The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 199


"Zhou Fang, meet the Führer." Zhou Fang said so to Yo. "As instructed by the Führer."

"Zhou Fang. You will not join this battle." Yo said so. "There is a special mission for you."

"As instructed by the Führer."

"You should be aware of the news of the attack on the Reich's first laboratory." Yo said. "According to the news, it was done by that Lulusu back then. Go and get him back."


"And. Take this with you." Yo took out an eye. "This is the latest research on the power to resist geass ability, now it's in your hands, go fight for the future of the empire!!!"

"Yes, my Führer."


War broke out.

A war between Brittania and his little brother and the Chinese Empire.

The Messenger of War stood spraying the earth with his artillery fire, tens of millions of neutron tanks roared up into the sky, Brittania's armor was on full impact, and the twelve Knights of the Round Table began to charge. Troops on the ground and in the air were charging at the Warbringer.

"Do you think you can defeat us like this." The generals looked at the soldiers. "Petty bourgeoisie, atmosphere your spirits."

"You may be forgotten, but you will be the cornerstone of the Empire."

"You are the ones who built the great empire, and you are the ones who made history. Now, use your power to fight for the Empire."

"All for the Empire!!! "All the warriors showed their steel-like strength. Celestial Armor. Silver bodies, blue helmets, bodies that look like they are wearing indestructible armor, powerful weapons that have both melee and two kinds of performance. It was also a powerful machine equipped with high energy electromagnetic rotational power, which could be used to destroy with super electromagnetism.

After that is the Heavenly General, coming out of the Heavenly Soldier's function, there is also the most powerful reversing energy system that can resist all energy supplies, and at the same time, it can use the energy to vibrate and destroy everything around it.

The General's Celestial Monarch, on the other hand, is currently the most powerful weapon outside of the Celestial God. Various abilities such as hyperspace instantaneous movement and so on were granted, along with the ability to move through outer space and short distance space jumps.

The Celestial God, on the other hand, is the most powerful. Various abilities. Weather control, complete space jumps, hyper-medium destruction. Almost all of the abilities were focused on this Triton's armor.

Abilities that could almost sweep the world.

But, this was just a rumor, but, never seen before.

In this battle summary, the generals' heavenly rulers also began to appear.

Armor that was even more terrifying than that of the Celestial Soldiers and Generals, armor that was almost between energy and matter, even Brittania's Lancelot couldn't break it. However, Bretonia has begun to utilize enhancements 。。。。

The most prominent was the addition of Bretonia's Kuchiki Vermillion.

The pilot, Susa no Man, swept away almost everything, and even the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals could not stop him. But, don't forget, the current Kuchiki Vermilion Bird doesn't have the faith to live that the original had. He was still just a mortal.

"Come on. The final prologue." Yo walked out of the camp.

"Führer!!!" All of them so saluted to.

"Now is the time for the Empire to unify the world." Yo said so. "Fight for the Empire, generals."

Behind him. A silvery white one flew out from the ground.

"This is. Celestial God!!!" All the generals recognized the armor. The legendary most fearsome experimental armor.

And the one driving the armor. Limbri.

"Bring me victory. Rei." Yo said so. "This world will be completely conquered by us."

The sky turned black. Weather manipulation!!!

"Bringing final death and woe to all!!!"

Chapter XXIX. Unification

Chapter 29

The robotic war emissary standing on the earth changed into a giant robot with a giant sword in its hand. The giant sword in his hand was erected and thrust into the ground, after which 。。。。 A power spread out from all directions.

The entire earth began to tremble and roar, a shockwave, a device that caused the continental shelf to shake.

Under the attack of the endless cannon fire, the robot known as the God of War was drowned by the cannon fire just like that, the armor around it was penetrated, the mechanical coating fell off, and its own parts were destroyed by the cannon fire. But.

The continental shelf shock had been completed.

The moment he was destroyed, as if a cataclysmic carpet began to be created, the power sweeping across everything, the entire earth of America began to tremble, and the entire world could feel such power.

A powerful weapon that swept away everything, the Continental Shelf Vibrator.

The Brittany Sub-Army fell unsteadily on its feet, charged to slag by the Chinese Empire's army, the frontlines all having been completely defeated. The Chinese Empire's army had also been attacked on the way forward, but, the losses were minor.

The Breton army, on the other hand, had retreated their infantry and dispatched all of their chariots and armor up.

On the far side of the Chinese Empire, an armor non-six countries came 。。。。 near-energy full body armor with a very strong sci-fi body, the strongest body of the Empire.

Sky God.

The black sky thunder dragon began to roar.

Then, a bolt of lightning compromised down, as if the gods were punished by the heavens, a powerful weapon to manipulate the weather. Apocalypse control armed.

Numerous enemies were struck by lightning, as well as many Breton armor that used lightning-conducting materials. All of them were cleaved to death.

"Retreat, retreat." Bretonia's high ranking uniform house so conveyed the orders of the Knights of the Round Table. Only retreat, ordinary armament had no meaning in front of them.


"You can't leave when you're here." The one from the Sky Mountain Dryad conveyed the Führer's words, and the entire several began energy transfer, and a blue electromagnetic sphere appeared with one hand up. There was constantly blue light in the surrounding air that entered within this basketball.

This was a powerful weapon made by imitating Tesla's Tungus Big Bang, the Tesla Electromagnetic Destruction Weapon.

The electromagnetic weapon spread out with one point as its core. The powerful power penetrated through anything and everyone was reduced to cinders. All machines were completely destroyed.

When this weapon was used, all within range was destroyed except for accidents outside of range.

The leading technology is often the first to be applied to warfare. This selection of technology ahead of the world is always so, as was the case with the nuclear bomb.

When all the enemy forces had retreated far away. Yo saw that a bunch of people were flying in the distance. The Knights of the Round Table. "Rei, go defeat them. Capture them. "

"Yes." Ri answered so. The God of Heaven was driven by it.

The Knights of the Round Table of Britannia in the distant sky fought for the purpose of capturing the thief, not only the Knights of the Round Table, but all the army's top elites came over.

They had only one purpose. That was to forcefully kill Li You.

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