The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 281

A magic circle with Earth at its core lit up in front of her.

A moustache wearing a World War II Imperial uniform appeared in the magic circle.

"Avenger Hitler reports to you, my master!!!" The creator of the Third Reich, the great leader Hitler!!!! Beyond that, the story of the Invocation of the Spirit is playing out around the world.

PS Properties issued behind.

Infinity and the Warhols III

Infinity and the War Lady III

France is Germany's enemy, as World War I and World War II proved, and Germany has an unholy grudge against France.

"I'm back!!!" When Moustache took his army and used his special abilities, after the Total War, all the soldiers, all the undead, their abilities all doubled!!!!

"Hitler!!!" Some old men saw the man sitting on the tank and screamed in panic. Black uniforms, cold soldiers. "SS!!!"

"For the Führer!!!" All the SS let out such a roar, and with Sakura's almost infinite magical power and the Demon Fortress's added power, every single SS soldier reached the Reincarnation World B level.

Demonic Avenger! It was the name of the SS after it had been contaminated by the black power.

Numerous heavy fires poured in, a power charged by magic, by darkness, and France, the supposedly romantic country, was attacked by his enemies.

"I told you!!!" The Führer so cries, "I will defeat you! Long live the German Empire!"

"Long live the German Reich!!! "All the SS soldiers have taken Paris. Countless skeletons, death, and terror knights have conquered France!!!!


It was a young girl with golden hair, and her name was Charlotte, O Derno. He was stunned when the undead rushed in, black swords, horrible undead bone horses, green undead fire, and she saw that her mother was about to fall beneath the swords of the undead.

Golden light radiated out, and red spell marks appeared on her arm.

"Ha. " A woman with a sword stepped out and destroyed the terrifying knight with a single blow.

"This is...." She looked at the blonde girl in front of her and asked. "Who are you...?" Blonde hair, blue robes, silver armor.

"saber chaste sen!!!" Saint Maiden of Orleans, the canonized maiden, the savior of France!!!! Joan of Arc. "Now, let's save this country."

"It is the will of God!!!"


In a lab, a bunny girl asked an old man. "Is that all right, teacher?" She knew who the old man was. A scientist beyond Einstein, Edison.

A great man in the entire history of mankind alongside Leonardo da Vinci!!!!

"Right." This old man said so. "Just so. In this way. Grace. Wake up...." A brand new IS appeared, more powerful than the set fourth generation eagerly, already at fifth generation level!!!

"En." He felt the power that swept the world, a power of death.

"Vampires?." He seemed to see something, then continued to bury his head 。。。。 For him, research was more important than the whole thing.

(The person I most admire, Hitler, Tesla 。。。。)


A school for training Pandora. A young girl with blonde glasses is training hard, and the person fighting her is a man with a trident.

"It's too slow, the power is too weak." The man said so to her. "The skill is all gone, just relying on your speed and strength."

Pandora was already at the limit of humans, but, this man was even stronger than Pandora.

"Your level back then was just a small leader at best." The man said so. "Every morning, let me train you how to fight." (Go to the wall if you're thinking about it...)

The girl named Satilesa didn't talk back. Even though she was one of the most powerful Pandora, for this man's strength he understood. Enough to single-handedly defeat an entire academy, no, a country.


All over the world, all of the heroes that should come out came out. The father of America, the tyrant who signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man, Washington, although the legend was beautiful, Washington did seem like a tyrant.

More Indians died at his hands than all of the British.

The low status of the Negroes was also inextricably linked to him. The most despicable executioner of all time, the murderer!!!!! (Actually the author was influenced by a game.)

But history is history. He was indeed a leader with a purpose.

The gunslinger first emperor, Zoro, brought his own handiwork. No, it was the Forbidden Army that came to earth.

The Soviet king of sniping, each heroic spirit will begin a sexual story on earth.


People in every country had news of France on their TVs. The internet is going crazy with the news.

"Hitler Resurrected Again?" "The return of the SS to earth?" "The presence of the undead?" "The Third Reich is about to be rebuilt?" Somewhere in particular.

1F: The Führer is resurrected with pictures and truth.

2nd floor: worship the Führer!

3rd floor: lzsb.

Well, this country can ignore it.

The TV starts live.

"Guys." A moustache appeared on the network and TV, "I'm sure you all still recognize me."

"Decades ago, I lost my battle, and the former empire was destroyed. But, I will not regret it!!! I swear that I will be with the Reich. I will build a new Reich, and the German Reich will endure forever."

"Long live the Führer!!!"

"Long live the Empire!!!"

Numerous people began to panic, no way, the Führer was too strong, one person blew up France back then. After that, he blew up the Soviet Union, England. Finally was pushed all the way backwards. Pushed all the way to Berlin.

But all those people are gone now, as far as equipment goes. The enchanted equipment is much better than yours. Under Sakura's almost cheating magic, you can say that you can use the treasures without limit.

"Hehehe." Sakura grinned and looked at the French President who was kneeling in front of her. Take down France and Australia, start making equipment and start arming them all. Begin upgrades 。。。。

"Report!!!" Takagi Saya said. "We have one troop all exterminated. According to the last magic picture, all of them are destroyed. It's the Holy Maiden Jeanne!!!"

Hearing the news, Sakura said with a smile on her forehead. "Holy Maiden, the idiot who got burned by her own people. "

"Send Reaper to deal with her."

Infinity and Warp Four

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