The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 274

"The devil, it's the devil." "It's scary. Run away!" The crowd panicked even more, and order dissipated out of existence.

"Isn't that mourning!." A voice rang out.

The demon turned his head and saw the people he wanted to kill, Miyamoto Rei and Nagai Ho.

"Bitch!" The demon roared and was in front of them in an instant, a powerful hurricane of wind and pressure causing Miyamoto Rei and Nagaiho to fall to the ground.

He lifted Nagaiho and Miyamoto Rei up with one hand. "You two bitches who betrayed me!" The demon Komuro Takashi's face was close to theirs and said so.

"How did you become like this!" Miyamoto Rei waved her hand and struggled, saying so. "It's not you, Hyo. Change back quickly!"

"No," the demon Komuro Takashi said, squinting at her. "This is the real me, a being born for chaos, born for destruction."

"Perfect flesh, eternal life, infinite power!" He roared up to the sky. "This is the real me. The devil, me, Komuro Takashi, the one who spreads evil!"

"With your flesh and blood, I will call my master to earth and bring the world's final roar."

"Quite 。。。。。。 Demo。。。。。 рrm。。。。。" He chanted an incantation to summon the demon.

He would bring the last overwhelming straw to the world.

First, dark clouds appeared in the sky, then, they coalesced.

Everyone around them saw it all. A young girl with purple hair and a teacher with huge blonde breasts looked at it all, "Is another demon about to come." The blonde teacher with huge boobs named Kukawa Shizuka asked.

"Since even demons are showing up, it's okay to have more of them." The purple-haired girl explained so.

Kookawa Shizuka accepted the explanation, what's impossible when even man-eating dead bodies and powerful demons appear.

A proud girl with red hair and ponytail and a fat man looked at the scene.

"How is it possible," the girl with the ponytail, named Saya Takagi. "Even the devil has appeared, is there more."

The cumulus clouds in the sky grew thicker.

The clouds rolled up into a black hole over the entire city of Bedwood, and then, in the black hole, a red light flashed! Numerous meteorites fell, carrying a powerful force that destroyed everything.

Countless meteorites fell to the ground, powerful magical power turned into pressure and swept away everything, and countless people died as a result. In addition to that, the meteorites transformed into burning flaming rock giants, caught in green flames and flowing with terrifying magical power with every move.

This was a hellish creature known as Hellfire. Although they weren't true hellfires, their powerful lives and defenses and indestructible attacks had spread their fame far and wide across the multiverse.

"Hahahahaha," the demon Komuro Takashi mocked so.

After that, from the black hole, a giant dragon appeared!

This was Sakura's mount, the red dragon, Lakeman.

"Even the dragon showed up!" All who saw it were amazed by it, it was already a myth! But there were others who saw, standing atop a red tap, a figure!

A little girl?

"Demon Kotomuro Takashi, meet the great demon prince, Lakeman." The demon Komuro Takashi was so humble.

"Hmph." The red dragon stopped in front of him. Said, "Are you the demon that summoned us this time. A very strong will."

"Many thanks to the great Prince Lakeman." He was about to say the word compliment when a long sword passed through his chest and he looked up to see it.

A little girl with purple hair was holding a longsword, piercing through his chest.

"You are." He reached out his hand to grab the little girl.

"Me." Sakura smiled evilly. "I am the seventy-two pillar demon of Solomon. First Apostle of Bal, King of the East."

"Sakura." Already lost her family and abandoned her old family name. A young girl with only her first name.

"You're a toy that has outlived its usefulness."

"So, go to hell."

Scholastic Mimesis II

Scholastic Mimesis II

The demon Komuro Takashi died holding his tongue like this.

As the first of the fallen in this world to summon a demon to earth, this guy suffocated to death, giving his descendants only the impression that he listened to the demon like a fool, was used by the demon, and then was finished off as a toy by his own master.

"What a useless fellow." Sakura looked at the blood on her hands, "Let me bring my master back some gifts." She looked around the area.

She noticed that all the women around her had one thing going for them. Why the mountain on their chests was particularly large. Young lady, don't you know this world is called the Breast Shake Mime.

"Why did you kill Hyo!" A mournful female voice was heard.

Sakura looked over with the voice. It was an orange haired girl with huge boobs. Was this guy the goddess in that demon's heart? Sakura thought so and walked over.

Sakura's appearance was seen by everyone present.

No one could believe that such a small girl could actually be a demon, moreover, those present heard the little girl's declaration just now.

The first of the seventy-two pillars of demons, the Lord's greatest enemy, the apostle of Baal.

Anyone who had any knowledge of mythology knew who Baal was.

The strongest demon, the Lord's greatest enemy, the King of Demons, that was Baal's terrifying name on earth. A terrifying name that shook the entire world.

Sakura walked over and saw a girl and a boy.

"Why did you kill Hyo." Miyamoto Rei asked miserably. "He's the one who summoned you guys, so why are you killing him?"

Looks like she likes that boy from earlier. Sakura thought so.

"What a nosy girl." Sakura said so.

A Shadow Whip was issued and lashed Miyamoto Rei. It was a whip that acted on mental power, so you could control its power to whip, discipline, and abuse 。。。。。。

What a thrill 。。。。。。

"Ah" Miyamoto Rei screamed in pain after being hit by the Dark Shadow Whip.

"You guys!" The man on the other side, Kotomuro Takashi's friend and Miyamoto Rei's boyfriend, Inu Nagisa, saw the scene and was about to raise his head to speak.

When Sakura stared at him, he shivered and shrank back.

"What a useless man." The people around who saw the scene thought so.

Sakura glared at the man, after 。。。。。。 A black sphere appeared on her hand.

"Dark Night Eternal Song." In the world of advanced magic also belongs to the taboo level of magic, once this magic is used, it can make the world go into darkness for the next seven days and seven nights, all the dead beings will be summoned back from the underworld, during these seven days and nights, the dead beings will become dead beings to continue fighting, and the dead beings will be resurrected again even if they are purified, the taboo magic of the taboo magic.

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