The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 224


At this time in Egypt, a place, the original Egyptian presidential palace, a monster with a wolf's head and a human body sat in the presidential seat, known as Anubis, a demigod made by Yo.

Not a god, but, had begun to move towards being a god, and by being one with the earth of Egypt, he could create an eternal land and become a true god.

"All together?." He looked down at those African leaders.

"Yes, my lord." The original Egyptian president looked at the god sitting up there, the monster that had appeared before everyone and gained the support of all the Egyptians on the first day, ousted him, and now he was just a vice president. And, in name only.

"Very well." He said so, wielding a huge scythe in his hand, wolf's head swaying. "At my command, full attack. The Islamic Empire!!!"

"I will personally bury the other creation, completely."

Outside the presidential palace, countless wolf-headed monsters began to roar, and the legions of the Underworld that had been summoned to the human world began to become one with the earth, possessing near-immortal abilities.

When Anubis becomes a god, these guys will become true warriors of the underworld with immortal powers.

The Great Islamic Empire.

This kingdom, which all the Muslims had joined together to build, had been completely reduced to fanatical Muslim believers after a great purge.

A being covered in white light stood in front of all the Muslims.

"Believers of Allah." He said thus. "The time has come to fight for the Lord."

"Our Allah, who sent me to this place, has been watching you, watching your strength and resilience, in the past, we were bullied by people, those damned ones were bullying the warriors of Allah. "

"Now, show your resolve and start a holy war. "

"For Allah!!! "

"For Allah!!! "

When the light dissipated, a white winged man stood before the crowd, unutterably gorgeous.

"Remember my name, warrior of Allah, Angel Adams."

Chapter Twenty.

Chapter XX

The game was still going on.

"I can't believe it's the undead of hell." Yo looked at the player in front of him, Bermeh Call, the only player with an Epic weapon.

"Epic gloves: hand of Hades, no requirement restriction to wear, unique, ancient necromancers obtained the artifact of Hades, conducted research on this artifact, and eventually researched necromancy."

"Full attribute +80, skill +3, death, skeleton, summoning system skill extra +3, comes with the pressure of the Hades, has a twenty percent full attribute bonus to undead monsters within range."

"Skill, Grip of Hades, can summon Hades' hand to grab the opponent, give the opponent fifty percent of current life damage, grab in front of yourself, and stun for 1 second, give the opponent a curse for the next 1 minute, all damage becomes spell damage, all skills have fifty percent failures when released, comes with shatter for the opponent's equipment Effect."

"Skill, Guard of the Underworld, all the dead belong to the King of the Underworld, no one can resist the King of the Underworld, change yourself into a Wraith and become a Guard of the Underworld, after changing into a Wraith, every attack will cause the other party additional damage of your own undead system white bone spear, penetration damage of 100%, and every 5 seconds will reset a bone shield for yourself, after becoming a Wraith, if you die you will Reanimate, but the attribute drops by thirty percent in three minutes, and the transformation lasts 20 seconds."

Without a doubt, this was an equipment that was enough to slaughter all the current players.

The current Behemoth Call Bone Spear skill was a full level 20, plus after level 6, the level 26 Bone Spear could deal nearly 5000 spell damage per attack, slaughtering almost anyone standing in a straight line with just one move.

"Are you the first player." She looked at the black-haired man in front of her, a black and red spear in his hand, glowing with black evil light, which was equipment +15. "It's actually a +15 equipment. "

+6 was the easiest in this game, +10 would require a great deal of leveling, luck, fortune none the less, and a +15 turn next door was the first time she'd seen it.

"Right." Yo put her lance down and said. "In order to strengthen this +15 equipment, I've spent a whole 100 million dollars."

"Hiss~." The people in the audience all took in a cold breath when they heard, 100 million ah.

Although they knew that there were many people who invested money in this game, more than usual, but they didn't expect that someone had actually invested 100 million already.

"This equipment alone has cost 100 million, you're really rich." Bumi Hoo said so.

"Yeah." Yo looked at her. "By now, I've spent nearly 500 million on upgrading equipment, washing professions, and changing skills." Barely earthly money.

Is it really attracting hatred.

"Down with the dirtbags!!!" "Surely the first person is the first dirtbag of the game world, right." "Has this game already stepped onto the path of all domestic online games."

Various voices were so filled.

This game was just built with domestic games in mind ah. You'll never understand the world of these local heroes. It's worth 500 million dollars to play a game.

One person to feed a company?

"Then show me what you're made of." The black glove appeared on her hand, "Hades Grip."

The black power of death condensed in the ring, transforming into a giant hand, the ancient power of the Hades gathered on it, an attack that even some royal families with legendary equipment couldn't dodge.

"Grab him!!!" So ordered the Bumihoo.

The Hand of Death wasted the past, appearing in front of Yo and grabbing Yo, the heavy force of death causing a crack to appear on Yo's gold-grade armor.

This was the shattering effect, which had a certain probability of shattering the opponent's equipment and reducing the durability of the opponent's equipment.

By the way, this game hasn't even had a durability setting until now.

Don't care about such trivial things.

"It's useless oh." A grey shield appeared on Yo's body. "Chaos Opener, melee form."

"Gun of Chaos Giant God Break." The lance in his hand changed into a black giant lance, not caring about his blood, countless deaths, and skeletal magic hit him like a storm.

However, ineffective.

The Chaos Opener, when using the skill, would unfold a shield that was immune to all damage for 1 second.

The original professional trait of absolute guarding became absolute casting.

"Through it all, Giant God Break!!!" The black spear in his hand, condensed with the incredible ancient god's forehead power, slammed out in an instant as if to pierce this earth.

"Guards of the Underworld!!!" Turning grey all over, the green undead began to lament around her, the ancient guards that guarded the underworld around the Underworld.

"It's useless." Keeping her throwing lance, she watched as the flying lance hit her shield.

"-8750" huge damage floated up from her head, it was still due to the double shield of bones after she changed into a guard of the Underworld, the Giant God broke, giving the opponent's magic value an equal amount of damage to the terrifying skill,,.

Drains the opponent's magic value in a split second, then deals the same damage.

A general skill of a professional nemesis.

However, Bumihoo didn't die, and came back to life under the skill of the Guards of the Underworld.

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