The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 252.

Okumura Phosphorus, who had been walking, instantly began to boil the blood in his body! In the uninhabited suburbs, the whole person is incinerated by blue flames, then. The blue flames rose up into the sky and the whole man began to change, his hair grew longer, his ears pointed.

The flames turned into a blue robe wrapped around the body.

"I.. Here...."

Rovercourt, the pinnacle of the Demon Lords, officially came to earth, pulling off the first step of the King of Hell's plan.

The cave where Dantrion was.

Although Dantrion was one of the seventy-two Demon Gods, but, basically, she was a homebody who did nothing but read books, and the remaining order was to guard the bones of whichever ancient god was in this cave.

"Why don't you come yet." She was so troubled to. "It's really boring." In the thousand years of staying here, she had read all the books in the world, and had begun to act panicky.

And just then, the cave began to shake.

"What's going on." She was so surprised, and then, ran to the very heart of the place, the cave where the seven dragons were. Then, she saw it. The skeletons of the giant dragons began to struggle. It was faint, but it was already struggling.

The instincts that had been sealed after death began to struggle for the soul.

"This is...." She saw it, the dragon seemed to be greeting something.

A huge magic circle appeared, a black magic circle on the earth, appearing. Bermuda Delta. A black, unknown magic circle.

A leading demon appears in the magic circle. It should be said. Extra-Terrestrial Demon!

"Ho ho ho ho!" Just by appearing, it showed its terrifying power, black magic rendered throughout. No, it was not rendered out, but was bound within this magical circle.

In the magical boundary of the Bermuda Delta.

Black magical guard chains pull this guy with the head of a giant dragon into the black magical formation.

The black spell on the giant dragon's skeleton lit up once again. The terrifying power once again bound the riotous skeleton and suppressed him.

The commotion of the giant dragon stopped.

"If she doesn't bring someone over. This giant dragon is about to completely destroy this world ah." She said so, as the most learned Demon God, she was certainly able to understand how terrifying the spell above was, and with just a third of it, it was enough to completely destroy a myth.

And with such a terrifying incantation. This skeleton was actually able to stir so much. Not only that, but it also summoned such a terrifying demon.


"The first hundred have frog too ah." A place that sold crepes in Gakuen Metropolis. A young girl stared so.

"Misaka-san likes crepes?" Yo asked so.

"No, Onesama just likes frogs." Shirai Kuroko said so.

"Who. Who likes that kind of thing. "

"But Misaka-san is still wearing this trinket oh." Yo said so.


Several people said so. Suddenly, Hatsumari asked. "Why is the bank still closed in the middle of the day?" Just said. There's been an explosion at the gate.

It looks like a robbery. I said so, and then, Kuroko Shirai rushed up. No, it wasn't.

A man with blue flames burning all over his body walked past, a taijutsu in his hand, as he passed by. Slicing all three robbers in two, the blue flames incinerated their bodies, completely turning them into ashes. The cruelty of the means was something that no one present had ever seen before.

"The new king?." He looked at Yo and said so.

"Blue flame. You are Roverco." Yo looked at him and said. "Crawled out of hell?."

And that's when Shirai Kuroko rushed up. "You are suspected of murder, now, I am to." "Back off!!!" Yuu backed away from Shirai Kuroko in an instant.

The blue flame instantly turned into a torrent. Burning a track out of the earth in front of him.

"This is my revenge!!! Monarch!" The expression on his face began to twist, "Now, I'm going to kill you completely!"

"The Flying General's armor, the tiger's prison falls!" The red light in his hand lit up. A long imaginary shadow descended from the sky.

Chapter 23.

Chapter 23

"I want you to die !!!!" The blue flames clung to the Jurikara in his hand, which was considered a B-grade treasure on earth and possessed an extremely terrifying sealing ability.

Blue flames raged across the entire world, everything was incinerated by him, and blue clouds appeared in the sky of the entire Academy City.

"This. Is it a superpower too." Misaka Miichan and the others looked at this man. "This powerful ability. Why I've never. Sensei, are you a supernatural power too?" She asked her teacher so.

"It's not a superpower." Yo said looking at Misaka Miki. "In the next, what you're going to see. It's a myth." With his right hand burning with flame, the square trident transformed into a set of armor on Yo's body.

"I'll make you understand that I'm invincible!" The flaming square trident in his hand stabbed out, the fire of the earth's core, held by Lu Bu in the ancient year proxy, was one of the strongest flames close to the origin of the earth.

"Clash." The team clash between the Kuligara and the Fang Tianzheng ripped the entire earth apart, countless flames appearing from the earth's surface, hardened to absorb the flames beneath the earth for their own use, an ability that had completely surpassed the imagination of people like Benmeiqin.

"Burn, burn, burn." Blue flames were wildly penetrated out by him, endless flames straight into the sky, the entire Academy City was clearly visible, while on the other side, the flying general armor that had completely Sinai's underground core of the earth's fire also began to completely attack.

The red flames showed no weakness and turned into a second pillar of fire, bigger than the blue.

"Flames, it's not like the more you have, the more you can win." Roverco said as he looked at Yo. "Let me teach you, the new King of Hell."

"You're an old creeper." Yo said looking at him. "I don't need a creeper like you for my rule, and now you, you can go die."

The halberd in his hand struck down, while the summoned pillar of fire began to hit the blue pillar of flame, and the violent power radiated out.

"Let me show you, my flames!" The pillar of blue flame split in two, then one of them spun up against the wind in opposite directions. Peat's, you think you're walking into science.

"Come on!" Kurikara shot out another blue chemtrail.

"Regulus shot!" The sharp mane of the square trident shot out heavily, and the powerful flame turned into a sword and shot at Roverco.

"Teacher. What exactly is it." Mikoto Misaka watched their battle so clubbed that even LV5 had to position fear and tremble in front of such power.

Mikoto Midnight, on the other hand, was slightly surprised. Although he knew about the Dark World, he didn't expect his fiancé to be a part of it.


"That power is. Demon!" Those around Gakuen City felt the power. The priests of the Cross Sect, the native Japanese yin and yang masters, and the people of the Yellow House.

All of them felt this oppression.

Rovercourt. A powerful demon that almost ranked at the level of the Seven Monarchs. Truly speaking, he was considered an existence between a demon lord and a demon king, and could be called a demon prince.

"It's surprising that even this existence will descend already. What exactly is happening." The Huang family looked at the flames not far from the tall building.

"Now!" Several of the Crusaders said so. "Those exist, already. Er 。。。。 Ahhhh!" The light began to shine in all directions, and the four men of the Cross Cult were able to be possessed by some being at this moment.

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