The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 3

This text forms a smaller and smaller ball of light, and after grouping it becomes a small ball of light, and an angel is locked inside!

This ball of light ended up sealed inside the dome!

Yo changed back from the form of the Golden Bull God and fainted with a long breath of "Is it over?".

After he fainted.

Above the place where it was located, the dark clouds that had covered the globe disappeared, and the meteor shower that had rushed towards the Earth disappeared, and after he arrived, his consciousness entered a space.

"Where is this?" Yoru opened her eyes "I seem to have fainted, don't I?"

"Welcome to my world, young godslayer." When Yoru looked back after hearing this voice, it was a pink-haired loli.

"Who are you?" Yo was curious.

"My name is Pandora." Lori said.

"What's a Kingslayer?" Yo asked.

"The so-called Godslayers are a group of people who kill disobedient gods and gain the power of the gods, well, you're one of the more special ones." Lori said.


"Yes. You didn't kill the gods, but you were given the heritage of Baal, and once you fully grasp that power, you can become the new Lord God, the same as Baal."

"That my sister she also."

"Nah," Lori frowned, "Your sister is fine, but it's more special ah, you sealed Gabriel inside her, once you die, you'll release Gabriel again ah.''

Yo was silent for a while and said, "I won't let anyone hurt my sister, ever."

"And good news," said Lori "If you manage to kill Gabriel inside your sister, your sister can become the new Godslayer oh!"

"Godslayers are really cheap." Yo said "I guess it's rare to hear the name."

"Indeed, there are only six Godslayers by now, and with you, there are only seven."

"Is it starting to cheapen under the author's pen."

"There seems to be some strange words going in."


When Yo returned to Japan, it was already a week later.

At the same time the news of the confirmation of the seventh Godslayer spread throughout the magic world, causing a huge stir, killing the legendary Archdemon Baal (they didn't know it was a legacy) and sealing the Archangel Gabriel, the new Godslayer who had just sent a wave of horror through all magicians.

In all mythological systems, archangels and demons are not weak characters, not to mention the famous evil gods and servants of the gods, this is enough to rival or even surpass the existence of ordinary gods and kings, it is no exaggeration to say that a Baal can single-handedly fight a minor deity and some god kings.

In the world, the Council of Greenwich Sages had an extraordinary status, this stop that was originally formed by the academic exchange of information was now a large organization in the world, rivaling the Holy See.

"Then, is it not confirmed yet?"

"Yes, my lord, we only know that the boy has been given the powers of Baal, but we have yet to know exactly how he got them."

"But suffice it to say that he is a godslayer."


"The Kingslayer is the Demon King, they wouldn't want anyone to find out their secrets. So don't bother to find out."

"Yes! My lord ...."


In the world of magic, the news of a Japanese becoming a godslayer spread after the confirmation of the Council of Sages of Greenwich, and more importantly, the Holy See publicly declared that a young boy named Haruhi No-Yo was a heretic, saying that it would send bitter monks to purify him, but ironically, this force of 12 bitter monks, less than three days after landing in Japan, lost to the new godslayer Haruhi No-Yo, whose soul was even imprisoned and became a demonic sorcerer (inherited from the demon Baal's ability to corrupt a person's soul and make it evil).

After the ensuing hunt and counterattack, the power of the Holy See was greatly diminished, the main force of which was even crippled by Haruhi No-Yo by nearly a third, the Holy See could not bear such a great loss, and began to publicly apologize to the new Godslayer, who gave up the hunt after being moderated by the Editorial Board of Masahistory.

After this incident, the many groups in the magical world understood that the new Godslayer was no easy target, and also decided on a policy of befriending him.

At this point, the year-long demonic revenge event ended, and Haruno Yo, also named, the Saints of Doom, for the reason that rising to the Battle of Doom (the battle between the Archangel and Baal), whose soul purity was infinitely close to God, indistinguishable from that of the Saints, and even closer to the original power of the world, made all the groups in awe, even if it wasn't the Godslayer, worth fighting for by all the magical groups!

To make up a word count: power of the protagonist 1, transform into a golden ox god and gain the body of a god. Manipulate sunfire and thunder 2, promote plant growth, power of the god of agriculture 3, call the wind and rain 4, transform into a great demon, manipulate hellfire and thunder 5, summon legions of hell 6, illusion and invisibility, and black magic (some of these are looked up, don't mind if you haven't seen them)


Chapter 4

"Oni-san, wake up." A white-haired girl holding a black bunny pulled the blanket and called out to her sleeping brother.

The teenager opened her eyes, looked at the bed for a moment, buried her head again, and said, "Let me sleep some more, there's no class anyway." After that, he buried his head again.

The young lady continued to pull the sheet and said, "But we agreed to go to the beach."

When the teenager heard this, he got up and said, "Oh no, I forgot." After that, he put on his clothes at a speed that exceeded normal human speed, and finished washing everything in 3 minutes' time.


My name is Haruhi No Yo, I'm a crossover party, this memory was awakened during the battle of Armageddon a year ago, I only remember that my previous life was called xxx, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that I'm now Haruhi No Yo, first of all, I want to thank the party, the ccav, and the author, for giving me a chance to crossover. (omitting xxxxxxx words)


I promised to go to the beach with the dome today, but now that I'm a sophomore in high school I was going to study hard (Author: please respect yourself, I'm setting you up as a delinquent. Yo: Nani!.)

I was going to take her to the beach at the request of my sister, my sister's name is Vault, who has been weak since she was a child, and since the end of the war, her body has been even weaker because of the seal of Gabriel. So often stay at home, it's rare to go out once, this time I strongly requested it, can't I stay at home.

Taking the train, we arrived at the seaside after two hours, this is considered our brother and sister's first outing in a year.

"Oni-san." I heard the voice of Vault as if he was a kitten, I looked back and saw that Vault was wearing a white bathing suit and holding a black rabbit, it was amazingly charming, the rabbit was a gift I gave to Vault a year ago to comfort her, only after I gave it to her, she held it every day and never put it down.

I can bet half the people on the beach now have their eyes on Vault, you scum, look at me, I used my powers, illusions, "your eyes will be like darkness, unseeable," and just after I said that, there was a voice, "Ah, my eyes, ""Blinded my dog's eyes." "God, I'll never look around again." 。。。。。。

It caused quite a commotion, but I'm still happy, and to hell with all the scum, long live big sister control!

The two of us, Vault and I, were sitting on the beach, enjoying the sun.

But, by no means did I think I would get involved in a war, defeat a god again, and gain a new power.


This is an ancient temple where, according to the locals, there were once monsters sealed in it, and it is true, a wicked beast was once summoned here, only to be killed before it succeeded, and now, a man is planning to use this place to summon a beast, and its name, Leviathan.

Legend has it that on the sixth day of creation, God created two monsters, a female and a male, the female being Leviathan, who hovers over the sea, and the male being Behemoth, who shakes the desert (all the land in the world). When the end of the world comes, the three monsters, Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz (Ziz), will be sacrificial animals offered to the Holy One.

"Get ready." An old man said to a steward on a cliff. "Last time I let Athena get away, never let this one go, I haven't done it in a long time."

"Yes, my lord, everything is ready. I just heard that the seventh Kingslayer is also on this beach." If anyone recognized this old man they would be shocked, because this old man was the oldest of the godslayers in this godslayer, Marquis Voban! (like the butler this kind of zonzi ah not in the original, do not care, I only read a little bit of the novel la, ╮ (╯▽╰) soo).

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