The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 173.

Chapter 26: A Very Watery Chapter

Chapter 26

"The gods give punishment to sinful mortals."

"Doom descends from the skies and destroys all civilizations of mortals, and the waters roar from the endless abyss and drown all cultures."

"It is the punishment of the gods, given to all unclean mortals."

New Era 0001, it was a new era, the ancient mythology had once again descended upon this continent, the original humans had all died out and were replaced by a tribe of people who believed in different gods, some were called the God of War, yo were called the God of Fire, but, in reality, all were part of the mechanical sky gods.

The one who held the power of the gods had to be a devout sacrifice of faith in the gods.

Not only faith, but also a number of listed conditions must be met, and in addition to that, a knight who has mastered a special power, and after satisfying the seven virtues, a knight who has gained strength rivaling that of the sacrifice.

A god who monitors everything and tries to create a perfect new empire.

"Is this the world of experimentation." Asuka looked at the scene. "No matter what, it's really true to kill all humans."

"Do you still want to take pity on them?" Yoru smiled.

Asuka was silent, she knew the filth and ugliness of the human race better than anyone.

"There is no immortal civilization in this world." Yo said looking at the city in front of her, and the peasants working on the side. "What we have to do is not only the so-called destruction of the world, but the re-creation of a new world that will replace the new civilization."

"Only then will you understand why we are destroying the world." Yo said as the frolicking children ran over. "Let's go inside."

This city was a city that believed in a goddess of sublime goodness.

And this goddess was the window.

"Help everyone around you. Then he will share your joy - sublime goodness." This was the so-called doctrine of the goddess, the doctrine of the window prayers, the doctrine of the gods.

This city was a city with oriental characteristics, and when you walked into the city, you came to a place, and Yo called for a few small dishes to sit in this place.

And the people around them came and went, and the few words that they eventually heard the most were.

"The great Goddess of Goodness is above." "May the Goddess of Sublime Goodness bless and protect you." Window's incarnation of Sublime Goodness could be said to be a big faith religion in this world within dozens of nearby cities.

On top of that, there was Sakura's true name's Nemesis religion, Nero's Kingship and Guardianship. And so on, and everyone adds a xxx god on top before they speak, this is to urge themselves.

There is some being who senses you when you pronounce his name.

Undoubtedly, under the administration of the mechanical gods, all these were filed one by one and finally administered.

Different doctrines bring different philosophies and conflicts, but, relatively speaking, the world is already harmonious.

To be good is to do good, and under the management of the window goddess of goodness, the city could be said to be, the road is never closed, and of course, no one is ever really closed at night.

"That's the perfect new world in my concept," Yo said so. "After they have perfected all their deals, after combining them into a new religion."

"A perfect real new religion 。。。。"

"What do you call it good within." Yo asked so. "A religion that governs the world of all civilizations. I see. It's called the Devil's Religion."

"Aren't you afraid of being killed by a warrior as a demon king."

"I'll let it go for such a small thing as a Demon King brave."


The world is moving along this trajectory.

New Era 0001 to 856 was the age of city-states, when religions clashed and were replaced by, theocratic kingdoms, and finally, after nearly 500 years of fighting and clashing with each other, these kingdoms were finally unified by the religions that originally believed in the goddess of goodness.

This is when the Theocracy began to enter the Age of Theocracy.

Good monks and bishops, who were well versed in the teachings of the Goddess of Goodness, became the governing bodies of the world.

The original nobles and the people who sought them out set up the Senate, which was responsible for the administration of the people.

Under these circumstances, the human race began a new life, and everything that had governed them ceased to exist.

Everyone was added to the use of renewable resources. The human footprints began to spread again throughout the world.

However, those who did not believe in God mixed with the Senate and attempted to use the power of the Senate to disband the Church of the Sublime. The man known as the Dictator, through a loophole in the legal right to vote, seized military power in one fell swoop, and at the same time, on the condition that no orders would be given for war, attempted to kill the leader of the Church of Sublime Goodness, the so-called Holy Pope.

But, in the end, he was struck dead by a divine thunderbolt from heaven.

"Even the most perfect of worlds has its flaws." Yo looked at it all and said. "Forget it. This world is already perfect 。。。。"

"But what I'm trying to do is to pursue an even more perfect world, ah." Yo said so. "This world will be corrupted one day too 。。。。"

When the dictator died, the multitudes who had established the Senate were banished, and the banished nobles started a rebellion in the north and established the Noble Kingdom.

Waging war in the name of nobility, they unified the world again.

However, with the passing of time, the empire also began to split,the times `changed, and the world became a world of magical civilization.

"It's all over." Yo looked at all this and said to the mechanical god beside him. "This experiment is over."

"Yes," said the Mechanical Sky God so lukewarmly. "The final system - the holocaust."

The earth's plates shifted, volcanoes fluffed up, a great tsunami descended, and the entire world began to go to ruin.

"Lord God, it's not finished yet." Yo asked.

"Yes." The Lord God replied thusly, "It is yet to be."

"No need to say." Yo said. "Is there anything else...."


Yo thought for a moment and said. "It's getting boring again. What interesting bits of the Lord God have. "

"Rebellious Rufus 。。。。" The Lord God said. "In the past, an existence fell to this plane, and then the plane was affected."

"What influence?"

"That one is a god similar to Arya, whose existence became the consciousness of the world."

"Then send me there."

"Begin activating the transmission."

Chapter 1 Nazis.

Chapter I

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