The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 254

This existence that was only half a step away from the Seven Monarchs disappeared.

"Is it over." Mikoto Midnight looked at his man and asked. "These guys now."

"Not yet." Yo said. "They're here."

"They?" Then she saw it. Appeared in the air. The white figure. The sparkling wings behind it, that special power, a convincing power was displayed.

"Even the angels have come to earth." The magic gun held in Yo's hand. Just let me. "Eh...." A heavy drowsiness swept over me.

"Does that....." He remembered something. "Does this body no longer allow me to use my strength."

"How sad."

Looking at his arch-enemy, still not showing weakness, the magic gun in his hand was held horizontally.

"Demon!" The leading existence said so. "It's been a long time."

"Gabriel?. " he said so looking at this angel. "A minor character."

"Next. It's your turn. Ewers." Yo said so. "Hatsune Miku."

"Leave it to me. Brother." a young girl in white appeared in front of Yo, then. Turned into a green ponytailed girl with a large onion in her hand 。。。。

Hatsune Miku, the child who had followed her grandfather God to the outer heavens, and why was she here?

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"It's not that guy yet!!!" Hatsune took the onion and said with dissatisfaction. "Every day, he's blocked outside the Heaven's Gate, thinking of how to call in, even though there's only one person, but he's too powerful."

"One person?" Yo was surprised. "He. Is there no organization."

"I don't know hey." With a twin ponytail, Hatsune said so. "Toji too alone can't get us all out of 1 practice in the world outside the sky."

"So how did you get out." Yo looked at Hatsune and asked so. "The East Emperor's Bell has the power to suppress sub all space, right. How did you escape?"

"Ugh." Hatsune thought for a moment. Said. "It seems to be this thing."

A watch appeared in her hand. En, a watch that Yo was very familiar with. Fuck, wasn't it just the sign of the reincarnation of the Lord God Space back then.

This watch that was hated by countless reincarnators.

"Touhou Taichi will cry." Yo looked at Hatsune and said so. "At what time did you come to this world,"

"Ten thousand years ago, right 。。。。" Hatsune replied so dumbly. "Then I, brought to the end of the Age of Mythology, was summoned again after running away to a different world."

'"I see." Yo not only said without slowing down. "I can't believe you've been here for so long. Then why don't you go find my avatar. "

"I'm afraid it's a trap for the Toho. "


"You guys." The archangel who stayed on the side turned black. "You sinners, heretics, let me, come and judge you!!!"

"Minions just shut up." The long sword in Hatsune's hand. No, it was the onion stabbed out. The green light fleetingly came to Gabriel's face.

"Jutsu - Zanxian Flying Sword !!!!" Hatsune said so, dropping the onion in her hand. "Please baby turn around." Then a white light in the gourd 。。。。 Not right. It was the onion turning into a green mane and flying over.


En, the three angels behind the Archangel Gabriel disappeared completely, and the three who were possessed by them completely turned into corpses.

"The Eastern Land Pressure Daoist Zanxian Flying Sword?" Gabriel looked at the jutsu that Hatsune had just used. "Have you gods of the East forgotten the hatred you once felt and plan to be with the King of Hell."

"Alara." Hatsune said with a large onion. "I'm not from the East."

"Now, my name when Ewas. Or, you can call me. Angel of Hope - Hatsune Miku!" In so saying, take the onion.

Then began to sing a song.

Not an ordinary song, but a jutsu, not a western or eastern one, but Yo could feel the power of this jutsu.

"Give hope to all." From the best belief in Hatsune's heart, he turned his belief into jutsu magic. To appear completely in the world.

As the song was sung, its own power was spread, and the magic spell from Hatsune's own heart purchasing belief was like a sword piercing Gabriel's mind.

Everyone was unable to resist this power, as if it came from the deepest part of their own heart.

The Gabriel who was attached to the right fire was the one who felt it the most deeply, each time it was as if a sharp sword had pierced into his defenseless brain.

The pain was excruciating.

"Fucking bastard." Gabriel cursed so. "You damned Gryphons."

The red magic gun took the opportunity to stab at it. "Then you will die under the power of the so-called Gryphons."

The red magic spear pierced through the heart. This avatar completely disappeared. A white light wanted to return to the sky. However, it was imprisoned by a black sphere.

"Hmph." Yo looked at the bound Gabriel and scoffed. "Now, what can you do,''

"Damn it!!! "When has Gabriel been so mad to, as a messenger of God, so wretched?

"Now, it will be the cornerstone for me to become the new King of Hell." Yo said to him. "Don't worry, everyone will remember you."

The cornerstone of the King of Hell's resurrection?

"Death!" So mockingly, the red mane pricks down. But.

The sky's m-golden light flickered. A vast presence, as if it was coming to earth. Yo lifted his head and saw. Above the sky.

Countless eyes.

Countless eyes appeared in the sky.

"There's a fellow about to descend." Yo looked at the sky and said so. "Can't you be at peace."

"Look at me!!!" Hatsune said so confidently. "Our council president has done a lot of special work, though." The address of Gakuen Metropolis was built on the former site of the former High Heavenly Plains, where a smaller dragon vein was located.

That's right, a dragon vein.

Using the eastern feng shui technique. Turning the entire earth into a special boundary.

A Four Elephant Formation was opened up to the land, and a total of 20 formations were placed in this land, merging into one, including the boundary that prohibited inviting the gods to descend.

When blue light was emitted from around the Academy City, everything was stopped.

Mikoto Stygian who was sheltered by the Hatsune Mikoto, Misaka Mikoto and the others.

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