The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 279.

"That's right, Mother." She looked at her mother morbidly, "Offer you to my Lord as well, and we will go together to gain my Lord's favor."

"No!" Yuriko screamed in panic, but she found herself unable to move her body. "Come with me to serve my master, mother." Takagi Saya used magic to control her mother and left the place.


"Okay, we promise." This captain from the Lord's Space Squad said so. "We promise you that."

"Very well." Yo looked at them and took a watch from one of his rings and put it on Sakura's hand.

"Then you can go to hell too!" Looking at Sakura who finished wearing her watch, Yo instantly shot.

"No!" The black magic flickered away. All of this squad except Sakura died in front of Yo.

Sakura looked at the dead people and said to Yo. "Master 。。。。"

"Sakura." Yo looked at Sakura and ordered. "You go to space and get some more watches to bring back. Then get that group of women in there with you."

He was referring to the group of women from the school of silence, the Poison Saeki.

"I want to see what secrets this Lord's Space has." Yo said so.

"Yes, Master." Sakura said so and disappeared in front of Yo, and Yo could sense that Sakura had appeared in a place far away from this bit.


"Master." The girls came before Yo.

And Takagi Saya had completed her task and also brought back her mother. "I would like to sacrifice to the master as a slave forever."

"Very well." Yo said so. "Really getting obedient 。。。。."

And so. Yo happily bestowed them with some magic, and plumped them up a bit, along with Yuriko Takagi.

Sakura came back with a bunch of watches, while informing Yo about the situation in the main god space.

Sakura is identified as an SS level Demon Apostle Enhancement. The rest of the women were similarly a-grade to s-grade darkness enhancements, and the maximum number of teams in the Lord God Space was 20, and the entire Lord God Space had nearly 10,000 people, nearly 300 teams, and a lot of single reincarnators.

The most powerful among them were the four major SSS level reinforcers.

The Nine Clawed Dragon Reinforced Dragon Ao Tian, the Twelve Winged Angel Reinforced Messiah, the Martial Reinforcer, who had cultivated to the SSS level, and an SSS Ice Goddess Aria who had gone the route of sealing the gods.

"Hmph." Yo said to the women who were wearing watches. "Don't worry, you can summon me when necessary, oh."

"Yes, Master."

Infinity and Warrior I

Infinity and the War Lady I.

"Reincarnation 25437 inherits the captaincy, allowing for a new name." The voice of the Lord God sounded thus. It was the authority of a reincarnate who inherited the captaincy.

Sakura thought about it and said "It will be called. Evil God Team. "

"The reincarnation team Evil God Team was formed, with captain Sakura Endosaka (ss-grade Demon Apostle), members Shizuka Kookawa (a-grade Dark Mage), Rei Miyamoto (a-grade Succubus), Saya Takagi (s-grade Dark Demon Guide), Saeko Poison (s-grade Evil Swordsman), Yuriko Takanari (a-grade Evil Servant), and Alice (a-grade Evil Spirit Lord)."

"Team Hell Squad Reincarnation Scenario - Infinite Strath and Zero Warp (S-rank), the mission will take place in 10 days."

"Due to this being the first mission, no team reincarnation, no changes."

Sakura said after hearing that, looking at the girls behind her. "Does it look like we're still lucky."

Saeko Poison said with a smile. "A bit without anyone bothering you. It looks like my lord will get a pleasurable ritual soon?."

Although still a little loli, Sakura had begun to develop towards the stage of a young girl, wearing a black magic guide robe, and her hair had begun to turn white after obtaining the Dark Divine Ritual.

Black and red magical patterns covered the young body within the clothes, giving off a fearsome aura all the time.

After coming to this place, she could feel her sense of divine power with her master changing, from resisting in the beginning to stabilizing in the end, her own power, though unchanged, had decreased a lot in the amount of divine power she could sense.

"Resisting the divine power?." Sakura thought so. "Lord God, give me a list of ways to enter Hell."

As soon as the words left her mouth, a white screen appeared in front of her, and countless things flashed.

"Entering Hell, requirements, one grade A branch scenario, 8000 bonus points, 100 points a day after opening."

"Abyssal Bloodbath, requirement, one b-grade branching plot, 5000 reward points, 50 points a day after opening."


Various methods.

"Lord God, take a look at my reward points and branching scenarios, and all the data files." Sakura said so.

Lord God's white light swept over, and Sakura's data appeared on the white screen.

"Reincarnator number: 25437.

Name Enzaka Sakura Enhancement Level SS Demon Apostle Item: Cloak of Evil Mischief (ss, clothing reinforced with black magic, made from the skin of a demon king) Demon King's Staff (ss, a magical staff made from the head and bones of a demon king) Flying Dragon Wings (ss, the soul of an abyssal dragon is comfortably crushed underfoot) Gungnir (ss, the holder of this spear is invincible) Demon Fortress (ss, a reward from the strongest demon king.

The current subplot on the reincarnator is 0. Bonus points 0."

"Really." Sakura said a few words in dissatisfaction. "Should've let the master summon a few demons. Kill them, and you'll have a lot of plot, right."

Despite being dissatisfied, she cheered up. "Looks like we'll have to wait for the next plot."


Time shook fast, and all of a sudden it was ten days later.

"Team Hell Squad reincarnation scenario - Infinite Strath and Zero Warrior (s-rank), start teleporting."

"Nineteen eighty-seven six five four three two one."

White light enveloped all. Then, the crowd fainted.

The first to wake up was Sakura, and when she woke up, she saw that she was in a ship. A total of... lying on the ground. Fifteen people.

In the main god space, five to seven people were low risk scenarios, eight to twelve people were medium risk, thirteen to eighteen were high risk, nineteen bits of the regimentation level, and twenty people were punishment scenarios.

"Team Hell Squad Reincarnation Scenario - Infinite Strath and Zero Warframe (s-rank) has officially begun.

Mission 1: Repel NOVA's attack, each person is rewarded with a d-tier branching scenario and 1000 bonus points.

Mission 2: (Optional) 1, completely destroy the NOVE.

(Optional) 2, completely wipe out the humans. Upon completion, each person will be rewarded with a b-tier branch plot, 5000 bonus points. "The watch on your hand marks this mission.

"You can wipe out humans and NOVA." Sakura thought, "Then wipe out all humans and NOVA."

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