The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 195

"Even if I give in, this Japanese nation won't give in. Even if I were alone you would be useless." Karyn said so.

"Just you will be enough." Yo said.

At this time, a young girl with blue hair in a white combat uniform walked in. Limbori. Walked in front of Yo.

"Rei, are you done," Yo asked so.

Rei Rei nodded her head. "All of them are annihilated."

"Good," said Yo to the crowd of Black Knights after hearing that. "A message just now. Samurai Blood, Tigers of Yamato 。。。。 and dozens of other resistance groups have now all been annihilated. Only you guys are still alive."

"This." "So possible." "Don't be fooled by him, everyone." There were various voices from below.

"Now, please look at the picture."

After that, a view screen was released.

In the distance were the bases of various resistance groups. Then, a blue light descended from the sky, instantly destroying the entire base. The weapon named Super Energy Destruction Wave experimented with its power. A powerful weapon that was even cleaner and more magnificent and terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

It was a disaster for human history.

When this weapon appeared, it quickly ascended to the stage, powerful, wide-ranging and short-lived. It had unparalleled benefits.

"Japan is only the beginning, not the end. My goal is not only to land in brother Japan, Brittania and EU, but also the sea of stars in the endless."

The words were remembered by future generations, and everyone remembered the first head of state who taught the goal to look out into the universe.

After the Chinese Empire ruled over Japan, Karenschotenfeldt became the governor of the East Japan, and the Chinese Empire's millions of troops ascended to the East Japan and began their brutal rule.

"Now, we can have a chat. Your Highness Lu Lucius." Yo looked at him and said. "Can you tell me. . cc where she is?"

"What do you want with her?" The helmeted Rulluccio who took off his helmet said so. "You're the Führer, and she's just an ordinary person."

"An ordinary man? "Yo looked at him and laughed.

"You actually call her a normal person?" Yoru laughed maniacally. "She's the heart of the whole world."


"It's a being that can communicate with God." Yo said so. "And also me. The only way to understand this world, ah."

PS Extra update extra today. Update extra in the afternoon. That's it.

Chapter 24.

Chapter Twenty-four

The Empire went to glory in the war.

When the Chinese Empire opened his claws, no one could stop them, and after the Empire attacked Japan, he began to declare war on the entire world.

The world still had some small countries besides the three superpowers, but no one could stop them because of an injunction given by the Führer.

If more than a thousand people were lost in a battlefield, after capturing the other side's city, then a massacre would be carried out.

"The life of our Chinese nation is a thousand times nobler than these inferior peoples 。。。。" He said so, and beacons burned majestically around the world.

Now he was making final preparations for the Japanese flavor attack on Britannia. From where Lulusu had received the news, CC had left the day before Limbri came.

"In that case, I'll add a fire to the war in this world." Yo said so. "Call all the generals here for the highest level meeting."


The three generals of the Chinese Empire. Zhang Jun, Yi Youhui, and Dongfang Jie. The three great generals after the rise of the empire.

Zhang Jun loved using chariots and crushing his opponents with heavy artillery, Yi Youhui loved the combination of chariots and air force to destroy some, and Dongfang Jie was the strongest of the three and specialized in using all the soldiers at their disposal, they were the three best soldiers of the empire.

"Führer!!!" The three men followed more than ten generals behind them to the headquarters.

This was the headquarters of the Empire established in Japan, and although it was said to be a headquarters, it was actually just the Alford Academy in Britannia that had been remodeled.

Yo was sitting at a desk by himself, with the special general of the Empire, Maji, by his side.

"Everyone's here." Yo looked at everyone, then said. "Good, now we need to discuss a solution. How to attack Britannia."

"Attack Brittania!!!" Everyone was excited, ever since the EU and the Chinese Federation had weakened, it had never been only Britannia that bullied others, and now attacking Britannia was the first time.

"Right." Yo said so, looking at the excited generals below. "Our goal is not only to defeat Brittania, the key is 。。。。 to conquer them!!!"

The pen in the hand is inserted in the map. The place where it was inserted was the capital of Brittania.

Everyone calmed down after the excitement and looked at the Führer in front of them, they knew that conquering Brittania wasn't an easy task ah.

"Führer, all the troops in Brittania have now started heading to the location of the War God (War Emissary)." Dongfang Jie said so. "Even all of our troops I'm afraid."

"That group of clowns in Brittania." Yo said looking at the map. "Inform the forces attacking the EU to finish early and prepare for the assault on Brittania, and those airfields at home."

"Führer, you are thinking." Yi Youhui seemed to have thought of something.

"Exactly..." Yoru looked at all the generals with a cold smile. "I'm going to make a wager for the Chinese Empire with all of our strength."

Building airfields, using fighter jets, firing the most dangerous weapon in the world. The Time Out Shock Bomb.

The three generals thought of the key at once. The time-shock bombs.

"And about the landing on Brittania and the raid on Brittania." This meeting was discussed for a long time, until late at night.

In the evening, Yo ended the meeting and took a car to inspect this Tokyo area.

After the Chinese Empire occupied this place, the entire EGL area was under military control, no wandering out after ten o'clock at night, the first warning if found, the second time all entered the concentration camp for reeducation, if after going out, they didn't repent and made any mistakes. Then stay in the reeducation camp for life.

"En?" Yo still saw one person on his rounds. Miree Ashford.

"What person?" Yo's guards were the first to go up. "Don't you know that it's forbidden to go out after ten o'clock at night." He scolded so, he hoped he could make a good impression on the Führer. And the burden of defending the Führer was on his shoulders.

"No!!!" Yo's guards went up and pushed, and Mirei fell down. After that, countless shadows rushed out.

It was the Breton.

"Assassination?." Yo thought so. "How stupid." Yes, it was an assassination. An assassination aimed squarely at Yo, carried out by the Breton.

"Bunch of arrogant bastards." Yo stepped out of the car and looked at the assassins in front of him 。。。。

"Führer!!!" Yo's guard, holding a gun, said to Yo. "Get out of here. Er." Well, having successfully handed out a poo, the young man who was loyal to the Führer left this world.

"Now it's your time to die, Yo Lee." An old man with blond hair said so. "The history of Brittania will go on forever 。。。。"

"That's not necessarily so." Yo looked at him and said. "My will is the will of the nation. You guys, go to hell." So said, with a magical voice.

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