The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 291

Finally, they had researched a so-called Yingling Summoning Device, but even this one had tried their best.

At this time, all the world governments were beginning to fight around this Yingling summoning device.

"I think, we America." "O American peat, your holy relics here aren't anything powerful, are they." As soon as the President of the United States opened his mouth, he was greeted by several civilized mouthpieces.

Indeed, the United States, which had only been a nation for 300 years, was not qualified to speak on its civilizational heritage.

"We have a 3,000-year-old civilization in Greece, and some mythical holy relics."

"Our Japanese Son of God (Emperor of Japan) is all still alive."

Finally, the Chinese boss slapped the table. "You guys cut the crap, I've been in the middle of 5,000 years, and if you can summon it, the holy relics are all there. "

Indeed, not many countries dare to compare with China's historical and cultural heritage, Ancient Egypt has perished, ancient Babylon has been reduced to rubbish, ancient India has been broken long ago, and only one China still exists.

"How should it be distributed 。。。。" The people began to fight over this Yingling summoning device for a round.

And at this time, a news came, Europe's Hitler decided to start attacking England and Portugal and Spain.

Hitler didn't care about the giant bear in the north, and in order to defend him, Hitler invited the vampire princess who had taken over Australia to defend the borders.

A legion of hundreds of thousands of vampires with legions of undead terror.

Purposely brought 10,000 count-level vampires to guard the border. Not only that, but in order to attack England, Sakura collected the bones of all the dead bone dragons and recreated a number of legions of bone dragons.

It was a little less in number, but, it was enough.

And the United Nations, after discussing it, decided to give it to Britain, which was now at war, and Britain, who had gotten the Bone Summoning Device, was greatly excited and took out a few things, one being the banner of the legendary St. George Dragon Slayer.

One is said to be King Arthur's armor.

The last one was a broken gun, but, said to be part of Langenus.

While the sky was filled with bone dragons floating around, while all the armies were assembling, a young girl appeared in the magic circle to the expectant eyes of the crowd.

White haired and holding a red lance in her hand, a massive robot was summoned by it behind her, a replica of the strongest armor known as the Celestial God, along with the fearsome Demon Slayer's Lance.

The Valkyrie named Lynx appeared in front of the crowd.

"You are." Everyone looked at the young girl and asked their questions. "Who are you?"

"Me?,," Ling Bo Li looked around, then spoke without missing a beat. "The Chinese Empire, pilot of the Celestial Armor, Limboli."

Then. The powerful machine emitted a violent sound, the apocalypse in the sky changed into thunder, the original arrogant ancient dragons began to cower and retreat, and by sheer momentum alone they could suppress all the bone dragons, such strength made everyone light up.

Rimboli stood in front of a young blonde girl and said. "Yingling conquering (conqueror) Limboli meet master, are you my master."

Infinity and the Warrior Princess XIV

Infinity and the War Lady XIV

The one summoned through the Yingling Summoning Device was Lingbeli.

Possessing the most superior ability of almost all of the English spirits, all of their attributes were A, their magic power was A+, and they possessed 5 treasures. Not every single one of them could sweep the world.

An A++ ranked War Emissary, a terrifying machine created by the Chinese Empire with a continental shelf shock device powerful enough to destroy the entire United Kingdom in an instant. Breaking the world's continental shelf without pressure.

The EX-grade Celestial Armor, known to be the most powerful armor created by Yo, manipulating the weather, jumping through time and space, with a near-infinite energy cannon most to blast the Earth all over again. After being strengthened, it possessed a powerful ability to bombard the world using magic power.

An A-grade outer space combat armament, used in conjunction with the Triton armor, can fight in outer space for long periods of time, up to the standard of interstellar combat, and is even among the best inside it.

A+++ grade man-made misbehaving swords, well, as the name implies, the scientific version of misbehaving swords.

Also, the EX grade Imperial Guard, unlike the SS, the Imperial Guard has the same nature as the Black Spirit Army, and is top-notch in fighting and assassination.

The Imperial Guard possessed the strongest fighting power, as well as the strongest armor, each of which possessed D-grade fighting power if they were Anglicized.

The Imperial Guard, on the other hand, was a little weaker, but it was the strongest force in the world, with millions of people.

The last treasure, EX-rank, the Langkynus Satellite Strike System. (What is this thing?)

The Satellite Strike System that was clearly known as the Langkinus could unleash a powerful energy cannon to destroy this world's targets in another instant, and in the instant of release, it reached a planet-level out force, which could be considered an extremely terrifying weapon.

And the one controlling this weapon was precisely this Langkynus Gun in Limboli's hands.

By altering the weapon to manipulate satellites and then destroy everything on the planet.

"Miss Kiss your name is?" Her Master so inquired, and the young girl named Cecilia so looked in awe at the blue-haired girl before her.

"The Chinese Empire, SS, Supreme Admiral, Limboli." Limboli so looked at her and said. "You, the one who is my MASTER?"

"Yes." Cecilia said so. "Our world is under attack by demons, and we hope you can help us."

Instead of speaking, Limboli looked away, her own familiar scent, the scent of the same power that her favorite had, and it was no accident that she had been summoned to this world through the Hall of Englings, a multiverse relay station.

The Hall of Yingling could be called the largest transit station in this multiverse.

"The Chinese Empire?" The man next to her seemed to hear something different and asked. "Miss, can you elaborate on your history."

Limboli looked at him, unfazed, "Brittania? "

"Well?" A gun appeared in Limboli's hand, held over the Englishman's head, full of sci-fi, with a laser weapon the likes of which the world had never seen.

"Shut up," so said Lynx Polly. "An inferior race." The tone of which was flat, but the words that were spoken scared everyone.

This Yingling was also a racist.

"Someone has descended." Sakura said so, "It's that woman." She could know about the other woman, but she also knew about Lynx, who had stayed with her master for over a decade, making her mad with jealousy.

"Well, in that case, you can go to hell." Sakura thought so, originally using Rimboli to pick the dynasty to her side, but Sakura made a decision, a decision made out of jealousy, to leave her alone over there, and then seize the opportunity to send her back.

Jealousy is the original sin.


"The Chinese Empire is the empire that will rule the world in the future. " Limboli projected the 3d virtual data in the air.

"The Empire was held by the Führer and, in several battles, conquered all of Asia and wiped out many of the inferior races. "

"The Empire has the most powerful weapons in the world, from the Empire's conventionally armed Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to the Highly Armed Heavenly Monarchs and Heavenly Gods, the Empire has completed the first step in the interstellar war."

"In the years that followed, the Empire eliminated all of its enemies, completed the unification of the planet, and began the study of space and began to move towards the universe."

Rimboli told the people sitting in front of her all the information.

A group of Chinese, yes, all Chinese.

They sat in this conference room listening to the future unification of the Chinese Empire. "I want to know who the man is who will control China in the future." One asked so.

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