The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky. Chapter 163.

Chapter Fifteen Forerunners


"These people!!!" GHQ's General Directorate. Why the General Directorate? Because the headquarters was destroyed by those people. (Cover your face.)

"Send out the entire Void Legion." Shuichiro Stemudo growled so. "I'll kill them all."


"Give me all the troops En can mobilize, I'm going to blow them all to pieces!!!" And an employee said helplessly to her. "Doctor. "


"The Future Company has launched a full general work, those combined forces in Europe have been full, Europe has fallen, and the entirety of Sector 24 has been merited by them, and all that is available now is a reserve force."

"Where's our armor!!!" Shuichiro Stemudo so growled. "Where are all those machines and pilots!!!"

"In the last battle, they were done dying." The employee at the bottom said helplessly. "We've lost."



The three apostles, Tsutsugamiya, and Sakura Manchu entered this lab. The three of them didn't all enter from the same place, the apostle broke the wall, Chichigamiya entered through the gate, and Sakura Manchu broke the window.

Several people saw each other when they entered.

"What people?" "Who is it?" "Someone?" Several people were on guard looking at both sides.

"I am the leader of the Burial Society, Chou Shenya. Several of you." He said so.

"I am Peter, the Apostle of Truth." "Andrew." "Jacob." And then with Chigamiya, he looked at this word in a trench coat that covered him completely. Just reference Brother A's look.

"I'm just here to investigate the GHQ virus experiment." Sakura Manji said with a heavy voice.

"Virus experiments?" The Apostle and Tsutsugamiya said in such surprise, then froze at each other. "What are you doing here? " the two asked in such unison.

"I said first. "So said the chitinya." I'm here to save the day. "

"Is that so." The three apostles listened and said. "We've come to follow in the footsteps of God."

"God's footprints?" Tsutsugamiya and Sakura Manchu were stunned, and then both were thinking. These guys shouldn't be crazy. "But the apostle seemed to see what they were thinking and said.

"How can mortals know the greatness of the gods. " "You are merely lost in desire to play, and there are gods above this world. "

After that, the first came to the lowest level of the lab.

"This is. "They followed down. Saw one of the labs. Slate? A pyramid was carved with it, and at the top of the pyramid was an eye.

"This is the footprint of God." The apostle replied. "The true miracle of God's legacy." The three apostles nobly came down and began to worship.

Tsutsugamiya and Sakura Manchu did not believe it, and walked up to observe the tablet. "Is this the symbol of the Freemasons?" He was talking about that pyramid and the eyes.

"What is Freemasonry?"

"One that has influenced the world, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Goethe, Haydn, Beethoven, Marquis de Sade, Mozart, Frederick the Great, Washington, Franklin, Mark Twain, Conan Doyle, Garibaldi, Newton, Einstein. All of them were once theirs." So said the guttersnipe.

"And then what happened?"

"This organization perished after a fight with Future," Chigamiya said. "Someone should have joined GHQ to give it to them."

"Exactly." Apostle Peter said. "The tablet was found in the ruins of King Solomon's City many years ago, when, according to the information left behind, the translator said that if you mastered this, you mastered the path to the Kingdom of Heaven."

"Back then, the Future Company issued an all-out war against the Freemasons over this tablet."

"In the end, the Freemasons disappeared into the wreckage of history, but the Future Corporation didn't get this either." He explained thus, pressing his hand to it.

Instantly, light illuminated the entire lab.

Peter, Tsutsugamiya, and Sakura Manchu disappeared into the place.

When they came back to their senses. Found. They were in the middle of an endless starry sky. No, it's more appropriate to say. The universe was more appropriate. And beneath their feet. A planet with continents attached to it. Ancient Earth!!!

"Ancient times. The Forerunner came to this earth." A wispy, raw sound.

Three men saw, in the endless stars, a great mass of light coming to this place, life on the continent. Dinosaurs, in all their extinction.

"The truth about the extinction of the dinosaurs?"

Then the light spread out. What appeared in front of everyone was one. A sci-fi flying saucer, a circular fortress paradise, from which countless lights appeared, that was. Winged people.


"The Forerunners established the Garden of Eden over the earth. To create a race that would help them. Countless races were created. Elves, Titans, Giants, Dragons. Finally, a weak race was favored by them. Humans."

"The first race to be created rushed to discontent. Possessing infinite gifts, they began to fight against the Forerunners. In the end, they were wiped out by the Forerunners who granted the armed humans."

They saw. The continent that gathered countless rebellious beings. Atlantis was wiped out.

Mankind became the ruler of this land and began to develop in different ways. In the Ancient East, a group of people got rid of their physical genetic limitations and became so-called immortals. Another group of people compensated themselves with spirit and became Buddhas. In the West, the descendants of the ancient rebellious race of titanic gods and human beings began to discover their own power and compensate for the deficiencies of the body and became known as gods.

In addition, there were so-called experimentally created races - werewolves, vampires, trolls. Doing all kinds of experiments.

"Desire is always endless." The ancient voice said so. "They began to fight the Forerunners."

Several kings of the Titans wielded the Scepter of Thunder, the Trident of the Ocean, the Scythe of the Dead, slaughtering the Forerunners, and the Immortals of the East fought against the Forerunners with their own developed energy weapons, the Seals. (Don't spit out these scenarios.)

"The Forerunners are slain, and in the end, they create the most fearsome weapon ever created. Satan."

Then. A white-haired man appeared before them. This man's words. It was Yo.

"It's him!!!" Scratching God's End said in surprise.

"You've seen it?" The other two asked curiously. "The supreme leader of the future company, the man behind the curtain."

In the picture, countless immortals and gods were killed. In the end, all the immortals, Buddhas, and gods were killed. However, before they died, they used a special method to seal Satan.

After that, a great flood before Satan was sealed destroyed all civilizations.

This struggle was only drawn to a close.

Chapter 16: Teaming up to Brush the Devil King

Chapter 16

"We are the chroniclers of history, recording the truest history."

"Sooner or later Satan will come to mankind again and return the world to chaos, to stop him!" This old voice said so. "The age of myth is over, the future belongs to man, go stop him."

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