The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 270

"Haruhino-sensei. The master now invites you to a gathering."

"Yes. Your master?" Yo looked at her and said. "That little vampire Evangeline? seems to be the most powerful vampire in centuries."


Surely you know the identity of your master. This man, and, her master had possessed centuries of age and was still known as the little vampire in front of him. The power that surged through his body was unmatched by the many demons he had once seen.

"Lead the way, then."

"Show me the power of a vampire after the Scarlet family."

Chapter forty-three.

Chapter 43

"I can't believe such a curse was cast by such a wizard. You're really pitiful." Yo takes Lori Yukuben and Evangeline to a temple.

As a trade, Evangeline tells Yo where Orochi's seal is, and Yo undoes the curse on her.

A plundered temple that is said to be a temple where people used to worship the god of the land. But, in reality, it was the temple that sealed the Orochi Orochi. A temple built by using the power of people's faith for the blessing.

However. At that moment, the ancient statue of the original mysterious god was crushed by Yo.

The idol of the so-called first god in this ancient Japanese chronicle, the idol of the god above Amaterasu, was as if it was crushed by clay. All shattered.

After the shattering, endless magic extended out from the ground, the countless wails of the dead, the suffering of the dead, all the injustices of the world, all gathered in this place!

"Not good!" "Shit." "Damn." Everyone, all the magicians in the vicinity were alarmed by this power, and the king rushed here.

"Now, I'll help you undo the curse of school hell." Yo said so to Evangeline. "I can't believe that a mere curse can bind the Vampire True Ancestor. That magician should be honored for that."

"Now, you will witness the dawn of this new era!"

The earth began to tremble! Countless houses and even mountain ranges began to shake. A huge snake head stretched out from under the earth. The head was one of the tallest buildings in all of Kyoto. Toji!

All the bodies slowly crawling out from under the ground. What people saw. It was the eight terrifying serpents that covered the sky, the demonic dragons that made all the gods drink their hatred.

"This. Is that the Orochi Serpent?" Everyone was shocked by the domineering power displayed by Orochi Orochi. That terrifying tide of evil souls that warped the world.

"Master." Little Lori Jade Bath looked at Orochi Orochi before looking at Yo. "The world you have been waiting for is about to be born."

The earth that was infected by magic turned into a phantom yellow spring. Countless evil ghosts crawled out from beneath the ground. As the owner of this Phantom Kingdom, even if the Phantom Kingdom would lead the entire human world, it would be unmistakable that it was a gun, and for that, it was only the entire world that was injured and not the Kingdom of God.

The evil ghosts covered the sky and danced the day in Kyoto.

"Too late." The East was looking at the thousand. Evil ghosts mutilating humans, dead souls crawling out of the ground. The whole of Kyoto looked like the end of the world.

"Now that you have been resurrected. Let's kill you once again."

The collapsing moon sub-blade in his hand issued. A powerful move that twisted space to repel, even the Buddha and Demon Lords could not resist.

An invisible blade mark appeared in the air.

However. Around the Orochi Serpent, countless runes shone brightly, and the Demonic Dragon turned up to the sky 。。。。 Black magic power emitted from the eight serpents' heads and turned into black magic flood cannons in the air.

The black torrent of magic power swept everything around. The earth began to lose its former divine skill, all life, goodness, and spirit were drawn by the black magic power and became even more terrifying attacks.

There was not much life left in Kyoto at this point. The world began to be turned upside down and distorted. The Orochi's sweeping cannon swept the entire land over and over again.

The cultural center of Japan, the place where faith gathers, once imitated the city founded by Chang'an Loyang, known as Kyoto, the representative of Tang in Japan. Under the terrifying power of Orochi, it was completely reduced to dust.

"That's the power of the so-called Demon Dragon." Yo floated in the air, looking at the magic dragon Orochi Orochi. "Come on, resurrect, grant me even more power."

"Did you do that? Release Orochi?" A handsome and unlikeable guy appeared in front of Yo. He was the transformation of the East. Complete power release.

"What a deranged mind."

"It's necessary in order to resurrect myself." Yo said so. "I can't stand this captivity any longer. "

"So. Be my stepping stone. 。。。。"

"Evil God Murder!" The black magic power turned into a fierce giant sword and cut down the other party. Even the former Eastern First Man still did not back down 。。。。

"As such. Just let me break your ambition. "

The Orochi's snakelins began to change. A serpent-linen became even darker than before. Not only that. On his head, a pair of dragon horns appeared.

"See. "Yo said to the East." The so-called Orochi Orochi. But the ancient same existence as the candle dragon ah. "

"It's. Dragon? "When the East looked at the Orochi in front of him, he didn't realize that the demon that the Japanese legends dry would be a dragon."

"Right. Now. Just let me show you my real body."

(Supposedly jojo is coming out with a third season. A backlash from the pose emperor?)

The Demonic Dragon Yaji Orochi turned into dust in front of Dongfang and the yin and yang masters who rushed over. However, after scattering, it was gathered by Yo and became a terrifying dragon shadow again.

With the power of the world's ultimate evil, it once again appeared in front of the crowd.

"Destroying this boring world is our long-cherished dream, ah. "Yo's finger went up slightly. The entire earth of Kyoto began to erupt.

The surface of the earth turned over, magma flowed out of the earth, and the entire world seemed to become apocalyptic.

"What a deranged mind this is. "The East does not look at him and say so." Even if it was for everyone to accept misfortune. "

"Unfortunate?" Yo looked at him and said. "All people living in this world are misfortune 。。。。"

"Now, let me save them. "Black meteors streaked across the sky, representing the Akashic demon star that radiated the power to destroy the world, falling from the infinite stars.

"The Dark Doom Death Meteor. "

The world's misery caught on this meteor and fell.

The entire Kyoto was reduced to scorched earth.

Even the boundary guarding Mabara was broken three layers, but fortunately there was also an emergency defense boundary.

"It's truly remarkable. Monarch." The blonde haired girl appeared behind Yo. "As soon as I came back, I saw King Kikyo destroy the world himself."

"What a familiar name." Yo turned around and looked at her. "Sakura?"

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

"A fantasy land that travels between the cracks of the world. It is the divine country itself." Yakumo Violet said so, and next to Yakumo Violet was a white-haired girl and a man.

Sakura and Yo.

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