three parties when it's running?" Misato remembered seeing it as a thing before and asked.

"Maybe that's the paradox of being human! Because in Melchior Melchior, Caspar Gaspar and Balthasar Balthasar, the mother inputs three contradictory aspects of her personality: her self as a scientist, her self as a mother and her self as a woman. And what is entered in Caspar is her self as a woman, and it is fortunate that it has not been eroded here, because I am unlikely to be a mother myself, and therefore would not understand this personality of Mom as a mother, so I have given up trying to salvage this personality of Balthasar. Secondly, I respect her as a scientist, which I should be able to understand, but the Melchior of this personality has been eroded, and most easily, by being too sane, so the thought loop becomes measurable. ...... And all that's left is Caspar, which is what I can understand about myself as a woman, and also what I hate about her as a woman ...... Although in the end she has maintained the fact that she is a woman, and hopefully this time as well ......" last sentence, Ritsuko's voice could be heard only by her, more like some kind of disgusted self-talk.

Then the alarm sounded again, and the voice that had been heard in Genus came through the earpiece, "Balthasar is occupied!"

The synthesized system voice on the radio kept repeating, "The AI has decided to self-destruct, the AI has decided to self-destruct ...... The detonation device will be two seconds after review ...... The self-destruct range is altitude depth - 280 to 0, initiated by special order 582 ......"

Misato hurriedly emerged from it and said, "Has it started yet?"

"Invasion from Balthasar, now even deeper into Caspar" Aoba Shigeru read the data report.

"It's been suppressed, how could it be so fast!" Touzuki stood behind Aoba Shigeru watching the progress of the invasion on the screen in surprise.

"The Apostle has adapted to existing thought patterns and is accelerating!" Genesis explained.

"Twenty seconds until the self-destruct mechanism activates! Nineteen seconds to self-destruct sequence! ...... "This nerve-wracking, countdown to the electronic soundtrack goes on and on and on-

"Ritsuko, hurry up!" Misato turned back with a sinking feeling and said.

"It doesn't matter, it'll add a second or so!" Ritsuko was still calm, but the keyboard tapping under her hands was three minutes faster.

"One second,"

"Come on!" That's when Ritsuko finishes the program, slams on the Enter key, and it's a done deal!

"0 seconds."

"0 seconds" ......

"Due to the A.I.'s judgment, self-destruct is disarmed - also disarm special order 582, system slew to general mode!" This time of year this emotionless synthesized electronic sound sounded so wonderful.

"It worked! --" everyone cheered. Lying in a pile of oil-covered machinery, Ritsuko also breathed a sigh of relief. The Apostle Protomolecule lurking in District 87 had also self-extinguished.

"R-alert averted, R-alert averted! All personnel on first alert!"

Ps to speed up the plot.

Chapter 22.

Chapter 22

A huge weird orb suddenly appeared in the sky above Third New Tokyo, just floating quietly and doing nothing, like a hunter on the prowl, waiting to fight the EVA.

"Really, what are those SEELE guys thinking? And still won't thaw the tester!" Throwing the phone against the wall, Katsuragi Misato's anger tank rose sharply.

"It can't be helped, the testing machine always appears unstable ......"

"How much longer are you going to lie to me about what instability is! It's just that the guys are afraid of the power of the tester!"

"Ugh, just know it in your heart, no need to say it ...... "Ritsuko Akagi also objected, but SEELE ignored MAGI's judgment and went ahead with the decision to continue freezing the test machine instructions.


After Yo's betrayal, the nerv's power could be said to have fallen to an all-time low, and even LINGBORI was abducted. As a last resort, the remaining combatants, Anchorage and Asuka, had to be dispatched.


A dark shadow enveloped the Hatsune Miku, slowly pulling the Hatsune Miku downwards.

"Shinji, run away!"

"Ah! What the hell! Why can't we get rid of it!" No matter how many shots were fired, the power of the bullets was like hitting a sponge, useless.

It wasn't long before the Primarch, along with Shinji, was dragged into the shadows by the Apostle, "Asuka, stay away from the shadows, mission failed, retreat for now!"

The second machine could only choose to strategically retreat, and in this situation where the enemy was unknown, any further fight would only increase the EVA's losses in vain.

"Bastard, why can't you thaw the tester!" Katsuragi Misato was still cursing on the other end of the phone.

"I can't help it, those people are always kicking the can."

"Don't they know the importance of Shinji in the first plane?"

"It's not that they don't know, it's that they don't care, only the EVA is important in their eyes and the fittest can pick and choose." Ritsuko Akagi said ruthlessly.

"I'm going to pluck their skins one of these days!"

Katsuragi Misato, in the makeshift command room, broke into a tirade ......

The city of Third New Tokyo, shrouded in the shadow of the Night Apostle, was filled with a strange silence; the later the Apostle was, the more strategic the direction of battle was. Various special abilities made it difficult for humans to fight, such as this time when the Night Apostle opened the Sea of Dirac and sucked the Primarch into it.

"What's SEELE thinking?" Katsuragi Misato was furious after seeing the recovery plan and tried to use the N2 bomb attack without regard for the lives of the fittest.

"It's your problem, you made a mistake to allow Shinji to be devoured by the Apostle."

"You guys are so cold-blooded!" Katsuragi Misato slaps Ritsuko Akagi across the face and walks away furiously ......

"Cold-blooded? Me? ......"

Ritsuko Akagi could only laugh bitterly as she touched the red and swollen half of her face. She couldn't make any arguments, what could be more heinous than experimenting on the most precious of human souls?

It was only the next day that SEELE agreed to the rescue plan, but it was clearly a deliberate delay; they had no hope for Anchorage, he was just a mop-up guy who was often useless. Anchorage's death wouldn't be a hindrance to the plan, but rather Anchorage's cowardly temper would get in the way of the plan.

Possibly no longer in need of the so-called rescue, within the First Machine, Mother Only's spirit was awakened by SEELE's ruthlessness; seeing that Shinji was still so weak, Anchorage Only decided to awaken some of the First Machine's power.

The Night Apostle's Dirac Sea began to crumble, and the shadows crumbled like an earthquake, presenting a blood-like stone inside.

The First Machine howled out like a wild animal, "Boil, boil, boil!"

Tearing apart the Night Apostle and ripping it to shreds ......

"Owwwwwwww!" The first plane unfurled its AT stance scraping away at those so-called rescue units, howling loudly ......

"Shinji you wake up!" Shinji woke up as Katsuragi Misato shook him after the primary was silent and ordered the insertion bolt to be opened ......

"Well ...... mom ......"

"What are you talking about! Sober up!"

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