The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 235

"Send it over." Yo thought for a moment, yesterday's scourge?

"You're the black box?" Yo asked so. "The legendary Medieval Execution Box, a murderous prop said to have been created to execute pagans?" Yo instantly remembered the information from the book she had read before.

"Right." Fia was amazed that the man in front of her was able to say his heels in one breath.

And seeing the silly pink haired girl with wings behind him made Fia think of a being from the legendary Dry, an angel?

"It's okay, you can stay." Yo said so. "You're not the first scourge Father has taken in anyway."

"Ugh," Fia looked at him in surprise. "Aren't you afraid of those people hunting you down."

"Those people?" Yo looked at him and said. "Don't worry about such trivial matters, and 。。。。 Lori's request can't be refused ah."

Lori control! Lori Control! Lori Control!

So, the brain less a muscle, Yo adopts a scourge of lollies.


Icarus you stay at home. Yo said so to Icarus who was on the other side. "Saki, just teach Icarus a little common sense."


"I'm off to class then." Yuu said so, and as soon as he took a step forward, Fia scraped over. "What's a lesson? Is it fun?" Lori asked so innocently.

"Don't worry about things like lessons." Yo said so. "It's the origin of countless teenagers in the Second World, but.... In another country, lessons are worse than executions, though."

Saying so solemnly, it really scared Lori Fia.

"Then forget about it 。。。。."

Leaving the house, one walked towards the light board.

The endless cherry blossom ramp was so magnificent, never thought there could be such a beautiful place in this world.

"You've seen it before, once upon a time." A voice instantly appeared in my head, a huge palace, a temple, majestic and sublime, surrounded by all sorts of exotic treasures. A headache.

It seemed to be a scene that I had seen before.

"Teacher?" Around. A student passing by came over and saw Yoru who was Yi Fu this, Yoru knew her, one of her own students, Gui Yan Ye.

A young girl with an extremely introverted personality, who had few friends in the class.

"It's okay." Yo stood up on her own. "Thank you very much, Guiyeha-san." Yo smiled and came to thank her.

"It's, nothing." Katsura Yuzuha blushed and walked away. (Shibari, good ship!) (Shibari, nice boat!)

The pain in his brain seemed to be accompanied by a multitude of things, many images appeared in his mind, people on fire, the earth reduced to charred earth, strange demons.

"What is this thing? "Yo so asked, and after a while, the headache disappeared.

Go on to school.

Walking to the classroom, this guy Yoshii Akihisa is making some kind of lewd deal with Tsuchiya Kanta. One can tell that he must be doing something creepy with some special pictures of Hideyoshi.

Are all teenagers so horny nowadays. Yo thought so, and then, began to take lessons.

After finishing the lesson, Yo said to the crowd. "The school's academy festival is coming up, and our class needs to come up with someone to be an executive committee member, does anyone want to be?"

"The executive committee?."

"Is it going to the Academy Festival so soon."

Although there were a lot of people saying it, no one actually raised their hands to take charge.

Until. A young girl with long black hair raised her hand 。。。。 Gui Yan Ye?

"Does Wordshaft-san want to be an executive committee member?" Yo asked so, and by the way, asked the surrounding students. They didn't have any objections either.

"Then, Wordsha-san will take on the role of the executive committee for this time."

Yo led the group in applause. Then prepared to start the next class.


At this time, Yo's home.

A woman with blonde hair and strange instruments on her hands came to Yo's home.

"Is that trash the one who ran here?" Look at it this way, "Springfield? Never mind, it'll be gone in a little while anyway."

Then, knocked on the door.

Saki came out and saw the woman in front of her, "What can I do for you?" The maid's way of manners was perfectly displayed before her.

"I, want your life!" The prop in the hand punched down.

"What a rude guest." Saki disappeared in front of her in an instant, then a small silver flying knife was inserted into the implement in her hand.

"This?" She was very curious. "Are you a supernatural being, or a yin and yang master, or one of those so-called wizards in the West."

"Me?" She replied frankly. "I'm just a maid.

Chapter Four of the messy shinobi.

Chapter Four

The silver-white knife was stuck in the woman's hand.

She almost didn't expect to become a prisoner with no intelligence to fight back. She, however, considered herself to be moderate in front of all the supernatural powers, but she didn't expect to suffer a major defeat after landing in the Far East.

She failed without the slightest bit of fight back.

"I'm just a maid. "Sakaki tied up the captive, put it aside, and did the housework by herself.

"Saki." Fia came out with a bounce. Then, saw the woman tied to the foot of the table. "Hey hey. What are you doing here?" I can't tell you how surprised I am.

"You know her?" Saki asked so.

"Just. That's her!" A huge child Erren appeared in his hand, emitting unspoken fear. "Organ Number Nine - Catch Type Cyclic State - Heresy Interrogation Wheel."

Huge black wheels began to grind. In the room, the huge wheels roared; 1 past.

"You piece of trash!!!" This captive said thus. "You guys just don't deserve to be in this world, you, are nothing but trash that needs to be disposed of!!!" The tone of the mouth was so strong.

The mysterious space expanded. Everything was halted.

When the space disappeared, the wheel did not stop, but instead of hitting the captive, it flew away from her.

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