The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 150

"Hahahahaha." The dragon headed monster mocked the other ten monsters madly.

Having just devoured nearly three or four laws and all the power of one monster, his own power was even greater, madness filled his mind and he wanted to kill all of them.

"This guy's crazy. Why don't we kill him?" Dranosius said.

"You didn't notice." Honk looked at this floating mass of light and said to him. "This guy is. Immortal."

"Immortal." Dranosius said with a smile. "But there's no real immortality in this world." Yes, there had never been true immortality within, even for the true gods, who claimed to be immortal and immortal, but they would die in the end-time cataclysm that was enough to destroy everything.

"Everything has a cause and an effect." Hongjun said with a long sigh. "Because there is cultivation, there is a heavenly calamity and a great calamity, and because there is the sealing of the gods, there is the evil of the gods and the twilight of the gods."

"Both he and Taichi are there because there are true gods." Hongjun said, looking at the True Gods who were already stunned by the news. "If there are gods, there will be calamities. This one is destined to happen. , if Taichi is still alive, we can rely on them to delay the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. "

"But the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is already dead, and the only one who can delay the calamity is him."

"That Eastern Emperor Taiyi is dead, but if this world's true god or civilization is overly advanced in chemistry=ization, Eastern Emperor Taiyi will be resurrected again," Hongjun said. "Opening the heavens is a calamity, getting is a calamity, and teaching is a calamity."

"What should we do then?" The speaker was a woman with a serpent's tail in human form, also known in all worlds as the true god, Nuwa. "

"The true god of this world just happens to maintain above the robbery of one man. "Hongjun looked at the crazy leading monster and said." If we kill him, there's no guarantee that guy won't turn into a more functional existence next time. "

"Isn't it strong enough now? "Touch a true god," said the man.

"You've never seen it." Pan Gu began to say. "Back then hundreds of True Gods of the Second Era all died tragically at the hands of the two of them, and the more True Gods there are in the entire world, then the stronger they are."

"So the only thing we can do is seal them."

It was impatience and sadness, being a True God, but having to worry about your own little life.

The monster with the dragon's head used the magic gun to kill all the splitting monsters and turned its seven heads towards the many True Gods who stood in the void.

"This guy shouldn't be looking at us 。。。。" Dranosius said in an unruly manner. "This guy has gone completely insane."

"It's possible." Several unruly guys echoed. Among them was God.

"I have a way to wake him up." The two guys said in unison. These two guys are God and. Baal, yes, the true God Baal who has been forgotten by everyone for a long time. The true God of the Gaijin.

"I know what you're talking about." Honjun said. "It's that girl, right."

"I what I have a feeling that the plot is getting dogged." Dranosius said. "Does the author really hit a big man this way."

"Yeah yeah." Pangaea said with a nod. "We're just going to have to beat the bushes too."

"Is it really okay to cheat the word count like this." God muttered.

"Who's going to bring that girl here?" Barr asked so.

"No need." Honjun said. "Just in case, I've already brought it." Turning around, appearing behind him was a white-haired girl. Haruhi No Dome.

"How insightful ." Dranosius complimented so.

"I'm not at all happy to be praised by you." So said Hongjun.

The dragon headed monster looked at the woman in the void and stayed still, "Brother, is that you." The vault looked at the ferocious beast in front of him. A puff of madness made her stand uneasy and her insides agitated, this was her worrying about her brother.

"Aang" the seven faucets roared.

All the True Gods could see that the seven dragons left tears of blood.

The vault unfurled the archangel's wings of light and walked up to the fierce beast. The one right in the middle of the seven faucets touched it with its own hand.

The small white hand contrasted with the skin of the ferocious beast, and the black one began. Slowly getting smaller, then. Became humanoid.

A waist-length white hair, a white dress, and pale skin, the being named Haruhi No Yo appeared once again.

Hands grasping the small hand that caressed the face, Yo looked at her sister in front of her, opened the most and said. "I.. Back."

"Yeah." Vault echoed, pulling up.

"That's touching." Dranosius' voice rang out, then applauded. By the way. Where did the light group get the applause.

"Coaxing" The red magic gun was thrown at Dranosius by Yo.

But it was dodged. "What a big fire." Dranosius said. "How bad for a young man to have such a temper."

"It's done, so let's retire." Pangaea said. "Those who are fine can go." Instantly. Only Hongjun, Pangu, and Dranosius were left.

"That's quite a face you're giving." Pan Gu said. "All of them are gone at once."

"We should be fine too 。。。。." Dranosius said. "We can go now too."

Hongjun said as he looked at the two men. "I need to talk to him for a while. You guys go ahead."

The two men looked at each other. There was a situation 。。。。

The first ntr crown?

Chapter I

"What's this?" Yo looked around. Light, it was a tunnel made of endless light, from here, Yo couldn't even feel his own existence, after the final battle, Yo had devoured the flesh and souls of eleven True God-class monsters, and had fully reached the strength of the True God-class.

However, here, he felt small, the vastness of this power. It was completely beyond his reach.

"This is the true river of time." Hongjun said so. "The true long river of time that transcends all others, where the heavens and earth are destroyed and remain forever, where all things are lost and remain, the place that will never be destroyed."

"A long river of time?" Yohe was stunned, of course he knew what the River of Time was, the true meaning of immortality, as long as there was the concept of "existence", then the River of Time would exist, but the River of Time was also an existence, an endless cycle forming the true meaning of immortality.

"After we defeated you in the first place, I put that thing here." Honjun looked at him and said. "Something that belongs to you."

"Mine?" You were confused.

Hongjun stopped talking and brought him to the so-called "end" of the river of time and space.

It was not the end of time, but the end of concepts. Then, You saw, a cloud of light, why does it feel like Dranosius?

"That's what you've got." Hongjun said. "One of the winds of the Slaughter Gun back then represented the slaughter part, and I transformed it in order to suppress it. This Lord God Space."

"I go by, so exciting." Yo said, looking at him. "Why did you seal him, the part."

"You don't know." Honjun said. "That's right, after all, you're the Ten Thousand Demons, but the Ten Thousand Demons aren't you, so it's normal that you don't know."

"This component has completely turned into a prop that can be said to be very different from the original due to gaining too much power from the Laws, and the original slaughter has turned into a truly terrifying prop of slaughter after experiencing thousands of infections from the Laws."

"What would you say is the most terrifying killing in this world?"

Yo thought about it and said. "A curse? The spirit is gone?"

"No, neither." Honjun said. "Instead, you're going to die, and as a result, you're going to die, killing with cause and effect."

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