The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky. Chapter 256.

In the alleyway, a young girl with goggles was running. Behind her, there was a young man in white with black hair. The strongest of the LV5 known as the first Hokage City,,,.

One party pass.

And this plan to make him an LV6 had been going on for a long time.

"Just suffer death honestly. What a bother. "Looking at the girl running in front of him, he felt impatient. Began the final attack.

But. A person appeared.

Chapter 27.

Chapter 27

"If it's true before, he does possess the qualifications to become a LV6." Yo looked at the white-haired teenager and said. "But. It's the time of the end."

"Really." The white-haired teenager was using an irresistible power to ridicule the young girl.

"Let me give it to you. "Was trying to give him the final blow. A blue light pierced the sky. The attack known as a super electromagnetic cannon came in front of him.

However, this attack ability, which was one of the strongest destructive abilities of Gakuen City, was reflected away the moment it reached him.

One-way pass, vector manipulation.

Gakuen Urban's most ferocious ability. An unbreakable ability, but, unfortunately. It was only limited to unanswered among superpowers.

"Now. All of you, stop!" Yo looked at the two people fighting, showed himself, and said so. "This experiment will all stop from now on!"

Yo came out and said so to the shocked two people. "This pointless experiment has now officially come to an end, all of Misaka's sister's experimental individuals will be processed for special debugging, and all data that originally implemented the plan will be frozen."

"Hey, hey, hey!" The first one to speak was not Misaka Miki, but the party pass. "Are you kidding me! The reason I participated in this experiment was to become LV6, and now, you tell me the experiment is terminated. You're killing yourself!!!"

So angry, so hopeful of becoming a LV6 result was gone.

"This is the decision of the Supreme Council." Yo took out a report and said. "As a civilized person, we still have to follow the system. This experiment is over, and now, all of the Misaka sisters will undergo special treatment for body prolongation in an effort to turn them into a real person."

"Instead of a single 180,000 yen experimental animal." Yo replied so.

"Damn it!" A party passed with rage, "How dare you ridicule my lord like that." The iron pillars on the ground were manipulated by him to fly.

It shot towards Haruna Yo.

"Sensei!" Misaka Miki looked at him, so worried.

She was so happy. This damn plan was finally over.

"It's useless." Yo looked at the things flying over, "With these words." A black ball appeared in his hand and smashed it all at once.

"Hiss...." The black sphere met which attack and turned into a black hole, absorbing everything. High-grade magic, black hole.

Now that it had completely reached the LV6 realm, it was considered a ranked powerhouse in the entire Three Realms.

"What is this!" A side pass looked at Yo's attack in a daze. "I can't believe there's such power. I'm really. I'm so happy!!! "So arrogantly shouted, his own superpowers began to kick in.

Countless things were rolled up by him and smashed into Yo.

And Misaka Miichan was stunned to see Yo.

The last battle was defined as a massive superpowered group battle, and afterwards, it was specifically brainwashed the people passing around.

Even Misaka Miichan hadn't escaped being brainwashed.

So also forgetting about Yo-kai's special ability.

"You're really. It's too arrogant." Attacking mercilessly, Yo rushed in front of the party pass in an instant. Then. A fist smashed down.

"Clash...." A party pass was smashed into the air.

"How....." One-Pass got up and looked at the injury on his face. This was the first time he had been injured since he had superpower vector manipulation. It was also the only time.

"Ahahahahaha." He laughed so maniacally. "It's really. It's so funny." Launching an even crazier attack, his own superpowers began to operate at full force.

"Let me see what you're capable of again." His superpower began to apply its power, and countless energies manipulated by it appeared on his head, gathered by him.

It was everything around him, including electricity, heat, light, as long as the energy that had the conditions to be manipulated by it was manipulated by him. It turned into a white ball, beating with countless lightning bolts.

"If you have the ability, try blocking this!!!" Being smashed out by it.

"You think, you're really invincible." Yo looked at the attack that flew over. "District Moderate Manipulation, you think that you're really invincible."

A black hole appeared in front of it. A mortal black hole nearly fifty centimeters in diameter. Seizing everything, devouring everything, turning everything into its own power.

Even the strongest attacks from one side of the pass were still swallowed by it.

"So. You're still young." Yo flew up and knocked him out with a punch.

The so-called moderate manipulation was still so weak in front of someone like Yo who could already use the rules.


"Thank you so much, Sensei." Misaka Miichan who was walking on the road kept saying this thanks to her teacher.

"There's no need for thanks. After all, you're my student." Yuu said so, and then, touched her head. When did such a habit appear.

"I forgot about that too. "

"Misaka-san! Kasugano-sensei?" Tsubandai's housemaster looked at Misaka, who had just returned, and Haruhi Nozomu, who was touching Misaka's head.

"Oops. I forgot to ask Kuroko to teleport in for me 。。。。" Misaka Miichan thought so. "That's a problem."

"I just had Misaka-san go to a lab for a checkup." Yuu said so to the housemaster, "Sorry for being late. "

"Is that so. " the housemaster asked, looking at Misaka so.

"Uh-huh. " Misaka Miichan nodded awkwardly.

"Call before you return home late in the future. "The housemaster said so." Now hurry up and go inside. "

"Thank you so much. " Misaka Miichan said so to the housemaster, then said to Yo. "See you next time then Sensei."

"En. " yo replied so.


"Are you sure the target is here?" A red-haired man said to a girl beside him. "The person the Archbishop-sama wants us to find. Haruna Yo?"

"I've seen him." Kamakiri Fireweavers looked at the people walking down the street. "Our target, Haruhi No Yo."

Chapter 28.

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