The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 233.

Chapter 1: Kasugano-sensei

Chapter I

"Bury all you have with immortality in this world, my brother!!!"

Golden light flies through this world, and the former demon god, who became one of the sinners of this world, is bound here by having his memory and his own power taken away.


Four of the most famous schools in the world, a high-tech academy with a population of 2.3 million, where every student is a super-powered person, Gakuen Metropolis, a school established solely for the purpose of creating the strongest LV6. A school that was established by numerous consortiums together.

Asafara, with many supernatural events, and like Academy Metropolis, an academy that was also built by many consortiums, as well as having strong support from the upper echelons of the government.

The White Emperor, known as the strongest consortium, and the school built by the Three Thousand Yards alone. The Three Thousand Houses, just one family, could interfere with the world's economic resources and had the ability to break all economic status quo.

The last thing was, Kouban High School, compared to the countless schools, it was too small, the first thing that everyone thought of when they mentioned Kouban was the endless cherry blossom ramp, compared to those schools above, it was too small, it had neither the support of the consortium nor the encouragement of the government.

However, this school lived in the eyes of all.

Compared to those harsh high schools, Koupan didn't have any restraints or troublesome, mandatory rules, of course. Wearing school uniforms those don't count.

But it made its name all over the world by virtue of its ninety-nine percent advancement rate for twelve consecutive years. The remaining one percent transferred or dropped out of school for various reasons.

Almost everyone who took the exam was able to go on to higher education.

It is known as the unsurpassed school in the history of world education.


Haruhi Nozomu, a high school teacher who was only 18 years old, was a high school teacher at this school in Kouban, specializing in nearly 10 specialties such as math, English, chemistry, etc., and it was said that even the first school principal of Academy City, Point Upper Machine, sent an invitation to him to go over and become the head teacher.

But, for some reason, he rejected it.

In his memory, he was living in a light board as a child, and later, in a way that kept skipping grades, he graduated from the university at only 18, and got 10 doctorates, and even almost got the Nobel Prize.

Although he didn't go, he sent his sister to Tsubanodai School, his sister, Haruhi No Dome, the sixth in LV5, the one with the title Above Heaven, the supernatural ability to manipulate liquids.

What an evil feeling.

And as for the parents?

It was mysterious that his own parents had disappeared long ago when he was a child, or had never seen them in class when he was growing up. The only proof of this is that he receives a bunch of artifacts in the mail every year, both Western and Eastern, and the one who stays at home now is a maid hired by his parents from outside the class.

Sixteen Nights of Saki.

However, she claims she used to work at the Red Devils Museum in England. But, Yoru hadn't been able to find out about the so-called Red Devils Hall after checking for most of the day.

But, her professional approach couldn't be a lie.

It's mysterious too.

By the way, today, Yo received a letter from her own parents.

"O my son, you're probably wondering now why I'm sending you a letter. There's one thing I forgot to mention, actually, you do have several fiancés. That's right, several fiancées. Back then, there were many people talking about making peace with us, so I agreed to do it all at once."

"In the past, our family came from Kyushu and came to Japan for the persecution at that time, and is one of the oldest families in Japan."

"In the past, in China, there was a dynasty called Yin Shang, that was established by our ancestors, and we, the descendants of Emperor Xin, flowed in our bloodline with the lineage of the emperors of China 4,000 years ago."

"Those fiancées of yours, by the way."

Where's Setsuna.

"Princess Charlotte from the Duchy of Heatherinck, I guess she's at the White Emperor now. The upper echelon of Gakuen Metropolis, one of the twelve governing families, Miss Mikoto Stygian Night of the Mikoto Clan, Mabara Ryo's Kamiyaji family, Kamiyaji Jou Etsumi. There's something else I've forgotten too. Don't be surprised if a so-called fiancée suddenly appears one day."

"A pitiful father!!!" All at once, Yo dumped the letter he was holding on the floor, "I can't believe I have so many fiancées, I'm so groovy."

"If Vault knew." Thinking of the Vault's blackened appearance.

As expected, it was still a girl control after reincarnation.


At the Standing Pantai of Gakuen Metropolis, the white-clothed, white-haired girl sat on a chair next to a blond-haired, starry-eyed girl who was also one of the LV5 of the Standing Pantai, the bee-eating Fuck Prayer.

"Do you promise if I say so." There are so-called factions in the Tsubame Terrace. The strongest factions in the Tsubantai were the two factions of Eat Bee Fuck Prayer and Haruhi No Vault.

As for Misaka Miichan. Forget about that.

"I agree." Haruhi No Vault said so, holding the black bunny puppet. "From now on, we maintain our alliance for a year and deal with it with all our might, Long Point Up Machine."

Long Point Up Machine had a school with two superpowers, One Side Pass and Huan Gun Teito, but One Side Pass didn't give a damn about him.

Now, the Huanen Emperor Governor started to stand me all the rights of the Long Point Upper Machine, and began to suppress the other four of the five great schools.

So, they started to join forces.

And in the light board. At this moment.

"Teacher! You're late again." The silver-haired girl said so. Sakagami Tomoyo, the existence that this school dubbed as Takei by her classmates.

"Then, don't mind such a small thing." Yuu said so. "I'm at least a special-grade teacher, so give me some face, okay." Saying so, playing with the PSP game purchased in his hands, he walked into the door.

"Since you're a special-grade teacher, don't play these 18 prohibited games." Jiyo confiscated Yo's game console and said so. "As a teacher you have to be self-conscious as a teacher."

'Jiyo-san, so sad to say. "Yo walked over and said with his hands on his shoulders." It was me who helped you seize the power of the student council president in the first place. "

"It's a voting election, you're just in charge of counting the votes. "

"Don't do that, Kojiyo. "

PS I just wanted to write some sweet little stories. The episodes are still evil.

Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

Hikarabana High School is not only famous for its higher education rate, but also for the clubs that are quite active, such as the Tennis Club, Light Music Club, Robotics Club, Soccer Club, New World Discovery Club, and so on.

It was all thanks to the principal of Kouban, Miss Anshinin, who insisted on thoroughly implementing the student freedom policy with the teacher only in charge of guiding the rest.

Yo was lying on the classroom table, listless, unable to stop where she was moaning.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Okazaki Tomo also came over and saw the teacher. Said. "By the way, the first period wasn't your class, right."

"It's just that the game console was confiscated." Yo said so to this former mainstay of the basketball department. "But there's still a part of me that didn't make it through the level." So remorseful.

"You're at least a teacher, give me some attention to my image." A young girl came over, blue hair, Fujirin Almond. "If you play those games all day."

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