The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 170

"Ooh." One demon was struck head-on and died tragically.

And several other demons rushed behind him and swung down with a hammer.

"Boom." One was blocked, the other was killed by an arrow from Scratch God's End's sunset bow.

Peter supercharged Tsutsugamiya shouted a thank you and began a new round of attacks.

And Sakura Manchu swung the death scythe and began a new round of counterattacks. The magic of death gathered on the scythe and shared Nero in waves.

After the demonization, Nero used his own almost infinite magic power. But it didn't harm Sakura Manchu. Finally, in a fit of rage, she used Zhao Dang's Golden Opera.

When Peter Bar killed the last demon, the golden opera house appeared once again in front of everyone.

"How about. This is my opera house." Nero's said. "The most spectacular opera house in Rome over two thousand years ago, the Golden Theatre."

"More than two thousand years ago? Nero?" Peter said. "The last emperor of Rome, the Roman tyrant who burned all of Rome with fire, and you are Nero?"

"Exactly." Nero said proudly. "I am the last king of Rome, rivaling Apollo's musicians 。。。。 (You know.)"

"Nero Claudius."

PS The author's bank card has been recycled.

Chapter 23: Saving the World

Chapter 23

"You commoners," she said so. "Kneel to my king." So said.

An invisible pressure arose in the Golden Opera House. However, it did not press down on the three. The divine Golden Cup Shelterer Peter. The power of the Barbarian Giant on the Chou Shenya. And the black robe on Sakura Manchu helped him block the spirit of words.

"Useless?" Nero was shocked, then looked at it. "The treasures of the ancient gods?."

After that, covering his head, he said. "Looks like I'll have to retreat this time. This answer will make that girl control sad, I guess. After all, I told him I would kill all of you 。。。。 "The eyes looked at the crowd without any expression.

The golden opera house disappeared and Nero said to the crowd. "This time I lost, next time I may not. "After that, the body turned into golden light and disappeared.

In a space in another place.

Yuu was sitting on the couch, with Sakura Mane's real name snuggled up next to him, while the window was pounding his leg. (There's a traitor in our midst that must be burned.) .

"Losing? ' Yo suddenly asked.

The golden light appeared behind him, forming a complete person, it was Nero.

"Right." Nero walked to his other and hugged him. "That's pretty impressive for blocking my three levels of strength." The beep on his chest pressed against Yo's head.

"You can get out of the way no." Yo said. "It's a little heavy. And I've always been a poor breasted party person."

"I'm a giant boob and I'm really letting you down."


The three of them arrived in front of the stone slab, and unlike the slab in front of them, this one had a pattern painted on it that was incredibly familiar to all of them. The Tree of Life formation diagram.

Representing the end of life, the terminal formation diagram, representing the ultimate evolution of mankind.

The Tree of Life formation diagram was not invented by Kabalas, it originally existed, it was just undiscovered, and finally allowed Kabalas to obtain it and finally become a true god in one fell swoop.

The slate turned into a gate opening. What appeared in front of everyone was a starry tunnel. After that, countless fragments flew out.

Clinging to the three people.

"This is. ' The crowd felt the fragments inside their bodies.

Peter's back grew wings, which were angel wings, and the fragments gave him the ability to fly. Tachigamiya's eyes turned gold, he could see farther, more accurately, and even, could see the red human dots moving behind the walls.

A red tattoo appeared on Sakura Manji's hand. It was a magic circuit that could give one endless magic power.

Like the previous one, the slab ended up becoming a flyback leaving the world.


At the time the slate disappeared.

The earth began to shake, the house began to shake, and a crack appeared in the wall of this future company's headquarters, the tallest building in Japan.

Finally, when the wall disappeared. The three people discovered that the original blue pillar of light had enveloped all of Tokyo, outside countless things flew up into the sky, but inside, it was countless things floating calmly.

A huge machine appeared in front of everyone.

"Which one is what?" Curiosity appeared within them. "Now hurry over there and see."


Mechanical weapons from the Lord's Space, the most chicken-hearted category of the S-class options. Scientific Formation.

The weapon that attracted meteorites was enough to destroy a world, but the amount of time it took was too much. However, now, this weapon was fully developed and was already operational.

When the three arrived at this place.

They saw corpses all over the ground, these were "researchers."

"What's going on...." Sakuraman set to check over one by one, and finally. They found one still alive.

"What is this thing." He asked. "What's wrong with you guys."

"Researcher," gasped. "It's... Twilight of the gods."

"Twilight of the gods?"

"Exactly." He looked at this fervently. "The most powerful scientific weapon of all, he can attract orbiting, and even meteorites and meteors flying through the universe, summoning them to the surface and destroying everything."

"This...." All three were surprised by this madness.

"Then what's wrong with them?" He asked the man who had fallen beside him.

"After they let us build it, they killed us all to silence us." He said so. "We all died here. Ah. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The 'researcher' began his last words.

"Now, this machine has been activated." He said. "I just want to study it." He said reluctantly, grabbing Sakura's set arm. "Go stop this machine. There's a lab behind this machine, go destroy it anywhere and the whole machine will stop."

And then. The researcher just died.

The three of them discuss it. Peter goes to destroy the lab, and Sakura Manchu and Tsutsugamiya go together to stop Satan.

"Now, it's time to bet on the future of humanity's battle." Peter says so. "I believe the humans will win."

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