The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 229.

Born to fight and hate everything. Also known as the great enemy of the gods.

This event reached the East, to the point where it caused a frenzy of cultivation, with countless people devoting themselves to temples and Taoist temples in the hopes of going true to their gods, and many Westerners beginning to pray to their gods.

The whole world had been replaced by religious faith in an instant.


"Master. "Bumihoo knelt before Yo, and beside her was a demonic female celestial demon, all exposed and only a few areas covered.

"Hmph." Black Song looked at the woman in front of his teacher, filled with an inexplicable hostility. It was like fighting with a cat for food.

"Very well." Yo looked at the Tendrils beside her and said. "Looks like my magic guide book was a success 。。。。"

"Everything belongs to the master's glow." She said so devoutly. "The master's will will forever be spread throughout the world and shine throughout the multiverse."

"Don't say such vain." Yo interrupted her flattery in one breath and gave her an order. "From now on. The entire Earth enters the Age of Mayhem."

"This game of world destruction, now, kicks off."


The national war that all the players of the game were waiting for now, began.

The entire world was divided into seven regions, each region could only have one kingdom, and in the beginning, this region had countless kingdoms, rather peculiarly, the East Asia region only had three countries, China, North Korea, and South Korea.

The South Asian region became Australia, and all of India, which was the most powerful, had all been sacrificed a few days before. And the Central Asia region has become the great Islamic empire.

East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Mesa, Western Europe, Northern Europe, North Africa, South Africa, a total of seven regions.

Beacons were lit all over the world, not just in the game, but in the real world, the Great Islamic Empire launched a western expedition to challenge the nations of Europe, an inattentive Italy had been destroyed, and the Vatican, the cultural center of Christianity, was also disturbed by the strife of war.

Remarkably, in the midst of this battle, a force of divine grace appeared in the Vatican, all of whom were able to use the so-called power of light.

It actually held off the fanatical followers of Islam and allowed the safe evacuation of all people and goods.

And the angel Adams of the great Islamic empire appeared before the people.

As if a mythical being, so magnificent, with white wings that enchanted everyone. But. When his sword killed the people, people realized that he was not the messenger of God, but the reaper of death.

Everyone was slaughtered by him, and Europe, which was already about to fall apart.

The African Union, Egypt, countless troops are massing, heading for South Africa.

Headed. A heavily armed messenger of death, the wolf-headed guards of Anubis. Representing the guards of Egypt's mythical underworld.

And, unlike Adams, Anubis was always looking for ways to improve his power, and so he, took a side road.

To merge his with the earth, not to establish a godly kingdom, but to become a god of the earth, also known as, the earth god or, the totem god.

Has become an inferior god. With the four priesthoods of Death, Balance, Africa, and Earth.

Of all those who have signed a pact with Baal, he is the most powerful.

And his army, the Death Guard, became a true Death Guard with an immortal body.

"Death's legions ravage the earth, evil angels slay mortals, spirits do not fear the sun, and the world has fallen into chaos." Jasnah was given a mysterious box.

Mythic item: the Pandora's Box. Effect, unknown, but it is said to contain humanity's last hope.

This was drawn by Jasnah after she won. The so-called prize, and after she won, the Japanese government sent a special person over.

No, it's the Chinese government now. Japan has been ruled by China.

They hoped that Miss Jasna would help China further their victory in the national war. Not only Jasna, but almost all of the masters in East Asia had obtained this invitation from the Chinese government.

The current Chinese government in the game, with nearly two million Paladins under its command and hundreds of thousands of mage troops, had become the largest organization in the game.

Even the United States couldn't compare, the only thing that could compare was the millions of berserkers of the Great Islamic Empire.

As for North and South Korea, they've already started beating each other up.

North Korea declares itself to have nuclear weapons, who would dare to try and force the two countries, but no one gives a shit, and North Korea has few players, half the size of South Korea, and has already lost most of its territory in just one day.

In a national war, countries are allowed to build teleportation arrays, and for a while, there were teleportation arrays all over the world.

China didn't hesitate, entangled the three major guilds, and pushed in waves, successfully pushing into the other two countries.

"China managed to occupy East Asia and become number one, now, the rest of the countries are starting to erase." The system's voice sounded so in the game.

The real world.

Black pillars of light appeared above North and South Korea. Almost everyone around the world could see that a force strong enough to destroy the world erupted in the pillar of light and didn't spread out.

When the pillar of light disappeared, the entire Korean peninsula had completely disappeared and was empty, although the houses and cars and everything were still there.

When the news spread. All people realized that they were not playing a so-called game, but their own lives, and when the country where this game was played was finished, all of them would die.

Almost all countries began to play the game by any means possible.

And in the middle of the game, a majestic voice appeared in the ears of the people.

"The human end game, now, begins in full force."

Chapter 26.

Chapter 26

Mankind will never forget the day when disaster descended from the sky and the end of mankind finally began, the end of the old era and the beginning of the new one.

From then on, mankind entered an age of violence, and all people lived under the horror of violence.

In America, the souls of the dead Indians began to slaughter the citizens of the United States, the natives of these former Indians, whose souls had been completely dominated by rage and madness, killing, and hatred, unleashed their hatred on the descendants of these immigrants.

There have been four so-called great presidents of the United States, and all four of these great presidents have spoken, excluded, settled the words of the Indians, and have not hesitated to consider the Indians to be the worm of America

"I want this kingdom to bear my endless wrath!!!" Huge dead souls appear in Washington, D.C., countless undead warriors hit the U.S. White House, and even if they are shattered to pieces they still come back to life, their souls take over the bodies and continue the fight, this is the revenge of the Indians!!!!

"What to do." President Obama said so, looking at the officials. "Where the hell did this monster come from? Why the fuck didn't you guys tell me that!!!!! "So ranting, but it doesn't help.

"The President." A man suddenly looked up at Obama and said. "I think this is a good time to get those people out."

Obama listened reluctantly. "This may expose our country's strength too early though. But it's the only way."

This was a special unit. They used to have a name. Called Ark, it was the first game guild in the United States, but after the destruction of India, it seemed that something began to awaken. They were actually able to use their game character's abilities in reality.

And this time out was an elite unit led by Ark's president.

There were twelve people in total, two assassins, two Paladins, two Knight Commanders, four mages, and two priests. They were the strongest twelve people in the real-life Ark, and they were also the game's pioneering group that had developed dozens of copies.

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