The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 289.

What Sakura was able to summon was merely a billet. But enough, the real Bahamut was a true god-like monster sleeping at the bottom of Hell, but it hadn't woken up for hundreds of millions of years, and Sakura was able to summon just a mere monster with the name Bahamut.

The black dragon crawled out of the magic circle, a terrifying monster that even the gods would be afraid of.

Sleeping in Hell, born of Chaos, when he awakens he unleashes the Demonic Serpent of the Abyss to devour the entire creation.

This is Bahamut, the monster that carries the world on his back.

Unfortunately, this monster was not a billet of the true Bahamut's existence, but merely an incarnation of the otherworldly Bahamut. But enough.

Through the near-infinite magic power that summoned it, it was infinitely close to the power of a sub-god.

"Damn it!!!" The twin blades of Chaos slashed into Zeus' neck and the black god of thunder's head was twisted off in a flash, killing his father once more without mercy.

"Is there more...." He was drenched in his own father's blood. (Soul that blood?) (Don't worry about such trivial things...)

"Right." Sakura said looking at Quintus. "It's an existence that used to carry the world on its back. It's only an avatar, but you're bound to die."

"Try it!!!" Quintus roared as he continued to charge up.

With both blades in hand, leaping, the black dragon opened its mouth wide to devour the tiny human before it.


"Heh." The twin blades were inserted into the skin of the dragon.

"Aang!!!" The dragon threw his head, trying to get rid of the worm. But. "Ha!!!"

There was another loud bang and the twin blades were thrown away, but they flew by the side of the dragon's neck and the chains clamped around the neck of the dragon's skull.

Quintus stood on the dragon's neck, pulling the dragon's prison ropes with the chains.

"No way." Sakura looked at the scene in front of her, unable to believe that being the strongest giant dragon, she was imprisoned like this.

The dragon looked up to the sky and roared sadly, it was a roar that didn't dare, but.... Quintus jumped from behind its neck to the land in front of him, and then, pulled on the chains with both hands.

A pull down!

"Boom" the dragon was pulled to the ground.

The giant dragon, unwilling, quickly climbed up, saw the worm in front of him, and sprayed it with a mouthful of dragon's breath!!!! The Dragon's Breath of the Giant Dragon, although it was written badly inside countless novels, was actually one of the strongest means of the dragon, and all of its power came from the dragon's heart, which was one of the original breaths of the dragon.

The dragon's breath was just about to jet out.

"Boom!!!" The neck was pulled by a chain, and the dragon's breath was stuck in its throat. Then Quintus leapt up with both blades sliced in hand.

Red blood flowed everywhere, and the giant wave let out a mournful cry, screaming up to the sky, but not in a resonant way.

The dragon's neck was now cut and bruised, and blood flowed everywhere.

"Go to hell." The two blades were thrust even harder.

"Wow" The giant dragon's head flew up into the sky and blood flowed everywhere.

"I won!!!" Quintus turned around, trying to kill the girl who had done this to him.


A black bolt of lightning crossed in front of him. Stabbed him in the heart.

It's a gun known as the Shooting Star, Gunnar. The holy gun that was sworn by the Norse in the past, the one with the ability to hit with absolute certainty.

"Go to hell. Spartans. Quintus...." Sakura's bright red eyes looked at him with amusement. "This is what happens when you confront me."

The shuriken that was given to Sakura after being strengthened by Yo possessed an even more terrifying power than the original. Likewise, it required more consumption while taking longer to cast the spell.

"It's all over." Sakura looked at the corpse of Quintus in front of her. Looking at the little girls next to her, Maria, Sylvia and their mother.

"Take them back." Two black knights came from the woods to take them away.

But after everyone left, Quintus' body glowed. A bald man stood in the same place. Quintus!!! !

He's back again!!!!

Infinity and the War Lady XII

Infinity and the War Lady XII

The resurrected Quintus didn't directly chase after her, as he understood that he was completely no match for that little girl.

That gun was a weapon that was on the same level as his own holy sword, and the sheer destructive power far exceeded this sword of his.

Although he was arrogant, he wasn't stupid, he understood that he was completely no match for that little girl, not to mention, he could sense that somewhere, there was an existence beyond imagination.

That huge soul power completely fried his imagination, it was like. The entire world's will was transformed into a single person.

My Vault Sister's power is something you mortals can glimpse. (The author was dragged down.)

Since I couldn't defeat her, I had to sneak attack, but despite thinking that, I was on my way to find Maria with my connection to her.

After defeating Quintus, Sakura didn't hand Maria and the others over to the Führer, and for Hitler, pledging the Austrian opponents to be destroyed was fine, and nothing else mattered in the slightest, but for Maria it mattered a bit.

Simple. Because he, fancying the token spell in Maria's hand, this is one of the most crucial places of the Yingling system, it can be said to be the heart of the Yingling system ah.

And Sakura understood what the moustache was thinking, there were many holy relics in the German relics that could be summoned, such as the original Frederick the Great, and the relics of the original Lionhearted King Charlie, and so on.

That's how he wants to summon those spirits to conquer the world.

However, Sakura wouldn't give them to him. It was simple, because if the moustache got the token spell and studied it, the first thing he would do was. Abandon Sakura's token spell, and then, kill them.

A dictator wouldn't allow anyone to be above him, even a god, let alone an apostle of a god.

So Sakura wasn't going to give him these hostages, and at this point Sakura thought.

"Even though the Lord Mother is here, it's still okay to just offer them as sacrifices to my Lord, isn't it." Young lady, you're trying to start a fire in his harem.

But, unfortunately, she was completely unaware that Quintus hadn't died, and he had resurrected and returned with even more powerful attributes.

In Berlin's villa, the guards were Poison Saeko, who served as guards for the duration of the Vault's descent, and as a classic example of the Fallen, she gained the semi-divine power that only the descendants of the gods could possess after fully offering her soul and body again.

Unlike the East, where cultivation relied on your ability to learn, and how much you could learn was crucial, the divine power of the West, simple and violent, could be said to be best suited for those with no brain flow.

However, at the late stage of cultivating truth, there were some means that even true gods wouldn't dare to underestimate, Zhen Yuan Zi could merge with the flood land with the ginseng fruit tree, such abilities were rare even for true gods.

The four hundred and eighty million parts of the Styx Ancestor, and the three Buddhas themselves were hard to stop.

The West's divine power was much simpler, directly build a divine weapon and then use the divine power attached to it. Straightforward to do.

Poison Saeki is using demonic power to attach to the Reiche.

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