The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 155

"Destroy them!!!" "Kill all of them," said the red-eyed congregation below to the master and disciple. "Truth shall reign, all of you!!!"

"Take up our weapons and wage jihad like those warriors of Genkan." He said so. "Full attack on ghq's headquarters!!!"

"All for the truth and for the glory of the true God!!!"

"All for the truth and for the glory of the true God!!!"

"All for the truth and for the glory of the true God!!!"


Ghq's is not always a tall building, this is the tallest place in Tokyo other than the future company's tall building.

This place could now be said to be on guard monk's eye, with countless soldiers standing at the entrance and much heavy firepower, but the elders' monk's eye had led to low discipline.

"Attack!!!" A shout pierced the sky. After that, countless heavy firepower followed the sound and attacked before anyone could react.

V4 missiles, electromagnetic blasts. The countless firepower bombarded the entire ghq's headquarters. Although a lot of the firepower was stopped, there was still a lot dumped on the headquarters.

A group of people on the top floor of the headquarters.

"What's going on?" The General asked thus.

"Yes, Truth, they have brought and group of people to attack the headquarters." A member shouted thus. "What they have is. Mass-produced v4 and EMP cannons."

"These are forbidden products, where did they get so many of them? ' So asked the General.

"We suspect that Truth has a hidden relationship with the Future Company,,," so said one of the Lieutenant Colonels of the General's raw change." In the 24th district, there are only two forces that can take out so much arms, us and the Future Corporation,,,"

"You mean, them and the future company. "The General's face is not very good.

Indeed, originally there was only one boss in the twenty-fourth district, the ghq, but as a result, after Future came in, the place had two more lords. One is Future Corporation, the other is the new father that sold his son to get it, Dynasty,,.

"How many mobilized troops do we have now. " the General so asked.

"The only mobilizable forces we have in the vicinity right now are a fleet of frigates at sea and an infantry regiment stationed on the outskirts of the city."

"All of them are mobilized. Immediately," so growled the General, "contact the nearby air bases by the way, we need air support."

His head went to the Thor that had been wreaking havoc in the beginning, a machine whose yellow plasma passport had dulled after being surrounded by a large group of men and armor. This terrifying fighting machine was completely on the verge of going down after drypointing nearly two-thirds of its troops.

"The vacuum implosion bomb is starting to activate." A voice rang out on the spot as Thor's shield shattered.

"Vacuum implosion bomb?" One of the officers heard this and suddenly shouted, "Everyone get out of here now!!!" He'd heard the name, it had appeared in the Future Corporation's battle with the ghq back in the day, and had once crippled a fleet of terrifying weapons in one breath.

"My God, the Truth Cult madman. I can't believe they put this kind of weapon on the armor." This officer said so and wanted to leave immediately, but.

"Five four three two one. Have a good life, everyone." With such a voice, a light came on and smoke filled the air. The light illuminated this world, and then the sound shook the entire world, and everyone in Tokyo could see this light.

Even the cities closer to Tokyo could see this light.

Everything was reduced to ruins, and all the troops were crippled. And from the ghq's headquarters came the General's roar again. "You bunch of you trash."


"Damn what kind of monsters are on the other side." A mercenary said to his comrades.

In front of them was a group of men and women with strange cold weapons, the ghq's ace in the hole, the Void Corps.

"It's so boring." One member said so. "This group of weak drop guys." Gaining power their minds began to pervert.

"Then let us be your opponents." A group of knights wearing sci-fi armor, holding lightsabers and energy shields came out.

"Crusaders?" This man who had just spoken excitedly said. "I've wanted to fight you for a long time."

"As you wish."

And a member discouraged that word of the Void Corps by saying. "Assistant, have you forgotten our mission." That's right, their mission wasn't everyone, but to recover the lost potion.

"What a bummer." This man said so.

"Useless loser." This crusader said. "It's just a bunch of beasts."

"What did you say."

"Wanna fight?"

"Come on, I'm afraid of you." The man who spoke just now yelled mid up. "The crusaders are also starting to engage.

"Dammit, our mission is not to fight. "

Crusader's orders: block the Void Corps, kill if necessary. Until the HQ rescues the window.

Chapter 7: My name is Führer.

Chapter 7

As if it were mythical, sword against sword, the emptiness of the void as if it were magic, and the Crusaders were completely outmatched by the high-tech power of technology and martial arts, plasma shields, high-frequency lightsabers, and the calculations of biomechanical computers.

In another place, the people of the organization called the Burial Society watched all of this.

"I can't believe they're all out here. " a man watched the scene through binoculars, "The Killing Machine Crusaders, and the Void Force. "

"Now that they are engaged, we can just muddle through," so said one of the spectacled men. "We have absolutely no power that can fight them, and if we want to save the window, we need to take advantage of that time."

"Right." After hearing that, Kagamiya responded and began to give orders, "All of you are now on the move to search for Pray."



"For the True God!!!" A fanatical believer impacted the ghq's headquarters, the weapons in their hands roaring madly, all the ghq's were their targets, powerful heavy firepower pinned down on the ghq's headquarters.

"Damn it, these guys have more firepower than us." A ghq's sergeant reported so to the headquarters. "They've broken through a heavy line of defense at the mouth."

"Suppress them for me!!!" The General growled thus. "The flying squadron is on its way over now."

"Not good...." The sergeant who was reporting shouted, as if he had discovered something, "Yes, hyper-EMGs. These guys have hyper EMGs on their hands!!!! They're already taking aim. It's headquarters, General, get out of there."

"What did you say?" This general was stunned for a moment, then suddenly began to order, "All of you, retreat!!!"


At the bottom, a soldier kills a believer who is activating a hyper EM cannon, just trying to destroy the system, but is blocked by a flying believer, and another believer begins to use this hyper EM cannon, with long photons of light, beating thrust accelerators, mixed with unmatched power.

The blue power went out with a wild shock and roar, attacking the ghq's headquarters as the believer's frenzied expressions went out.


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