The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 187

"Führer, Miss CC has been found in District 11." A soldier so looked at Yo who was going about his business. Thirty minutes later, all business was done.

"What's the situation...."

"An officer stationed there, Officer Zhang Burning, has been killed in battle, and was shot multiple times before he died." He reported thus.

"Immediately order the dispatch of a small group of (four) superpowers into Area 11." He said so. "Be sure to capture CC alive."


Chapter 15 So the big outbreak today.


"Is the survey done." A Breton officer said so.

"Yes." A soldier replied. "The other is a senior officer of the Chinese Empire's Black Spirit Force."

"Those shadows of the Black Spirit Force?." He looked so and said. "I can't believe they missed and died at the hands of a small soldier too."

For the soldiers of Britannia, the Black Spirit Force was undoubtedly a nightmare, but back then, during the war, it assassinated nearly three levels of senior officers.

"What's the name of the one who killed?" He asked thus. "He must be rewarded properly."

"Sir, he's not Brittania. It's a man from District Eleven, called the Immortal Vermilion Bird." He said so, with a kind of contempt in his eyes.

"Well, it's from District Eleven." The officer was embarrassed. Although it was a reward, but that was for the Breton, as for the Eleventh District people. He hadn't thought of that.

"Then let's report it first."


"This time, the four of you are tasked with bringing back Miss CC." In a limousine, a middle-aged man said to the four year old toughs, unlike the four, who were the Nazi Crusaders, who were the supernaturals sent over.

Possessing varying powers.

Super sight, infinite strength, lightning speed, berserk roar.

All four of them were superpowers born after the battle ten years ago.

"Currently, Miss CC is in the Ashford Academy of the Ashford family. If necessary, we will send aid to you. However, the mission must be completed." He said so.

"Uncle, we know." A young man said.

"Uncle. Heh heh heh drink." he laughed. "I'm only thirty years old."

The car stopped and came to a mansion. This was a secret base of the Black Spirit Force, a mansion hanging under the name of a big businessman of the Chinese Empire, but it was actually a secret military base.

Came to a basement.

There were several people here doing a variety of investigations and reports. Saw the officer who walked in and said. "Sir, what brings you back."

"Give me the information on Ashford."


He handed the stack of information to the four men, "This is a note, the person who took Miss CC has a special identity, and there are still discussions at the top about him, and he's forbidden to make a move on him, so you'll just have to grab him."

"What is the identity of the other party?" One youth asked thus.

"The other is the missing Brittanian prince, Lulusiu v`Brittania." He said so. "The other has an extraordinary hatred for Brittania's."

"It can be used as a vanguard to lure him if necessary."


A shadow hung over the entire Ashford.

Not only the Chinese Empire, but also the GEASS Church in Brittania had begun to move.

"Just now news. The Chinese Empire has sent supernaturals to District 11 to find Miss CC." A man with a full white robe said so to a blond-haired Masa.

"Then let's go over there too. Their target looks like it's more than just cc."

Superpowers received, the second secret order: kidnap Natalie and use her to control Lulu. Only a sister-controller would understand sister-control.

As a girl control, Yo naturally knew how to subdue a girl control.

In the recent past, the Chinese Empire, which had originally stopped expanding, was once again operating at full strength. The originally average business of domestic arms manufacturers began to explode again, with all the orders coming from the Chinese Empire.

All the people who received the orders could see it. The empire was going to start operating again.


This is Ashford Academy.

"Is this the place." A young man looked at this place, "What a nice place." He was one of the four superpowers. Thunder God Speed.

Having thunder-like speed. Among all the superpowers this was also an extremely powerful member. In terms of speed, he could be ranked in the top three.

"This student is not a student from our school, right." A blonde beauty said so. Miree Ashford, the granddaughter of this school's councilor, the president of the student council. Also Lulu's cousin.

"Yes," he said to Miree. "I'm here from the Chinese Empire to visit the place."

"Yes.... Then come in and take a tour." She said so.

"That's really nice of you." He walked in. Ashford College did call itself the number one college in the eleventh district. And most of those studying were Bretons.

"Who's that guy?"

"Is it someone from District Eleven?" Numerous students discussed, "It can't be someone from District 11, not so short, it should be someone from the Chinese Empire."

All kinds of speculations came in, stalking Mirei visiting the school and entering the student union.

"Classmate, where did you used to go to school in the Chinese Empire?" Miree asked so.

"Me?." He said with a smile. "I'm an orphan, and I graduated from the Empire's third military academy."

The Chinese Empire's military academy? Mirei was stunned, but he had heard the name of that school, the Chinese Empire had a total of nearly twenty-one national military academies, established specifically for those orphans, elementary school, middle school, high school, university, a one-stop shop.

It was entirely established to train the elite of the Chinese Empire's military, and there were even many parents who sent their children into it as well.

"I graduated from high school at the top of the third military academy," he said so. "Only to be expelled for irregularities while in college." Of course, this was only a superficial reason, but in reality he had joined the secret specialty of the Empire's first military academy to become a supernatural being.

"Now I'm here in Japan to see."

"Yeah...." They walked into the student union.

"Now in I'll introduce you all." Mirei said so to the student council crowd. "This one is visiting from the Chinese Empire. Classmate your name hasn't said country to me yet."

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