The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 241

For example, some of the White King's broads and light board students.

"Can you help me." Athena asked so, her head nestled on Yo's shoulder, sitting on Yo's legs without ladylike norms.

"I...." How was he supposed to say it?

Author's advice: you're rejecting all the advice from your sister, seek death!

"I'll help you." Yo said so. Look at the students in the playground. "I will help you." Yo rang out his promise.

"No matter what you do, I will help you." How young you were at that time. The self back then was only 7,8 years old, right.

Even though I knew it was a wrong path, I had to help her. Because it was your own promise.

"You just let go of it." Yo said so to Maya. "I'll support you." "No matter what, I'll always stand by your side."

"Thank you." She so looked at the man standing beside her.

"Now, the list of the first batch of experimental students from the joint school of White Emperor and Light Board has been delivered." In Yuu's hand was the information that had just been sent.

It was the information of the first batch of experimental students, and the person who served as the teacher of this class. It was precisely Yo.

From the White Emperor Academy, Scattering Reiya, My Wife Yuna, Gardenzaki Hime-Nin, Gardenzaki Shion, Ryouzuki Saku, Kanzan Ayano, White Onion Yard Rinpoche, Battlefield Hara Kuroi, and Kashiwazaki Hoshina.

From Kouban, Apricot Fujibayashi, Joan Fujibayashi, Tomoyo Sakagami, Yukinori Miyazawa, Kotomi Ichinose, Rishi Himeji, Katsura Sayoha.

"I sub o, all women." Yo suddenly growled so with the point list, "What's going on?"

And then, an unknown creature with blue hair fell from above the sky and arrived at Yo's home.

Chapter 10: The Dead Monarch

Chapter 10

Otherworldly space, hell.

"This scenery is really hard to see." The ancient demon was sitting on top of the throne, a demon in human form with a face identical to Yo's.

"It's really unpleasant." Looking at the black smoke that was beginning to dissipate, this was the destruction of his own existence, and when this black smoke was completely small, he, himself, would disappear completely.

"Master...." A golden ponytail haired demon who was female came over and knelt in front of him, "Demon Lord, Agarres with the rest of the Demon Lords seeks an audience."

"This fool wants to see me?" With the slightest bit of disdain, "Do they want to rebel. Let them kneel outside the door!" So saying, "I'm afraid they've also seen my death."

Himself, after all, was just an avatar ah.

"Hirudy, how long have you been following me?" Yoru suddenly asked the demon, who was sitting down, this question. This maid from the demon's famous family asked so.

"Sixteen years." Hirudy replied thusly. "I've been serving my master since that year when he took in the remaining remnants of our family."

"Is that so, only sixteen years?" 。。。。 But. It's enough." He seemed to have thought of something. "Would you be interested in hearing a story from me?"

"Master?" Hirudy looked curiously at her master, the most powerful demon in the demon world, none other than the strongest, the one that had defeated all the angels and the allied forces of the gods.

"A long time ago, Hell was even bigger than it is now." Yo said so. "At that time, all the demons were so reckless, the gods, the angels, no one could hold them down."

"But they were so foolish, killing each other, fighting for their own interests and power where they were."

"And then the world was destroyed, yes. Everything was destroyed." Yo said so. "There was an existence that transcended everything, destroyed everything, and created a world of its own will that imprisoned an existence."

"That existence lost its memories and consciousness and became a puppet. Living his life in the so-called good life. But," his voice rose high.

"Some people remember, once upon a time, the glory and the past. The immortality and glory that once was!" He said so. "It's just that the recorder of this history will soon be gone."

"Are you, willing to record this history." He asked so.

"This...." Hirudy didn't expect that the most powerful Demon King would tell her his last words.

"Your enemies will be all the demons of hell." Yo said so. "The remaining demon lords and devil kings will be your enemies. Do you, have the resolve."

"Hirudy is willing to die for the supreme demon." She made her vow, her first and last, to live for the will of the Demon King.

"That's good." Three items appeared in her hand, a gun, a key and a book.

"You go to earth and find a human who looks exactly like me. He is now at an academy in Japan with the name of White Emperor." So said the Supreme Demon. "These will be his credentials to become the new King of Hell."

"Scare....!" Hierody looked at the Demon King on the throne. "My lord, are you giving the position of Lord of Hell to a human?"

So looked at his master.

"Human?" The strongest demon looked at him, "I was a human in the past too!!!"

In an instant, the doorway was opened. A group of demons rushed in, led by the Second Pillar Demon King Agares, the High Demons. "

"Now, you can pass your place down. The Devil." There was no respect, the tone was so disdainful. Perhaps he thought that he was the best heir.

"No rudeness!!!" Hirudy said so to all the demons, "Even if you are the Demon King's 。。。。"

"Shut up, lowly ones!!!" Agares said so. "There's no place for a lowly bitch like you to talk about our problems!"

"Stupid!!!" The demon on the throne rebuked thus. "Bunch of fools. The person to become the new Lord of Hell has already been chosen by me!!!! "

"!!!" The demons looked at each other.

"You're not qualified anymore, mongrels." This throne existence's voice began to take pleasure.

"You're looking for death!!!" Agares was so angry, he felt like he was being played. "You bastard, now, you can go die."

Taking the form of a demon, he appeared in this great hall, representing the demon of desire, once one of the gods of Persian mythology, Agares.

All the demons changed into their true forms, and the demons' magic power spread out in a terrifying torrent in Hell.

"So, you are, all of you, trash!!!"

The existence on the throne, an ancient bell with countless human faces appeared in his hands. (The Eastern Emperor's Bell of God Deed Fantasy Fantasy Tan).

The terrifying weapon that represented death and reversed all life into death, its name, the East Emperor Bell, although it couldn't match the strongest archetype, it was absolutely invincible in this world.

"All of you guys who don't have one, die!!!"

The power of death radiated from the clock as the sound turned into a giant black hand, pulling all the targets towards the clock.

Their bodies did not move in the slightest.

However, their souls had been pulled away.

Even as one of the highest levels of demons, they couldn't refuse the power of death, and everyone had become a corpse, the seventy-two pillars of demons that had once been famous throughout the world were now dead bodies. No, not all of them, the demons that started the rebellion were almost dead.

But there were still a few that hadn't died. For example, Dantrion, who was in charge of the Library of Magical Guidance, and Gimory.

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